Chapter 4

No one thought that the “Perfect Crime” program group suddenly found a Chinese teacher as the actor two months later?

What else would it mean?

The previous wit fight has completely become a unilateral crush, even if this teacher can really hide for a while…

But the viewers of “Perfect Crime” weren’t here to watch an ordinary Chinese teacher escape!

“If you are so insincere, then don’t continue!”

“This is simply destroying the work of God in my mind!”

“Exaggeration! If you can just find someone to go, it’s better to let the previous Jiangyin beauties have another issue!”

“She is the closest to success!”

It’s not just that the barrage is very dissatisfied with the addition of this “seventeen Chinese teacher”…

On the Internet, in reality, no one is optimistic about Lin Ci’s performance in the program.

But in reality, everyone’s expressions on this matter are not so intense…

And become softer and more rational.

“Is it called Lin Ci? I don’t think this new issue will look good…”

“Try it for a while, and give up if it doesn’t look good.”

“Yeah, if it’s not good-looking, there is no need to waste time.”

“Anyway, the police won in the end.”

Even Lin Ci himself received several calls from colleagues.

After false greetings and polite congratulations…

Lin Ci was separately asked to sign with several star detectives…

Of course, this was rejected by Lin Ci righteously.

“You can only get my own signature from me, do you want it?”

But even if Lin Ci was not favored by anyone, he still did not give up.

Because over the past few days, he has learned about the specific process of the “Perfect Evidence” program through various means.

At this moment, Lin Ci looked at the notebook in front of him and looked at the situation he had summed up.

He frowned slightly, not knowing what was thinking in his mind.

“The program team will give the actor a script, so that the actor can directly enter the environment.”

“The script is either robbery, or murder, or theft of cultural relics…”

“The ‘case solver’ needs to find clues within 30 days, and the case must be solved within 45 days at the longest.”

“Otherwise, it will fail.”

“In the show, the authenticity is completely in line with reality, and the dead will be hidden by the show team.”

It can be said that this is a great challenge.

This is true for both the solver and the actor.

However, Lin Ci was not worried about this at this time.

He had already watched the previous issues of “Perfect Evidence” at this time, and discovered a fact that made his heartbeat a little faster.

The script used in the previous episodes of “Perfect Evidence”…

It’s actually a gangster movie from his previous life!

However, in this world, those police and criminal films simply don’t exist!

This is Lin Ci’s backing!

He can use those plots!

And that’s a bonus of 50 million!

“If the solver succeeds, then the actor will be eliminated.”

“If the’player’ succeeds, then it will succeed in the next round.”

Although there is such a program setting, there is no actor who has really escaped from the criminals, and no one will advance to the next round for the time being.

“Can I succeed?”

Lin Ci thought so, and took a deep breath.

Then stood up and looked at Lin Yiyi, who was already wearing a small skirt behind him.


“let’s go.”

Lin Yiyi’s face was flushed, and she looked a little nervous.

But the excitement that flashed in her eyes was not fake.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not…

You have to try it before you know it.

The father and daughter went downstairs, got in the car arranged by the program group, and put on blindfolds.

Two hours later, Lin Ci and Lin Yiyi were sent to a suburb far from the city.

Lin Ci knew very well that this place should be the original place where the program team arranged the script.

They were placed in a courtyard on the outskirts.

This room looked good, and the driver immediately left after sending Lin Ci and his daughter.

Looking at this strange room, Lin Ci took a deep breath, then stepped into the room.

At the same time, the national live channel of “Perfect Evidence”——

“Perfect Crime” Issue 7!

Grand opening!

Although no one is optimistic about Lin Ci, this show is a show that everyone pays attention to!

Especially after the suspension of the broadcast for two months, this time the ratings are unprecedentedly huge!

In the TV screen, everyone saw the man named Lin Ci walking into the room with the little girl.

People are waiting.

Follow the camera…

The story officially begins!

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