If you don’t have a billion or eighty million dollars, you can’t even lift a pen?

Hearing what Chu Tian said, Zhu Chenggong chuckled and said,"Regarding the letter of understanding and compensation, it is a private matter between Mr. Chu and Luo Dawei. Of course, I can also handle it for you. Details How about it? This is just like negotiating a business deal. It needs to be discussed between you."

"It’s mainly about the court hearing. If Mr. Chu needs it, I can appear in court to take charge of the case."

"talk later."Chu Tian thought for a moment and said,"Lawyer Zhu, you are also very busy here. I will wait and see what Luo Dawei means. If he is willing to ask for my letter of understanding, I can consider it as appropriate based on his sincerity. If He's a bit tough here, so I don't care. Lawyer Zhu, just go to court and kill them."

"no problem. Zhu Chenggong smiled and said,"A case with solid evidence like this is actually not that difficult. As long as we stick to a few points, it will definitely not make things easier for them.""

In the office of the law firm, Chu Tian was chatting with Zhu Chenggong. Suddenly, a cell phone rang.

It was Chu Tian's cell phone.

Chu Tian took out his cell phone and took a look. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, he called directly Answer the channel;"Hello, hello, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Chu?"

A male voice said,"I am Xing Taizheng, Ms. Luo Piaopiao's lawyer. We had dinner together last night. Do you still have any impressions? Chu

Tian smiled and covered the phone, glanced at Zhu Chenggong and Li Sisi and said,"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, that Lawyer Xing.""

As he spoke, Chu Tian let go of the microphone and said,"It turns out to be Lawyer Xing. He has an impression. We just had dinner together yesterday. How could we not have an impression? What's wrong, Lawyer Xing? What's the matter?"

Lawyer Xing said;"That's it. If it's convenient for Mr. Chu, I'd like to meet you. I hope we can have a chat in person."

"sure."Chu Tian said,"Well then, it's just right. Come find me. I'm at my lawyer's office, Chenggong Law Firm. You can just take a taxi and ask. It's very famous and everyone knows it."

"become."Lawyer Xing said,"Then I'll go over to you now and we'll see you later."

"Okay, see you soon. Seeing Chu

Tian hang up the phone, Zhu Chenggong smiled, gave Chu Tian and Li Sisi some water, and said,"What, this Lawyer Xing is coming over?""

"Yes, let him come."Chu Tian said,"Just in time, if there's anything I can't handle, Lawyer Zhu, you can help me deal with it."

"It should."Lawyer Zhu smiled and said,"Besides, I really want to meet this lawyer Xing. In our lawyer circle, this lawyer Xing is also quite famous."

Li Si thought for a moment, looked at Chu Tian, ​​and said,"Xiao Tian, ​​you don't really want to accept their apology, do you?"

"Why not. Chu Tian smiled and said,"To be realistic, this is money delivered to your door. Why don't you want it?" Of course, you can't just send me away, you have to show sincerity.".....

It’s half past two in the afternoon!

Suddenly, the office door rang twice, and an assistant opened the door."

Here it comes!

" Lawyer Zhu nodded and said,"Come on.""


The office door closed. After a minute, it opened again. The assistant stood at the door and said,"Mr. Xing, please come in.""


Lawyer Xing, who was wearing a crisp suit, nodded with a smile, and then walked in with a briefcase.

Seeing this, Chu Tian and the other three stood up with smiles, and Chu Tian said,"Lawyer Xing, you didn't go too far, right?"

"No no."Lawyer Xing smiled and said,"It's very convenient. I just took a taxi and came here."

"Okay, let me introduce it first."Chu Tian smiled and said,"My wife, we had dinner together yesterday, so I don't need to introduce you. The main one is Zhu Chenggong, the founder of Chenggong Law Firm and also my lawyer."

"I’ve heard of it. Hello, Lawyer Zhu."

Lawyer Xing smiled and shook hands with Lawyer Zhu, and said,"I have heard of Lawyer Zhu's name for a long time. He has handled several cases very beautifully and can be called a classic in the industry. Today I finally met him in person."

"No, no, Lawyer Xing is too polite. Zhu Chenggong said politely,"Lawyer Xing is also famous in the industry. I have admired him for a long time.""

"Don't dare to take it Don't take it"

"Lawyer Xing, please sit down quickly."Lawyer Zhu did not sit down, but stood and said,"When you come here this time, you probably want to talk to Mr. Chu alone. Just in time, I'm going out for some exercise. If you have anything, you can call me anytime."

"I also go out and do some activities. Li Sisi smiled and said,"You guys can talk alone.""

After speaking, Lawyer Zhu and Li Sisi left the office together, leaving only Chu Tian and Lawyer Xing.

Only then did Chu Tian say,"Come on, Lawyer Xing, you're welcome, let's sit down and chat."

"Okay, Mr. Chu please."

Lawyer Xing was polite and then sat down with Chu Tian.

"well!" Chu Tian sighed helplessly and said,"Look at what happened, how did it become like this? We were quite happy having dinner together yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, everything has changed......Alas, what am I talking about? You have to believe in this thing called metaphysics. This is a conflict in fate. It is a conflict. You can’t accept it. You see, it’s because Boss Luo didn’t believe it. He went in early in the morning. Now he’s fine. He’s out of the capital. It's so unlucky that I can't get out."


When Chu Tian said this, Lawyer Xing smiled.

Is this a fucking unlucky thing?

Does it have anything to do with it?

However, Luo Dawei was indeed right. It seems that Chu Tian yesterday night While eating, he already knew that Luo Dawei was definitely going in, so he joked about things like destiny conflicts and metaphysics.

He was just playing tricks on Luo Dawei!

I guess, he himself He didn’t believe in this kind of metaphysics at all.

Seeing that Lawyer Xing just smiled, Chu Tian asked with concern:"How about it, Boss Luo’s side is not serious, right? Lawyer Xing thought for a moment and said,"

Mr. Chu, what did Lawyer Zhu tell you?""

"Lawyer Zhu’s skills are not good."Chu Tian shook his head and said,"I asked him if it could be the death penalty. He said it was impossible and he only had 12 years to guarantee it."


Hearing what Chu Tian said, Lawyer Xing's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Holy shit!

Why is it so awkward?

On the one hand, he was concerned about whether it was serious, but on the other hand, he wanted to kill people.

Does he have a split personality? _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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