Chapter 17

It’s not just that the audience has a faint expectation deep in their hearts.

Even the program group, who had already had no hope for Lin Ci, began to be surprised.

In particular, the casting coordinator Ye Gao, who was preparing to submit his resignation, rekindled hope.

“Perhaps Lin Ci is the kind of thick and thin hairstyle…”

“I don’t need to resign?”

In the directing studio, the director also put down his cocked Erlang’s legs, and listened to Lin Ci’s words with bated breath.

Hearing his intention to make a serial confession, the director immediately came to his spirits.

“Quick! Give the music!”

“Cooperate with ambient sound!”

“Use orchestral music!”

“A group shot!”

“Features Lin Ci!”

The cello’s low groan interspersed with the sound of breathing, bringing a bit of weirdness to the already heavy atmosphere, and then the music gradually became more complicated.

The light percussion of the bass drum sounded like a heartbeat, which was even more exciting.

And Lin Ci’s voice, caught in this fine and dense music, came over.

“No matter how you escape, this moment will come sooner or later.”

“In the face of interrogation, our confessions must be consistent in order to gradually remove suspicion.”

“No matter what they ask, they must answer truthfully…”

“Remember, it is the program of all answers to regard that we did not kill, and that we do not know Liu Zhen at all!”


Jiang Yu nodded solemnly, Chen Weiwei nodded with a complicated expression, and Yiyi…

The little girl frowned and asked, “Dad, who is Liu Zhen?”

Lin Ci smiled and said, “Yes, that’s it.”

“We don’t know Liu Zhen at all.”

“Then next, I will be the interrogator, let’s rehearse…”

“Be prepared to deal with it better…”

Having said this, Lin Ci’s expression condensed, and then he sternly asked…

“Chen Weiwei!”

The sound surprised Chen slightly.

She immediately sat up straight, looking very nervous.

Lin Ci asked, “Where did you go on the 25th of last month!?”

Chen Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then said: “I went to… the White Horse Temple…”


Lin Ci sternly scolded: “It’s so wrong!”

“Seven or eight days have passed, how can you remember so clearly!?”

“How could it be possible to answer so quickly!?”

“Just ask again! Where did you go on the 25th of last month!?”

Chen Weiwei’s expression was a little stiff, pretending to be thinking, and then replied: “Last month on the 25th…”

“Twenty-five last month…it was a weekend, right?”

“Our family went to the White Horse Temple…”

Lin Ci nodded, his voice was milder, and said, “That’s right.”

“You are a student, when you answer, you should be like that.”

“Compared with dates, you are more sensitive to weekends…”

The audience in the live broadcast room also expressed their amazement when they saw Lin Ci’s performance.

“This Lin Ci…makes me admire!”

“Can you think of so much?”

“Doesn’t it match his previous performance? Is it really the kind of guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger?”

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but also the casting coordinator Ye Gao’s eyes widened as he watched this scene.

“There is a turnaround!?”

“Lin Ci can stand up!?”

“I can stand over!!?”

But Lin Ci’s interrogation of Chen Weiwei was not over yet, and his tone that had just eased down suddenly became sharp again!

“What is the relationship between you and Liu Zhen!?”

Chen Weiwei immediately replied: “I…I don’t know Liu Zhen…”

Lin Ci nodded, somewhat satisfied: “Yes.”

“That’s it.”

And then, he looked at Lin Yiyi again.

Yiyi is a little unclear.

But the voice of Lin Ci’s questioning has suddenly come out!

“And you!?”

“You went to the White Horse Temple? When did you come back!?”

Lin Yiyi was a little frightened by such a ferocious tone.

But she also immediately replied: “It was… after a sleep!”

“The next day we ate tofu!”

Lin Ci frowned, and his tone increased again: “When is it after a nap!?”

“When did you come back!?”

“What did you do at White Horse Temple!?”

The music in the live broadcast becomes extremely exciting here.

But the director looked at the camera on the 7th, but suddenly said, “Stop! The music stops!”

The excitement of music stopped abruptly!

And the emotions that people are mobilized are also aroused all curiosity here.

What is Lin Ci going to say next?

However, in the directing room, the director spoke.

“Change the lens to the symmetrical No. 8 position, give Lin Yiyi the angle of view.”

at this time……

During the live broadcast.

Lin Yiyi’s mouth was flat, and her eyes were red.

She didn’t know what to say, and she was a little scared.

At this moment, he was almost crying.

Lin Ci immediately calmed down when he saw this, and said, “Yiyi, it’s okay, it’s okay if you can’t answer…”

“You are a kid, no one will blame you.”

He sighed and glanced at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu sat there a little godless.

Lin Ci’s gaze swept across the faces of the three women opposite, and continued: “Their interrogation will be tougher than me, and more tricky than me…”

“But no matter what…”

“We must be sure, we absolutely don’t know Liu Zhen!”

“We don’t know who this person is and where he came from!”

“Only in this way… can we have a chance to survive.”


Although the three women didn’t know why, they all nodded together.

Lin Ci also let out a long sigh and said, “Okay, let’s go.”

“Take a good rest and remember what I said.”

The family meeting is over.

This mock trial ended in this way.

However, watching this scene, all the people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

“That’s it!? My Cao! That’s it!?”

“Excessive! Lin Ci, I still hope you can tell me something! Isn’t this still a fucking confession!?”

“The clues are there, you flooded a car, and the body is still in your backyard!”

“I don’t recognize a Jaguar!”

But Ye Gao was the most disappointed.

He originally thought Lin Ci could fight a beautiful turnaround…

But in the end it was nothing more than that.


Ye Gao also let out a long sigh: “That’s it.”

“Lin Ci, I really fell into your hands.”

In the studio, the director reluctantly and embarrassedly said, “Okay, let’s insert the commercial.”

“Tell people that Radio Two will start tomorrow.”

Compared with the mock trial of Lin Ci’s family…

“Perfect Evidence” will be broadcast on Radio Two——

It seems to be the heavy news…

(Ps: sorry everyone, the update is late… the plot is a bit difficult to sort out… sorry sorry!)

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ps: It is not easy for newcomers to write a book. They guarantee five chapters every day, and try their best to update them every day. If the daily data increase is strong, don’t talk about anything else, write it down if you stay up late. Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for all support, thank you everyone, thank you! ! !

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