Seeing the old man come in, Chu Tian stood up and said with a smile,"Mr. Sun, did you sleep well yesterday?"

"hehe. Mr.

Sun chuckled and came over, saying,"Just so-so, I slept well on the plane, but I'm still not used to sleeping in this hotel. Don't be formal when you sit down.""

After the two sat down, two of the three male agents who followed the old man stood directly behind Chu Tian's sofa. The meaning was obvious, as long as Chu Tian made any abnormal behavior, they could take action at any time. As for

Chu Tian's

The female secretary, on the other hand, boiled water and made tea, and got busy directly on the coffee table between the two of them.

Staring at Chu Tian, ​​Mr. Sun said with a smile,"18 years old.....You kid is quite a ghost. You actually pretended to be a veteran and even gave birth to a grandson. When you reach the age of having a grandson, it will take another thirty or forty years for you to do so, right?"

"maybe. Chu Tian smiled and said,"As long as you hurry up, you can become a grandfather in twenty years."

Mr. Sun smiled and took out a cigarette and said,"Do you want to smoke?""

"Not smoking."Chu Tian shook his head and said

"Then I'll smoke one."

As he spoke, the old man lit the cigarette in his hand, took a puff, and said,"What happened to you kid some time ago? Why did you suddenly wash your hands in a golden basin?"

"Isn't this about falling in love?"Chu Tian smiled and said,"I met a few good girls, but I can't wash my hands of myself. I have to spend some time with my girlfriend. Although I have time in the evening, it's not suitable for me in the evening."

"You can't let your girlfriend sleep on the bed by herself while I work in front of the computer, right?"

"My girlfriends are more difficult to deal with each one than the last, and they have to be held in their arms to sleep with each other. Otherwise, they will immediately make trouble, say that they don't love them, and break up with them. Alas, there is no way to do it. I really can't find the time."

Mr. Sun looked at Chu Tian with a smile, flicked the ashes from his cigarette, and said,"You're quite a slut."

"So young. Chu Tian smiled and said,"I am a young and vigorous young man. If I don't seize the time to have sex now, I won't be able to have sex when I am old. Besides, I have many girlfriends and it is not illegal. They can just follow me if they are willing." Mr. Sun nodded, took another drag on his cigarette, and said,"Then since everyone has washed their hands in a golden basin, why did he suddenly come out again?""

"Make some contribution to the country."Chu Tian took a deep breath and said with emotion,"Although I lost my parents when I was in the second grade of junior high school, even the bank took over my house without mercy and kicked me out, making me almost like a stray dog. Living on the street, but I am still very grateful"

"I admit that over the years, as an orphan, I have not received any attention or care from the country, but I still have to thank the country."

"Because, if it weren’t for our peaceful and stable society, I wouldn’t have been able to study while working part-time."

"If I lived in a war zone, like Afghanistan, Yilak, Libya and other countries, then I might have been killed by an inexplicable gun long ago"

"Therefore, I am very grateful to the people for creating such a stable and peaceful living environment. It is undeniable that I am definitely a beneficiary of this stable society. Therefore, in order to thank the country, I decided that I must be the best person in the world for the country. Powerful firewall."

After hearing what Chu Tian said, Mr. Sun laughed and said,"It's full of complaints. Why didn't you ask for help from social assistance agencies back then?"

"Hi, not qualified. Chu Tian smiled and said,"The water for this thing is too deep. I can't even sign up. But it doesn't matter. It's all over. Now I'm not starving to death." Mr.

Sun nodded and said,"So, you just want to repay the country this time and make some contributions without charging any money?""

"No collection, no collection."Chu Tian shook his head and said,"We won't charge a penny, we will do it absolutely for free."

"So, what about other things? Mr. Sun said,"Are there any conditions?""

"No."Chu Tiandao

"No? Mr. Sun narrowed his eyes and said,"Are you sure you haven't?""

"Of course I'm sure. Chu Tian smiled and said,"Mr. Sun, I said that I was contributing to the country and that it was free. How could there be any other conditions?" It's completely free, no charge is required, and there is no condition, which is to meet and chat with you."

Mr. Sun stared at Chu Tian, ​​suddenly smiled and said,"Then what? We have met now, what next?"

"Next I will make a firewall. Chu Tian said,"Don't worry, Mr. Sun, I will definitely seize the time. I will definitely be able to do it within a week at the latest.""

"That......"Mr. Sun whispered,"What's next?"

"Next up is immigration."Chu Tiandao

"migrant? Mr. Sun frowned.

"right. Chu Tian said with a serious look on his face,"I have already planned. After completing this firewall, I, Chu Tian, ​​will no longer owe anything to the country, and we will cut it off. Then, I will immigrate to the United States as soon as possible." Go, from now on, I, Chutian, will be an American. I will serve my new country well and contribute to my new country."

"Mr. Sun, you don’t have to worry about me. My ability to survive is not bad. I have thought about it. After immigrating to the United States, with my computer skills, I can get into some intelligence agency and find a job to support my family. Work"

"I dare not say more, but they should still be able to give me a salary of 18,000 yuan a month, so don’t worry, I will definitely live a good life in the United States. Mr.

Sun looked at Chu Tian quietly, took a puff of his cigarette and said,"Why do you want to immigrate?""

"Mainly because I like American law."Chu Tian took a sip of tea and said,"The laws of the United States are very suitable to my taste, especially those things. As long as you break into someone else's house, let alone stab the other person to death with scissors, even if you use a gun to kill the other person. If you beat them into a sieve, then the other party will deserve to die, and you won’t have to bear any responsibility."

"Let alone being raped, you can be beaten to death without any evidence of rape. After you are beaten to death, you don’t even have to go to the police station. This law is so cool. I love this to death. The law was passed, so I had to immigrate to the United States. Mr.

Sun looked at Chu Tian, ​​smiled suddenly, and said,"After such a big circle, in the end, aren't you still doing it for that Li Niannian?""

"No. Chu Tian said,"Mr. Sun, don't get me wrong. Although Niannian is my woman, since she has broken the law, she should be dealt with according to the law. Whether she is sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty, she deserves it." , asking for it, really, who made her break the law, right?"

"Okay, okay. Mr. Sun interrupted,"Don't brag, kid. As for immigration, you don't have to count on it in this life. It's impossible for you to go abroad. Isn't it Li Niannian? I will definitely let you out today.""_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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