Chapter 181 Let Your Sister Stay With Me

A bitter woman named Li Wen.

She is one of the people in charge of Wude Boxing Gym. She usually manages the handymen and manages various affairs in the boxing gym.

And Zhang Ruolin, who came here to report two days ago, works part-time here and belongs to her.

She is very upset.

Because Zhang Ruolin is so beautiful, she, who was the only woman in the boxing gym, deserves the highest treatment.

But since Zhang Ruolin’s appearance, all men have shown great courtesy to her, and she has become the most unreasonable one.

It is impossible to say that she has no resentment towards Zhang Ruolin.

“Have you cleaned the table here?”

“Also here, there is actually a dust on it. How do you let the guests sit? Are you a trash? Do even this little thing well. Will you have the face to receive your salary by then?”

“Some people think that they can fly up to the branches to be a phoenix when they are a little pretty. In fact, they are just an ugly duckling that can’t support the wall by mud.”

All kinds of sarcasm popped out of Li Wen’s mouth.

Zhang Ruolin showed a look of helplessness on her face, but she could only continue to work on her teeth.

no way.

This job is really important to her.

Zhang Afen’s illness just recovered, Zhang Ruolin refused to let her go out to find a job, so she came out to find a part-time job.

In the end, she found a job in this boxing gym. Not only was the salary higher, but the working hours were relatively small, so that she could spare time to work during her study time.

But the only thing that didn’t go well was meeting Li Wen.

“Work, what are you doing stupidly?”

Li Wen found Zhang Ruolin looking outside blankly, furious.

If you think you are a little more beautiful, you don’t put her superiors in your eyes.

There are no rules at all.

“Brother…” Zhang Ruolin opened her red lips slightly, her face was surprised, but worry followed.

She is so shabby now, how can she be worthy of being Chen Yu’s sister.

She and Chen Yu are people from two different worlds.

“Brother what, hurry up and work!”

“Even if your brother comes, so what? The poor woman’s brother is not a dick, huh.”

With that said, Li Wen was going to grab Zhang Ruolin’s hair, press her on the table, and teach her a lesson.


A loud slap in the face.

Li Wen’s cheek powder face turned into a lump like pigskin, and he staggered backwards.

“Dare to bully my sister and look for death!”

Don’t think she can’t beat women.

People who challenge his bottom line time and time again, even if they are women and children, will never let go of them!

At the moment when Li Wen was about to fall, the shirt grabbed her hair and pulled her up from the half-down state abruptly. Li Wen, who was slapped with a dozen slap fans, caught the star in his eyes.

“Brother, why are you here?” Zhang Ruolin looked at Chen Yu who was furious, she was handsome and handsome, her eyes could not help but a touch of gentleness.

At the same time, there is low self-esteem in it.

As Li Wen said, she was really just an ugly duckling, and she was not qualified to stand beside Chen Yu.

To be his sister is even more an extravagant hope.

Although, during the time spent with Chen Yu, she had the happiest time.

Such a time, after all, is gone forever.

“My silly sister, what is my little head thinking?”

Chen Yu couldn’t help but rubbed Zhang Ruolin’s small head, rubbing her hair into a mess, causing Zhang Ruolin to pout her mouth, very dissatisfied.

“In the future, without my permission, you will not be allowed to work in such a place again, you know?”

“If you find it once, don’t blame me for being rude.”In other words, it is my own sister. It’s really out of class to come here to be a waiter.

Hard work can’t make a lot of money, and it has to be irritated by others.

Chen Yu was unhappy to think about it.

Zhang Ruolin didn’t do it.

If she doesn’t work part-time, no one in the family can provoke a leader.

The hardships in life are all on Zhang Ruolin alone, and her job must not be lost.

“How about this, I will introduce one to you.”

“Don’t you study finance? You can be my secretary for a while.”

“At least it’s better than being a waiter.”

Zhang Ruolin hesitated for a while and said, “But, I don’t have so much time.”

She heard that the secretary has to deal with a lot of time.

Chen Yu directly waved his hand.

“I don’t have time for a shit. What I want is your ability. I will send you the things that need to be processed through electronic documents. Then you only need a mobile phone to handle it.”

“It’s official business on weekdays, and it’s not something particularly difficult to handle.”

“For salary, start with a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan. If you do well, then increase it.”

Money, for Chen Yu, has never been a problem.

It’s just a bunch of numbers.

Zhang Ruolin looked at Chen Yu with a touch of emotion. She was really lucky to meet such a brother.

“Ha ha.”

Not far away, there was a sneer.

Li Wen covered his face, his eyes full of sneers: “I really laughed at me, monthly income is 100,000?”

“Who are you bluffing?”

“Don’t think I haven’t investigated her academic qualifications. Although it is a key university, she is only a freshman who has just entered the freshman year and knows nothing.”

“Worth one hundred thousand yuan?”

“I bother!”

A thick sputum was spit on the ground, and Li Wen’s face showed a very disdainful expression.

“Also, don’t you think that I didn’t know that you were acting in front of me on purpose. I tell you that I didn’t play this matter today.”

“Dare to beat my old lady, my old lady wants you to pay a hundred times the price for this little white face.”

After speaking, she made a phone call.

“Hey, Brother Nan? I’m your Wenwen, come here, I was beaten.”

Two minutes passed.

A big man wearing a vest and full of bulging muscles approached.

“Brother Nan, you are finally here, you see I was beaten so badly, you must avenge me.”

With that said, Li Wen showed his face to his brother.

Brother Nan took a look, almost nauseated, and forced to endure and nodded and said: “No problem.”

“It’s you, the little white face, who hit someone?”

Chen Yu was tall and thin, with fair skin and a fragile appearance, which made Nan Ge’s heart settled.

With such a little white face, he can hit ten each.

Chen Yu said neither salty nor indifferent: “She is not polite to my sister, so I will be polite to her, is there any problem?”

“However, Li Wen didn’t beat people, but you beat them. Shouldn’t you give me an explanation?”

“If not, I’m not welcome.”

While talking, the male brother looked at Zhang Ruolin next to Chen Yu with greedy eyes.

What a superb beauty.

This week, he just came to the boxing gym today, so he didn’t know that such a beautiful waiter was recruited in the gym.

At first glance, the beauty is at its extreme.

“However, if your sister can accompany me, I will let you go, how about it?”

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