Here, Li Sisi and Song Xiaoya went to the badminton room, and near the pigeon coop, Chu Tian was wearing big pants and watching the seven or eight pigeons in front of them eating.

Chu Tian said,"How about it, old bird, isn't the food here good?"

"Well, delicious."The big white pigeon said while eating,"The food you have here is much better than that over there. It's just some whole grains and bread crumbs, and you often don't have enough to eat. Not to mention the food here is good and delicious. , it’s still very strong after eating it, and, it’s enough"

"That is. Chu Tian said,"We all belong to the pigeon family. If I can take care of you, I will definitely take good care of you. What you eat is not cheap. This nutritional powder is specially prepared for athletes in the pigeon world. After eating it, How about keeping fit?"

"Hey....."The big pigeon chuckled and said,"I can feel it. After eating your food, I feel energetic.""

"Well, but we can’t just eat. Chu Tian said,"What happened to the woman I asked you to stare at?""

"Do not worry."Big White Pigeon said,"There are several waves of people, taking turns to keep an eye on her. We have many people and are keeping an eye on her all the time. I have divided the work."

"So, what's going on?"Chu Tiandao

"Nothing happens."Big White Pigeon said,"That woman went back yesterday evening with a big bag of things. Moreover, she never came out after returning to the house. She didn't come out until I came over for dinner this morning."

"You haven't been in contact with anyone, right?"Chu Tiandao

"No."Big White Pigeon said,"If I had come into contact with anyone, I would have definitely come here and told you. I was alone and never came out."

"correct."The big white pigeon continued,"There is a big silly cat over there, it's dark, it seems to have evil intentions, please kill it."


Chu Tian glanced at the big black cat in the bamboo forest, which had been crouching behind the bamboo, staring at the pigeons here, and said,"Don't be afraid, that big silly cat doesn't dare to touch you, it listens to my words, In addition, keep an eye on me. If anything happens to the woman in the villa, you must come back and tell me in time."

"Do not worry."The big white pigeon said,"Leave this matter to us. We are all our own people. Although you have no hair and can't fly, you are a member of our pigeon family after all. There is no problem with this matter."

"become. Chu Tian said,"With you, if you are hungry or tired in the future, you can come here to eat. There is no food available 24 hours a day. You can live in the pigeon cot as you like. Then you can eat. I will go to the big black cat first.""

After speaking, Chutian walked directly towards the big black cat hiding in the bamboo forest.

"Dahei, come here."

The big black cat's gaze shifted to Chu and said,"Boss, wait a moment. There are some stupid birds here. Wait for me for a while, and I'll kill a few of them first."

"you dare! Chu

Tian said,"Dahei, please listen clearly to me. You are not allowed to touch these stupid birds. If you dare to bite one to death, I will pluck out your hair and throw it into a pot for you to boil." Got it"

"Forehead....."The big cat tilted its head innocently and said,"But boss, these stupid birds are so annoying. They are flying around and making a lot of noise. I am upset when they look at them. I will bite them to death. How quiet is that?""

"You are so upset!"Chu Tian said,"You are just dishonest. I tell you, I am serious. If you dare to touch these stupid birds, I will chop off your hair."

"But."The big black cat said unwillingly,"These stupid birds have come to my territory. If I don't kill them, where will I put my face?"

"What is your territory?"Chu Tian said,"For such a big villa, why do you have to set aside the territory here? Change the territory, just over there, in that corner, where will your territory be drawn from now on?"

"Then, what if those stupid birds still go to my territory?"The big black cat said

"Then don't touch them."Chu Tian said,"Anyway, I have made it clear to you. Just touch their paws and you will wait for their hair to be plucked. The hair will be plucked for you. Do you understand?"

"Forehead.....Okay then." The big black cat stood up, turned away and said,"I'll give you a favor and spare the lives of these stupid birds for the time being."

"Not temporarily!"Chu Tian said,"What I said is not to touch them. You listen to me. If you really touch them, I will really pluck them for you.""

"did not hear it"

"Hey, your uncle......"

Seeing the big black cat's retreating back, Chu Tianzhen wanted to catch up and kick it away.

The dead cat, relying on being pampered by Bai Xiaochun, became more and more arrogant.

After eating and sleeping all day long, I gained a lot of weight, and my temper also got really bad.

Looking at Xiaodong who was cleaning not far from the bamboo forest, Chutian walked over directly.

Xiaodong stopped and said with a smile:"Boss"

"Well, be optimistic about Dahei. Chu Tian said,"This guy is full of bad news. He is thinking about how to find an opportunity to kill these pigeons. Don't let him succeed. I have to take good care of these pigeons." Xiaodong smiled and said,"Cats are just like this in nature. Catching flying and moving things is their deep-rooted nature.""

"I know."Chu Tian said,"So, if you are optimistic about Dahei, you can't keep it in a cage."

"clear."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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