Chapter 175

Jiang Yin still has lingering fears about the surveillance video that Qian saw during the day today

Especially at Jiang Yin’s level, she easily started to contact all kinds of things that have happened in recent days.

Sitting in the empty apartment room, Jiang Yin’s expression was a bit solemn.

“Why are you staring at me?”

Today during the day, after a little contact with Principal Cui, she immediately married the monitoring room

After calling up the surveillance, Jiang Yin saw the figure at the door of his office

It is obviously a male figure who reached out after knocking on the door and wanted to press the doorknob

But after hearing someone in the office, he immediately left.

“This is the University of Political Science and Law…”

“Should it be in school?”


Jiang Yin didn’t just go to the surveillance room to watch the video this afternoon, she also learned about the recent evil incidents of bullying in the school.

It’s easy to connect these two things together

“Which direction does the opponent choose to target?”

“What is this…

As a criminal psychology boy ten, Jiang Yin can’t understand the other party’s behavior pattern at all

Generally speaking, fighting and demonstrating strength are mostly caused by anger and feasting.

More serious, it will be murder.

Like the four recent injury cases, they all left a sigh of relief.

So what caused it?

And how can one become a target?

But Jiang Yin couldn’t think of anyone having a holiday with him.

“It seems that it is necessary to gather the information of those injured learners tomorrow.”

She frowned deeply

Even Jiang Yin has never encountered such a situation.

It’s just that she knows that she can’t be frightened for this reason, which may have fallen into the arms of the murderer.

When dealing with criminals, you must first have a stable mind, try to keep calm and restraint, so as to ensure your own safety.

“It doesn’t make sense to think about it like this…”

“Let’s rest first.”

Jiang Yin didn’t think much

She rubbed her temples gently, then stood up to prepare to wash and rest.

But at this moment…

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door suddenly rang

Jiang Yin frowned immediately.

“What’s going on”~?”

“who is it?”

At this time, the room is dark, only the light of the street lamp outside

And this knock on the door immediately raised Jiang Yin’s heart!

She didn’t speak for the first time.

The door of the apartment is not a high-level security door.

If the opponent breaks open forcibly


She looked at the direction of the apartment door, and felt cold in her hands and feet for a while!

Boom boom boom!

Knock on the door again

However, at this time, Jiang Yin’s heart is extremely entangled!

She doesn’t even know what month the other party is!

If it is the same as at noon today, it would be okay to leave as soon as you hear someone in the room

However, if it is different from today’s noon, if the other party’s purpose is to confirm that he is at home, then at this time, the sunrise will easily usher in a crisis.

“damn it

These thoughts vanished in Jiang Yin’s mind.

She immediately took a deep breath, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the number 110.


No matter who the other party is!

No matter what the purpose of the other party is!

Priority alarm!

The moment the call was connected, Jiang Yin immediately said in a low voice:

“I’m at 1202, Building 3, Fourth Teacher Apartment, University of Political Science and Law”

“Someone wants to break in!”

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door sounded again!

Jiang Yin also has a weapon for self-defense…a kitchen knife

I don’t usually cook, this kitchen knife is brand new as if it was specially prepared for this time

She still didn’t say anything

But the sound of the door has rang!

Jiang Yin knew how vulnerable this door with low theft protection level was when faced with a locksmith.

And this voice sounded one day, it means that things have moved step by step in a direction that she can’t control!

“damn it…”

Jiang Yin wanted to stay calm.

But when this secret curse reached my ears, it trembled slightly

Listening to the lock sound of “click, click”, Jiang Yin’s heart rate is getting faster and faster

However, her mind is rapidly moving!

One thought after another came out like lightning!

You can’t rush over and lock the door, it doesn’t make much sense. If the other party can unlock the lock, then even if it is locked, the door may not be able to support the police to come!

Because this is very likely to irritate the other party, knowing that you are in the house, especially when you are aware of his state, are likely to try to continue to break the door


“How to do!?”

She knew that she didn’t have much time to think.

Especially in this case, her brain becomes blank!

At this time, Jiang Yin’s heart was repeatedly admonishing himself!


“Jiang Yin!”

“clam down!”

“The key is to do

“How to remind the other person that someone is in the house without irritating him!?”

At this moment, Jiang Yin’s gaze immediately glanced around in his room.

There was a flash of light in her mind!

She gently moved the brick on the ground with the knife in her hand.



Imitated the sound of high heels walking at home.

Then turn on the lights in the room, then turn on the TV and turn up the volume

While doing all this, Jiang Yin only felt that his heart was about to jump out

“Hope this can be useful…”

She held her breath and looked at the direction of the door

At this time, the sound of the door finally stopped!

Jiang Yin, who was already covered with goose bumps, took a deep breath at this time!

But the horse

Her breath stopped!


The door lock is opening gently!

Jiang Yin’s eyes widened, and at the same time he clenched the knife in his hand!


She raised her voice, and asked as sharply as she could, hoping to push the other party back

But things don’t help at all!

Even the person outside the door started to shake!



The other party is quickly and violently pulling the doorknob!

Jiang Yin just noticed…

The other party didn’t fully open the door!

She rushed past her husband in one step!

I rushed to the door and grabbed the doorknob of the room!

In any case, even if the power of women is slightly weaker, this can always delay some time

What’s more, the other party didn’t fully open the door!

Even at this time Jiang Yin twisted the knob to lock the door!



Jiang Yin freed up a hand at this time to lock the door!

But the opponent’s strength is obviously much bigger than Jiang Yin!

But the anti-lock has actually worked!


A huge muffled sound rang in the corridor of the apartment building!

It was a huge slamming at the door!

“Jiang Yin…”

Just across the door…

Suddenly there was a very hoarse voice!

The cold in this voice makes people feel terrible

“I am going to kill you!”

“Wait for me!”

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