Chapter 39

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Seeing Lin Yiyi looking up at his father, everyone’s faces were somewhat surprised.

Qin Haoran knew this was a show…

Naturally, other people can also see this.

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, and the smile at the corner of Guan Hongshan’s mouth finally ceased to be a wry smile.

“A thousand counts…”

“Lin Ci, don’t you still have the heart to let your daughter accept so many intrigues too early?”

“You are a good father.”

“But it seems you lost.”

Guan Hongshan said so.

These words made the already quiet pit even more silent.

Lin Yiyi looked at Lin Ci, but the corners of Lin Ci’s mouth still had a faint smile.

It’s just that everyone can see that Lin Ci’s smile has become a bit bitter.


Lin Yiyi’s voice came out.

She also seemed to figure it out at this time, she should never look up at this time.

Even the “no” just now shouldn’t have only been half said.

But at the moment she did suddenly think of something, what can a child like this do?

“Should I not look at you?”

Lin Ci rubbed Lin Yiyi’s head with a smile.

He knelt down to look at Lin Yiyi’s face, and said, “It’s okay Yiyi.”

“No matter when, no matter what happens…”

“As long as you encounter problems, you can come to Dad.”


“I can always solve those problems for you.”

The audience watched the daughter looking at her father, and the sound of “Damn” resounding between the corridor and the subway stopped abruptly.

People know that even Lin Ci can escape this pit…

Even this teddy bear got the perfect answer…

But after all, it was a miss.

In the live broadcast room, countless barrage was swiped across the screen.

“Lin Ci didn’t lose!”

“I understand this feeling too much!”

“If he didn’t want to protect Lin Yiyi, how could he have such a loophole!”

“As long as these things are explained to Yiyi earlier, as long as the little girl doesn’t say anything in this case, it’s all over!”

“But Lin Ci didn’t do this!”

“Why Lin Ci can fool everyone? He just wants to give Yiyi an environment where he doesn’t have to force himself to lie!”

“This is the man who is really the closest to victory! But he gave up that victory!”

There has never been a actor like Lin Ci who can show such a real life and make people experience such a wonderful feeling.

So even if Qin Haoran found the clue to the next step through such details, in people’s minds, Lin Ci was the winner!

“Some people lose… but he is the real winner.”

At this time, in front of the pit in Lin Ci’s backyard.

Whether it was Qin Haoran, Guan Hongshan, or even Qin Ming, who was a little angry just now, the eyes of Lin Ci were full of respect.


Qin Haoran and Lin Ci stared at each other and said something like this.

Then he lowered his head, looked at Lin Yiyi, and said, “Yiyi.”

“Do you remember, where did Dad go with the things?”

This incident happened yesterday.

Lin Yiyi clearly remembered that Lin Ci went out with a white cloth bag.

She doesn’t know what’s in the bag, but she wants to…

“Dad went to find something delicious…”

Lin Yiyi realized that there was something wrong with the current situation.

But where does such a child know whether it is right or wrong?

Lin Ci’s long-term education made it clear to her that she can’t lie.

But at this time, hearing this sentence, how could the four of the criminals not know what happened?

Guan Hongshan immediately turned and walked towards the door.

At this time, what reverberated in his mind was the sentence of Lin Yiyi during the interrogation, “Suzhai tofu is so delicious”!

So… the so-called looking for something delicious is self-evident.

The goal is naturally clear.

White Horse Temple!

Qin Ming was also dragged up from the pit at this time.

When he walked past Lin Ci, there was a pause.

“You’re good.”

After leaving such a sentence, he and Wu Sin followed in Guan Hongshan’s footsteps.

Qin Haoran followed at the end.

He looked at the helplessness in Lin Ci’s eyes, and his heart was also impressed.

This is the responsibility of a man.

It can be said that Lin Ci has shouldered everything.

His plan deceived everyone, brainwashing a family, brainwashing witnesses, and even brainwashing all the audience.

Qin Haoran nodded at Lin Ci, and then greeted him.

“Go… let’s go.”


“Go to the White Horse Temple.”

Then, he heard a long sigh in Lin Ci’s mouth.

However, Qin Haoran heard Lin Ci’s voice coming from behind him.

“If I say there are no dead bodies in the White Horse Temple…”

“Do you believe it?”

Qin Haoran was stunned.

He turned his head and glanced at Lin Ci.

He heard this sentence, but it was Lin Ci’s last forceful defense.

pale and weak.

So Qin Haoran shook his head and smiled: “Jie… it’s over, Lin Ci.”

After saying this, he continued to move forward.

The police did not urge the Lin Ci family.

This is to give Lin Ci enough respect.

So a family of four had a short time for communication.

But for a while, Jiang Yu and Chen Weiwei looked at Lin Ci’s sight, but they were completely lost, not knowing what to say.

They have too many questions in their hearts.

However, the core problem is still——

Where did the body go?

But of course this issue cannot be communicated under the watchful eye of the police.

“All right……”

Lin Ci sighed again, and then said, “Let’s go.”

“Go to the White Horse Temple again.”

“It’s also counted as a recollection…”

“Everything that has happened since the 27th.”

Lin Ci looked at the figures of the criminals ahead with very complicated eyes.

“It’s time to end.”

Of course, the Lin Ci family of four will also follow the police car to the White Horse Temple.

So after a little late, Lin Ci walked over there with his family.

While walking, Lin Ci suddenly brought up a new topic.

“Do you want to know the story of that bear?”

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ps: It is not easy for newcomers to write a book. They guarantee five chapters every day, and try their best to update them every day. If the daily data increase is strong, don’t talk about anything else, write it down if you stay up late. Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for all support, thank you everyone, thank you! ! !

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