Five o'clock in the afternoon!

In the Haicheng Police Station, the interrogation door opened, and Xia Mo and Xiao Liu walked out.

Xiao Liu smiled and licked his lips and said,"Captain Xia, tell me, what does Zhou Jiancheng want in his life?"

Xia Mo smiled and said,"What do you mean?"

"that is......"Xiao Liu smiled and said,"Zhou Jiancheng is 52 years old, and he is only 25 when he married a wife. Yes, he is indeed very beautiful, sexy, and has a good figure. He will look good when he is taken out, but what does he want? ?"

"The number of times he sleeps with his own wife in a month is not as many as the number of times the driver sleeps with his own wife. Do you think he married his wife for himself or for the driver?"

Hearing what Xiao Liu said, Xia Mo chuckled and said,"Don't talk nonsense. You don't care who the wife is. Is this what we can understand about the life of a rich person?"

"Too."Xiao Liu laughed and said,"I didn't expect that no matter how rich you are, you are just like ordinary people. You should be cuckolded and you will be cuckolded. There is nothing special about it."

"However, Captain Xia, I really don’t think it was his little wife who did it. She really doesn’t need it. She has a prenuptial agreement. If this happens, she will only get a share of 1.08 billion inheritance at most. , as she said, she might as well give Zhou Jiancheng a child"

"If she could give birth to a child for Zhou Jiancheng, the child would be the heir to the Zhou family's property. It wouldn't be a matter of 1 billion or 800 million."

"Moreover, the hospital has indeed proved that she has been busy preparing for pregnancy recently. There is a team of doctors to help her regulate her body so that she can conceive better. She really has no reason to kill Zhou Jiancheng now."

"Well, I think it has nothing to do with her."Xia Mo nodded and said,"During the interrogation, it was obvious that she was also very upset about Zhou Jiancheng's death. She was not pregnant with the child yet. With Zhou Jiancheng's death, she missed out on at least tens of billions of inheritance. , to put it bluntly, she must be a fool to buy a murder to kill Zhou Jiancheng at this time."

"However, it’s not much."Xiao Liu said,"1 billion and 800 million, although we say it lightly, but if you think about it carefully, this is a terrifying amount of money, enough for her to be rich and prosperous for the rest of her life. Xia Mo nodded and said,"

Indeed, let alone 1 billion or 800 million, 100 million is enough for a lifetime, so there is still a certain suspicion, but there is no evidence at the moment. By the way, Zhou Jiancheng Have you contacted your ex-wife?"

"Got in touch."Xiao Liu said,"But she already has her own life. After her ex-wife divorced 20 years ago, she immigrated to the United States. She already got married and had children there. She has two children there."

"Moreover, she basically has no relationship with Guo Guo. Zhou Kang is her biological son. She only verbally expressed regret for Zhou Kang's death. The biological relationship has become so weak that I feel that I have nothing to do with her.

Xia Mo nodded and sighed,"It's a case with no clue. Okay, that's it for today. Tell me if there's anything going on. I'll leave first.""

"Hey, okay, Team Xia, you can go back first."..... ten minutes later!

After Xia Mo, who had changed into casual sportswear, came from the police, he first took out his cell phone and hesitated, but finally dialed Chu Tian's number.

Soon, the call was connected, and Chu Tian spoke in a low voice and said,"Hey, Sister Xia, what's wrong?"

Listening to Chu Tian's low voice, Xia Mo frowned and said,"Xiao Tian, ​​haven't you finished class yet? ?"

"get out of class has ended. Chu Tian whispered,"Xiao Bai and I are playing in the library now.""

"Oh, that's it. Xia Mo said,"What about that? Don't accompany Dabao now. Let's meet alone. I have something I want to talk to you about.""

"OK. Chu Tian said,"Then let me talk to Xiaobai.""

In the library of Haicheng Medical University, after Chu Tian hung up the phone, he looked at Bai Xiaochun and Yang Rong who were reading, and said,"Baby, you and my deskmate can play together. I have to meet Sister Xia. My sister wants to meet and talk with me alone if she has something to do."


Bai Xiaochun was stunned for a moment, first glanced at Yang Rong who was picking out books, and hurriedly lowered his voice and said,"No way, you stinking gangster, you didn't give Sister Xia to her after sending her home yesterday night. That's it, right?"

"Forehead.....How can. Chu Tian said with a dark look on his face,"Sister Sisi and I gave it to Sister Xia together.""

"Well, Sister Sisi loves you so much, she doesn’t care about you, maybe she will help you"

"Not really. Chu Tian smiled bitterly and said,"I'm crazy. That's Sister Xia. I have to dare.""

"Then, why does Sister Xia suddenly want to talk to you alone? You really didn't do anything?"

"Not really. Chu Tian said,"Don't worry, your husband is not this kind of person. Don't think too much. I'll go find Sister Xia. You and Rong Rong will go together. Don't wander around in deserted places, go to milk tea shops and bars." It’s okay, be good. Bai

Xiaochun chuckled and said,"I know.""

"Then I'll leave first."

As he spoke, Chu Tian kissed Bai Xiaochun's head and then left the library......

Six ten in the afternoon!

In a coffee shop in the city, when Chu Tian entered, Xia Mo was already sitting inside and waiting.

Seeing this, Chu Tian smiled, went directly over, sat down and said,"Sister Xia, you are sneaking around, why, are you going on a date with me alone?"

"A date with you. Xia Mo smiled and said,"Didn't you eat?""

"Nope."Chu Tian said,"I was about to join Xiaobai and my deskmate, but then I was called over by you, sister."

"Then order it first. Xia Mo said,"Today's meal is for me.""

"Don't, don't, don't. Chu Tian smiled and said,"Sister, what you said, how can I ask you to pay? You are so poor.""


" Xia Mo was stunned, smiled, rolled his eyes and said,"Okay, okay, you're the only one with money, so go ahead and order it.""

"Um......Let me see. Chu Tian smiled and picked up the menu, looked at it, and said,"Sister, let's have a cheese pizza, two pastas, two fruit salads, two large glasses of juice, and a dessert. Okay?"

"OK. Xia Mo said,"We can't eat these.""

"Well, that's about it."

As he spoke, Chutian waved to the waiter and handed over the menu.

After ordering, Chutian said:"Sister, tell me, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly ask me out alone?"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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