However, although it is not ruled out that there may indeed be a wolf running into Zhongxing Park in Shanghai, this possibility is too small.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian took out his cell phone, found a number, and dialed it.

Soon, the call was connected, and a male voice rang;"Hello, who is this?"

It was Mr. Sun's voice.

"Old man, it's me. Chu Tian said,"Have you had lunch?""

"It's your boy. Mr. Sun laughed twice and said,"I'm getting ready to eat. What's wrong?""

"Have you watched the news?"Chu Tian said,"Local news in the Magic City. In a place called Zhongxing Park, there were wild beast attacks on people for two consecutive nights. Three people died, all of them women."

"Well, your attention is quite broad. Mr. Sun said,"I have nothing to do. If I don't pay attention to your affairs in Haicheng, why are you paying attention to things in the Magic City instead? Why, don't you want to move to the Magic City?""

"I'm not going."Chu Tian said,"I am comfortable and nourished in Haicheng. Why go to Haicheng? Old man, let me tell you seriously. I think this case of a beast attacking people in the Magic City is somewhat unusual."

"profound? Mr. Sun said,"What an unusual method? Tell me about it.""

"I've seen pictures of all three victims."Chu Tian said,"Judging from the claw marks, if it is a wolf, by the way, this is the identification result given by the Modu police, saying that it is suspected that a wolf did it, and the possibility is very high."

"So, I just saw the photos of these three victims. If it was really a wolf that did it, then the size of this wolf is a bit big, and the claw marks are bigger than the average human hand."

"Um. Mr. Sun said,"So, what do you suspect is not a wolf?""

"Is it possible that he is a werewolf or a genetic warrior?"Chu Tian said,"Although I have never seen a werewolf, there are vampires, and werewolves probably also exist. As for the genetic warriors, in the video we watched together last time, after they transformed, they were half-human. Half-animal state, and they all have big claws"


On the other side of the phone, Mr. Sun chuckled and said,"You guys, stop speculating. There are indeed doubts about this case. I have already focused on it. I sent someone there yesterday."


Did you send someone to the Magic City yesterday?

Chu Tian thought for a moment and said,"Old man, then you ask them to pay attention to a white man."

"Caucasian? Mr. Sun was surprised and said,"What do you mean?""

"I suspect I may have met this guy before."Chu Tian said,"You should know my whereabouts. I went to Magic City the day before yesterday. I was at the Magic Capital Airport......."

While talking, Chu Tian then told Mr. Sun in detail about the incident where he bumped into a Caucasian man at the Shanghai Airport the day before yesterday.

"I am relatively confident in my physical fitness."Chu Tian said,"Anyway, I think that guy is more or less not like a normal person."

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Sun was silent for a while and said,"Well, I understand, I will let people pay attention to it. Also, if you are fine, just stay in Haicheng and don't run around. The world is so chaotic, so be careful. Something happened"

"clear."Chu Tian smiled and said,"Okay, old man, I won't disturb you for eating. Hurry up and eat.""

"Well, hang up then."

In the living room, as soon as Chu Tian hung up the phone, Xia Mo walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron;"Who are you calling?"

"The boss of Guoan. Chu Tian smiled and put the laptop aside and said,"There's nothing to do. I'm just chatting to kill some time.""

You are bored and chatting with the boss of Guoan to pass the time?

This is just a pretense......

Xia Mo curled her lips and smiled and said,"Hurry up and wash your hands. Today's lunch is all mutton. The pure mutton stew is just fine.""

"What a good thing."Chu Tian said,"Mutton is a great tonic."

"Make up for you. Xia Mo smiled and returned to the kitchen, saying,"Hurry up and wash your hands. Let this stew for a while and you'll be able to eat it right away.""....... after an hour!

On the sofa in the living room, Chu Tian couldn't help but patted his belly with satisfaction and said,"It's been a long time since I tasted my Sister Xia's cooking. My Sister Xia's cooking is still the best.""

"Stop saying flattery. Xia Mo smiled and said,"My cooking skills are far worse than Xiaoqiu's.""

"no the same."Chu Tian said,"Sister Xia, your cooking skills have a unique taste."

Unique taste?

Xia Mo asked curiously;"What unique taste?"

"Hey, it smells like my wife."Chu Tian chuckled.

"Phew! Xia

Mo chuckled, slapped Chu Tian, ​​and said,"Fuck your wife, she's getting more and more glib.""

"Hey. Chu Tian smiled and grabbed Xia Mo's hand and said,"Sister, are you sleepy? Let's take a lunch break." Xia

Mo rolled her eyes with a smile and said,"I'm not sleepy. You can go take a lunch break while I watch TV.""

"Liar."Chu Tian stood up and pulled Xia Mo to the bedroom, saying at the same time,"You feel sleepy as soon as I see you. Let's go and take a lunch break.""

"No, I'm not sleepy......."

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