Damn it!

How did that happen!

Chutian was on the phone with Li Niannian yesterday night. Li Niannian was still so happy at that time, saying that everything was fine in the milk tea shop, and then asked Chutian to bring her specialties.

Right now, Chutian still had five packs of pure Sichuan hot pot base ingredients in his suitcase.

These were all brought by Li Niannian.

As a result, he didn't expect that when he and Bai Xiaochun came back today, Li Niannian actually went in, and it was so troublesome.

Seeing Chu Tian frowning gloomily and not saying anything, Xia Mo said,"Xiaotian, I'm sorry, I really can't help with this matter."

Chu Tian shook his head and said,"Sister Xia, Don't say that. You must have tried your best. I can understand that. Besides, the other party is the fifth richest man in Haicheng. This must be a guy with connections and power. They will definitely use all means and connections to get it. I know all about revenge for my sister Nian."

Xia Mo opened his mouth, then closed it again.


Chu Tian continued;"Isn't Sister Nian injured?"

"No."Xia Mo said helplessly,"It's better to get hurt. If she gets hurt, it can prove that a beating occurred, which can also be of some benefit to her. Alas, with a clean scissor, she directly stabbed the artery and it was gone. She was stabbed to death, and she didn't even have any bruises on her body."

"She is the same. Why don't you just call the police? She should call me first. No matter what, I want to know. I definitely can't let her go in like this. At least her clothes will be torn, smash some things in the house, and then beat her up. Give her a beating, slap her face several times, break her nose, and give her some bruises"

"It's really different. With these things and without these things, there are two completely different results. Chu

Tian nodded and said,"Sister Xia, I understand what you mean, but things have already come to this, and it's useless to talk about it now. By the way, Sister Xia, can I go see Sister Nian now?""

"Can. Xia Mo took a deep breath and said,"I can take you to see Niannian, but don't bring Sisi. She has really collapsed. She has been crying until now.""

"I understand, I'll go by myself."

As he spoke, Chu Tian stood up and entered the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Li Sisi, an elder sister, was like a lonely and helpless child, holding Bai Xiaochun in her arms and burying her head in her chest. His body was twitching, and he was out of breath from crying.

And Bai Xiaochun was also hugging Li Sisi while grinning and crying.

Looking at Li Sisi's appearance at this time, Chu Tian couldn't help but sigh fiercely. Biting her lip.

Although Li Sisi often scolded Li Niannian, Chu Tian knew the deep sisterly relationship between the two.

Li Sisi had been caring for Li Niannian a lot in her life. When she was a child, her family was poor, so she took the initiative to drop out of school and leave the opportunity to go to school. Li Niannian.

Later, her parents passed away one after another, and it was she who provided for Li Niannian from junior high school to college, and even let Li Niannian go to graduate school.

Just like what she said just now, Li Niannian is her only relative. This kind of The love that blood is thicker than water cannot be expressed in words.

Chutian patted Li Sisi on the shoulder and said,"Sister, just have a sleep. Don't worry, I promise you that nothing will happen to me." of."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Tian slapped his finger and stabbed Li Sisi directly on the back of the head.

Li Sisi was holding Bai Xiaochun's twitching and crying body, but she suddenly softened and even stopped crying.

Bai Xiaochun burst into tears. He looked at Chu Tian anxiously, grinned and said,"This.....What happened to Sister Sisi?"

"It's okay, I just fell asleep."

Chu Tian slowly picked up Li Sisi, then carefully laid her flat on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and wiped the tears on her face.

After doing this, Chu Tian looked at Bai Xiaochun, and then He also wiped the tears on her face and comforted her,"Baby, don't cry. I believe in my husband. Sister Nian will be fine. Next, I will go to the police station with Sister Xia. Can you stay at home and watch over Sister Sisi?" ?"


Bai Xiaochun tensed his mouth and nodded quickly.

"Be obedient, lock the door, and wait for your husband to come back."

As he spoke, Chu Tian kissed Bai Xiaochun's forehead, then strode out of the bedroom and said,"Sister Xia, let's go, Lawyer Zhu, let's go together."

"Okay, let's go and have a look together".....

It’s half past eight in the evening!

After Lawyer Zhu parked the car at the entrance of the police station, Chu Tian and the others got out of the car and strode into the police station.

Because Xia Mo was following him, he didn't encounter any obstruction.

In front of the police detention room.

When Chu Tian came over, he saw Li Niannian huddled in the corner of the small bed with her hands on her knees and her hair disheveled.

Seeing this, Chu Tian frowned.

Seeing this, Xia Mo glanced at a male policeman next to him.

The male policeman understood and opened the door of the detention room directly.

Chu Tian pushed the door open and went in. He first sat next to Li Niannian and then said softly,"Sister Nian?"

Li Niannian raised his head with disheveled hair. When he saw it was Chu Tian, ​​he grinned and threw himself into his arms with a whoosh. inside

"Woo woo......Xiaotian, I, I really didn’t mean it, ugh.....He wanted to rape me, I, I really didn’t want to kill him, wuwu......"

Chu Tian hugged Li Niannian tightly and comforted,"I know, I know everything. Sister Nian, don't worry, nothing will happen. I'll take care of everything."....."......

More than ten minutes later, when Chu Tian came out of the detention room, the male police officer locked the door of the detention room again.

At this moment, Xiao Liu hurried over and said,"Captain Xia"

"How about it? Xia Mo said hurriedly,"Can anyone prove it?""

Xiao Liu shook his head in embarrassment and said,"It was working time when the incident happened. I visited all the residents around the crime scene, and no one heard any calls for help. At that time, the surrounding people were None of the residents is occupied, and all are at work. Xia

Mo frowned and bit his lip, then looked at Chu Tiandao;"I asked Xiao Liu to visit the nearby residents. If any of them could hear the sounds of fighting, cries for help, etc., it might be of some help to Nian Nian."

"Sister Xia, there’s no need to bother. Chu Tian said,"I know you are anxious and want to help Sister Nian, but you really can't change anything about this matter. Don't worry, I will solve it.""_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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