Chapter 48


“Detected that the scene task has ended.”

“Congratulations to the host for completing the task.”

“This task rating: s.”

“Settlement is in progress, and rewards will be issued to the host soon.”

Hearing this voice, Lin Ci was taken aback for a while.

But he certainly didn’t show anything.

Just listen carefully to the next voice of the system.

“Reward the host’s disguise technique (time limit skill, seven days of use time).”

“The overall physical fitness of the host has increased.”

“Reward the host’s brain activity lv3.”

“Reward host hacker technology lv3.”

“This reward has been issued, I wish the host a happy life.”

Lin Ci took a deep breath.

The sudden cooling sensation in the depths of his brain made him seem a little more sober.

This should be the reason for the addition of [brain activity].

And the [hacking technology] knowledge that flooded into my mind really made Lin Ci feel a little bit novel.

It almost opened the door to a new world for Lin Ci.

But Lin Ci has stood up at this time.

Looking at the staff of the program group pouring in outside, Lin Ci smiled.

It seems that the reason why the system has detected that “the police have given up on the hunt” is precisely because the seventh period of the perfect crime has come to an end.

“Mr. Lin.”

The program leader Chen Zhaoyang walked in quickly.

He had a big belly, smiled, and enthusiastically held Lin Ci’s hand: “Congratulations! Mr. Lin!”

“You won the seventh issue of our “Perfect Crime”!”

“As the first person who defeated the criminals, as the only actor who ended the six-game winning streak of the criminals, what do you want to say to the audience?”

In the live broadcast room, of course people knew that the show was over.

However, watching the question from the leader of the program group, the barrage was very dissatisfied.

“Damn! What are you doing with these useless things!? Lin Da is the one who pays attention to these things?”

“What are you still going to say here? It’s over if you’re awesome, so what else do you need to say?”

“Hurry up! Where’s the corpse!? I’ve been waiting for so long!”

But in the picture, Lin Ci smiled and said, “I will win.”

This sentence stunned everyone.

Everyone thinks that Lin Ci will be humble and say some kind words.

But “I will win”…

People are a little surprised.

But thinking of Lin Ci’s performance in this issue, but there is a sense of logic.

Thinking about it this way, after the astonishment after hearing this sentence, the barrage went crazy!

“Lin Ci is awesome!”

“Win! Win!”

“One win is 50 million! Go on Lin Ci!”

The program leader, Chen Zhaoyang, was obviously just getting back to his senses. He coughed twice when he was surprised by Lin Ci’s amazing speech.

Then he continued: “Mr. Lin is really talented!”

But after a compliment, the conversation changed again.

“But I think…”

“Everyone should be more interested in one other thing.”

“Mr. Lin…”

“Where did you hide the body?”

“To be honest, this is also something we are more interested in…”

“Even our program team has no idea where you hid the body…”

“Even the program crew and the audience lied…”

“Mr. Lin, how did you do it?”

In the live room…

When people heard such problems, they also opened their eyes.

They wondered how Lin Ci did it.

How did you deceive everyone?

But before Lin Ci could speak, the program group Chen Zhaoyang said: “Now the criminals are rushing over here.”

“For scenes like this, of course we have to witness together.”

“I want to close the team and they want to know more than I do…”

“Where did the corpse go?”

Lin Ci smiled and nodded.

For the audience, they also know the strength of the criminals.

So at this time to wait for a while, they seem to be able to accept it in their hearts.

Thinking of Guan Hongshan and Lin Ci facing off, people even look forward to three points.

Guan Hongshan and his party are on their way towards Huacheng District.

However, the atmosphere in the car was somewhat silent.

This is to witness the victory of others, and several people feel a little uncomfortable.

What’s more, it is even more uncomfortable to listen to Lin Ci’s lectures modestly.

Although he will not escape, he still resists.

Ding Ling Ling Ling!

At this moment, Guan Hongshan’s phone rang suddenly.

Guan Hongshan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately answered the phone.


“I am Guan Hongshan.”

“Yes, we are heading to Huacheng District.”


Guan Hongshan frowned suddenly when he heard the voice on the other side of the phone.

His tone immediately became heavy: “You said… the data from the Security Bureau was stolen?”

“What the hell…”

Having said that, he took a deep breath and didn’t ask any more.


Then, Guan Hongshan hung up the phone.

He patted Wu Sin’s shoulder while driving: “Say sorry to the program crew.”

“We can’t make it for now.”

“There is a case here…”

“In a hurry!”

“Waiting for the eighth episode, see you again!”

At this time, the program leader Chen Zhaoyang was interviewing Jiang Yu.

“It turns out that Miss Jiang doesn’t know Lin Ci’s actions?”

“This is really…”

“Mr. Lin…how did you fool everyone?”

At this moment, he received news from the outside in his ears.

“Brother Chen! The criminals over there have encountered an urgent case!”

“They are not coming!”

How can Chen Zhaoyang be willing?

This is a big sight!

If the news of the corpse is broadcasted so plainly, it can be said to be much less dramatic!

But now it’s live broadcast, he can only bite the bullet and speak.

“Dear viewers…”

“Something unexpected happened here.”

“The police officers of the criminals can’t come to the scene for the time being.”

“We can only temporarily postpone where the corpse is hidden.”

“But I believe you can find some clues when watching the replay.”

“We will put the uncut version on the official website for everyone to watch.”

Chen Zhaoyang can almost think of the audience’s madness.

But he is a veteran after all, and he didn’t panic in the face of this situation.

As soon as he changed the conversation, he spoke very quickly.

“I’m sorry to make this decision temporarily.”

“However, now we will make a preview of the eighth period in a month.”

“Lin Ci, as the winner of the seventh period, will advance directly to the eighth period!”

“The eighth episode will be even more exciting!”

“The difference is that Lin Ci will have one month to prepare!”


“I’m here to announce the theme preview of the next game!”

“The theme of the next show, Lin Ci’s identity will truly become the actor!”

“It’s no longer a defense for others…”

“On the contrary, Lin Ci will be hunted down and must be exonerated!”

“This will undoubtedly be a huge test for Lin Ci!”

“The Eighth Issue of “Perfect Crime”!”

“Stay tuned!”

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ps: It is not easy for newcomers to write a book. They guarantee five chapters every day, and try their best to update them every day. If the daily data increase is strong, don’t talk about anything else, write it down if you stay up late. Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for all support, thank you everyone, thank you! ! !

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[Due to some reasons, the character’s name has been slightly changed. For example, Jiang Lai changed to Jiang Yu, and other names were also changed, which will not affect the overall reading! 】

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