A friend with a special relationship?

Hearing what Chu Tian said, Mu Xiaoxiao immediately understood what he meant. He shook his head and said,"Oh, no, boss, there really is no such thing. I am quite conservative, so I never stay outside." Damn it, I've only talked to these three ex-boyfriends, and then I don't have any special friends of the opposite sex, only these three"

"Okay, I'll give you my phone number."

As he spoke, Chu Tian tore up half a piece of paper, then quickly wrote down his number, pushed it to Mu Xiaoxiao and said,"After you find out the current phone numbers of your three ex-boyfriends, send them to me directly. , I will find someone to deal with it. Whether it is the intimate photos you have taken before or your intimate private videos, I will have them cleaned up to ensure that your previous affairs will not affect your development in the entertainment industry."

Looking at the paper Chu Tian pushed over, Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment and said,"Uh......Boss, can I ask, how do you plan to deal with this?"

"rest assured."Chu Tian smiled and said,"Of course I have my own way of dealing with it, so you don't have to worry about it. Besides, you don't have to think too much. I won't do anything to them, and you, as long as I get the three of them... Just provide their contact information. There is no need to contact them again. It will definitely be beneficial and harmless to your development if you maintain a single image now. Mu

Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, nodded quickly and said,"Well, I know that. Thank you, boss. Then, I'll leave first.""

"Well, let's go."Chu Tian said,"Remember, after you get the contact information of your three ex-boyfriends, just send them to me directly."

"Ok, I know."Mu Xiaoxiao stood up with a smile, took one last look at the direction of the secret room, and then left the office with the phone number written by Chu Tian.

In the office, after Mu Xiaoxiao left, Chu Tian just took the After looking through the contract she signed, the ajar door to the secret room opened, and Li Sisi walked out lazily.

"Sister, I woke up so soon, so I don’t want to sleep much."

Li Sisi stretched lazily, smiled and pushed her hair behind her ears, and came over and said,"Lunch break, just take a short nap. I heard you. Why do you want the contact information of your ex-boyfriend? ah?"

"To prevent thunderstorms in the future."Chu Tian said,"Maybe they have intimate photos or intimate videos with Mu Xiaoxiao in their hands. If these things are really exposed in the future, it will have a very bad impact."

Li Sisi curled her lips and smiled, sat down on the armrest of Chutian's chair, and said,"What am I talking about? I don't know who is setting a trap for whom. Everyone is quite scheming. It was agreed that the two of them would do it. He went back to look at the contract before deciding whether to sign or not, but as soon as he turned around, Mu Xiaoxiao came over to sign the contract first, and also hacked Zhuge Qianer.

Chu Tian chuckled and said,"It's obvious that this Mu Xiaoxiao is more scheming than Zhuge Qian'er. Maybe she deceived Zhuge Qian'er and then came to sign the contract alone. Stay positive and trust the company." Trust the good impression of the boss."

Li Sisi nodded with a smile and said,"Mu Xiaoxiao is indeed a scheming girl, but that Zhuge Qian'er is not a light-hearted person either. She is actually quite scheming."

"Hey, if you have scheming, then you have scheming."Chu Tian said indifferently,"In a place like the entertainment industry, it's difficult to get along in the circle if you don't have some scheming. Just in time, I'll call Director Zhang at the toilet station to see if there are any famous directors filming there. news."

While talking, Chu Tian took out his cell phone, directly looked up Director Zhang's number, and dialed.

Soon, the call was connected, and Director Zhang's smiling voice rang,"Hey, Boss Chu."

"Hello, Director Zhang. Chu Tian smiled and said,"Are you busy?""

"Not busy, not busy. Director Zhang smiled and said,"I just finished arranging some things. What's wrong?""

"nothing. Chu Tian said,"I don't think so. Director Zhang, when can you come to Haicheng when you have time? I'll treat you to a good meal. I heard that Luo Yun is well taken care of there.""

"It should, it should. Director Zhang smiled and said,"Boss Chu, what you said is an outsider. We are not outsiders. Luo Yun is an artist under your banner. He must be one of our own. We must take care of our own people.""

"hehe. Chu Tian chuckled and said,"What Director Zhang said is that he is not an outsider, so what? Since he is not an outsider, Director Zhang, I have one more thing, so I will tell you.""

"Hey, it’s not like you’re seeing someone outside. Director Zhang said,"Boss Chu, if you have something to do here, just ask. Tell me, what's the matter?""

"Is such that. Chu Tian said,"Director Zhang, do you know if there are any more powerful directors in the industry who want to film movies recently? If so, I would like to send one or two artists over for auditions.""

"this......"Director Zhang groaned and said,"Oh, I've been busy with the program recently, and I really don't know much about this aspect. How about this, Boss Chu, I'll ask around, and if there's any news, I'll give it to you call back"

"OK OK OK. Chu Tian said,"Then I'll trouble Director Zhang.""

"Hey, Boss Chu, look at you, you're being polite again, aren't you? What are you doing between friends?"

"hehe. Chu Tian chuckled and said,"Okay, okay, no one else. Then I'll wait for your call, Director Zhang. We must have dinner together when we have time.""

"no problem."Director Zhang said,"Boss Chu, you are busy first. When I have news from here, I will call you."

"Okay, okay, then goodbye"

"Hey, bye".

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