Chapter 104


Su Dalong’s phone fell to the ground.

His face was pale.

What Chen Yu said is true.

Everything is true.

The Chen family could easily kill their Su family with just one phone call.

The Su family couldn’t even defend against it.

This scene fell in the eyes of the other Su family members, and their hearts were immediately chilled.

Even Su Dalong was desperate, and they couldn’t reverse the situation.

An ugly smile squeezed out from Su Dalong’s face: “Xiaoyu, we were also in-laws before, so don’t do things like this, can we discuss it?”

Chen Yu nodded, and looked like this: “It’s easy to say, everyone eats a rotten egg, I will spare your Su family, how about it?”

Chen Yu clapped his hands.

Abiao immediately brought up the rotten eggs that had been prepared.

There are a dozen rotten eggs in it, one for each person.

An unspeakable smell immediately filled the air. Everyone in the Su family, including Qin Hang, who smelled this smell, their first action was to cover their mouths with their hands.

My stomach is conditioned to resent the smell of rotten eggs.

Fortunately, the rotten egg has not been opened yet, and there is only a faint smell in the air. If the rotten egg is smashed directly, I am afraid that no one here can stand up again.

“Don’t worry, I, Chen Yu, is not a devil. I won’t kill you. I just eat an egg. If you eat it, I can forget what you Su family did before.”

Chen Yu’s smile slowly bloomed.

But no one felt the warmth, and couldn’t help but shudder.

It’s cold, it’s too cold.

Obviously the sun was shining bright outside, but at this moment it seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

The aura exuding from Chen Yu is really terrifying, not at all like a dude.

“Chen Yu, at any rate, I was your brother-in-law before, or let’s talk about it and give me face, and I promise that the Su family will never go against the Chen family again.”

Su Can heard that the Su family was about to die, and hurriedly ran to Chen Yu with a smile to make up for it.

If the Su family is finished, what’s the point of vying for the Su Family Patriarch?

“Give you face?”

“How old are you?”

Chen Yu’s faint words made Su Can’s smile stiff in place.

“Chen Yu, don’t go too far. If you push the Su family in a hurry, be careful that we die with you!”

He simply didn’t bother to pretend, when did his Su Can be so low-pitched, but Chen Yu not only didn’t appreciate it, but also insulted him.

In the original book, after Su Xingyue and Xiao Fan got better, Su Can naturally became Xiao Fan’s powerful help. He managed the huge Su family’s industry, and his ability was also extremely strong.

But now…

“Okay, you can’t fight me, now come and die together, right?”

“I don’t know how you want to die together, I’m very curious.”

“Chen Yu, I admit that your Chen family is a big family. It’s easy to kill my Su family, but if my Su family falls, everyone will be ruined. Someone wants to take you to the funeral!”

Su Can said word by word, his eyes gleaming, and what he said was true.

Chen Yu laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” Su Can asked puzzlingly.

Chen Yu went on to say: “I laugh at you as a sb.”


Su Can almost vomited blood out of breath.

But before he could continue to say anything, Chen Yu picked up the chair on the side and walked towards Su Can step by step.”Let’s go with labor and capital, okay, I will fulfill you!”

Chen Yu pulled up the stool and threw it directly at Su Can, slamming it on Su Can’s head fiercely.

Su Can let out a painful cry, bleeding from his head.

“Su Can!”


Several voices sounded, and then they aimed their finger at Chen Yu.

“Chen Yu!”

“You did too much!”

Chen Yu thought of a funny thing, and said with a playful smile: “Su Dalong, why don’t we have a discussion. I can call those businesses to continue cooperating with your Su family, but you have to destroy Su Can by yourself.” I don’t know if you are not interested in trading.”

Su Dalong heard that the Su family could recover, and his eyes lit up immediately.

No matter how Su Can is his son, he nodded like garlic, sad and hated one second, and ecstatic the next second, Chen Yu was ashamed of the speed at which he changed his face.

The rest of the Su family also said with deep conviction: “I also agree that it would be the blessing of the Su family if they could protect the Su family at the expense of individuals.”

“Su Can doesn’t do much on weekdays, so it’s better to push him out to avoid being clean.”

This scene is exactly the same as what happened to Su Xingyue.

Once there is no use value, the Su family will push people out without hesitation.

In such a family, the love between people is really weak.

Chen Yu couldn’t help but sneer.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for changing Su Can’s destiny and getting one hundred points of luck.”

It was another hundred points of Qi Luck into the account, and Chen Yu saved it directly, not busy exchanging items or skills.

At this time.

Qin Hang finally couldn’t stand it anymore and stood up.

“Chen Yu, stop.”

Qin Hang deliberately wanted to pull Su Can, and helped Su Can to the position of Su Family Patriarch.

Although in front of a behemoth like the Qin Family, the Su Family is very weak and not even worth mentioning, but for the Qin Family and for him, Qin Hang, it is not a small personal connection.

If you make good use of it, it might have a miraculous effect.

But again, it was destroyed by Chen Yu.

Last time, it was Xiao Fan.

This time, it was Su Can.

Chen Yu is like his demons. No matter what he wants to do, Chen Yu will come out to disrupt his actions.

As long as he ascends as the head of the Qin family.

At that time, Chen Yu will be a mere mere mark.

In Qin Hang’s heart, he wanted to kill Chen Yu ten thousand times, but he didn’t want to be as stupid as Qin Yang before he got the position of heir.

Originally, Qin Yang was the person most likely to inherit the position of the Qin family. Now Qin Yang has gone abroad, and his eldest brother has always been abroad.

Then Qin Hang wanted to win the relationship and grasp the position of the heir.

The point is, don’t get into big trouble.

If it weren’t for Chen Yu’s time and time again against him, how could he come forward.

Blame, blame the people under them for being too wasteful!

Chen Yu caught the handle of everything.

“Chen Yu, why don’t you and I take a step back, and the previous grievances will be wiped out. From now on, how about the well water not infringing on the river water?”

At this point, Qin Hang had to bite the bullet and stand up and say.

Everyone in the Su family was overjoyed, and Qin Hang came out to speak.

This time it is always time for Chen Yu to constrain his behavior.

In other words, the Qin family and the Chen family are both large families of similar size.

Next, it’s time to end.

But Chen Yu’s light and fluttering words chilled everyone in the living room.

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