Time passed little by little. I don’t know how long it took. On the dark path behind Haicheng Medical University, behind the green belt, Sun Nana slowly opened her eyes.


With a cry, Sun Nana pressed her hand on her groggy head, and then struggled to get up from the ground.

Rubbing her head with one hand and supporting the ground with the other, Sun Nana sat on the ground, looking around blankly, her expression as if she had lost her memory.

Suddenly, as if she thought of something, Sun Nana suddenly woke up.

Sun Nana hurriedly got up from the ground, looked around in panic, and said loudly:"Chu Tian?"

"Chutian? ?"

"Chutian? ? ?"

After shouting three times, there was no response from Chutian. This time Sun Nana hurriedly took out her mobile phone from her small bag and dialed Chutian's number.

"Jingle Bell......"

Suddenly, she heard a cell phone ringtone ringing in the green belt not far from her, and Sun Nana's eyes widened in horror.

Looking at the green plant belt where the ringing sound came, Sun Nana swallowed hard before walking over with a trembling body.

Soon, when she saw that there was only a mobile phone under the green plant belt and no body of Chu Tian, ​​Sun Nana breathed a sigh of relief and quickly picked up the mobile phone.

Seeing that the caller ID on her phone was 'Sun Nana', Sun Nana hung up the phone and dialed the police number.

When the call was connected, Sun Nana worked up her emotions and cried,"Comrade police, I, I want to call the police. One of my classmates has been kidnapped."......"......

And at the same time!

In the Haicheng Police Station, Xia Mo, who was working the night shift, was sitting in front of the computer, drinking tea and reading case files. Suddenly, the office door was hurriedly opened and a male police officer came in.

Their eyes looked at each other for two or three seconds before Xia Mo frowned and said,"What's wrong? Are you mute?" The male policeman suddenly smiled and said excitedly,"Team Xia, there's a case, Hai There was a kidnapping case at the City Medical University. On the alley behind the school, a woman called the police. She said that one of her classmates had been kidnapped."

Xia Mo rolled her eyes, put down her teacup, Said;"You are so ridiculous about the kidnapping case. I thought it was a good thing. Let's go quickly.""


The male policeman chuckled and then quickly left the office with Xia Mo.......

It’s 10:20 at night!

On the alley behind Haicheng Medical University, Sun Nana sat on the curb on the side of the road, frowning and looking at the screen of her mobile phone.

The mobile phone interface at this time is a dialing interface.

Her finger rested on the contact with the note 'Xiao Chunchun'. After thinking for a while, Sun Nana finally exited the dialing interface. never mind!

It’s better not to tell Bai Xiaochun!

Regardless of whether Chu Tian could be rescued or not, there was no point in telling Bai Xiaochun, she would definitely not be able to help.

Moreover, if Chutian was rescued and found out that Bai Xiaochun didn't even know that he was kidnapped, and wasn't even worried about him, then he would definitely feel very depressed at that time.

At this time, as long as he cared more about him, Chutian might be able to break up with Bai Xiaochun without any tricks on his part.

What do you want a girlfriend who is indifferent to and doesn't care about you?

In any case, the two of them share the same sorrows now. With this common experience, the relationship between the two will definitely become closer in the future.

"Woo woo......"

On the dark roadside, just as Sun Nana thought of this, suddenly, the wailing siren sounded.

Sun Nana turned around and saw two police cars, one behind the other, driving over quickly with their sirens and lights turned on. Then she quickly stood up and waved at the police cars.


With the sound of sudden braking, two police cars stopped directly next to Sun Nana.

The car door opened, and Xia Mo, wearing a police uniform, walked out of the car first.


Sun Nana?

Seeing that the woman who called the police turned out to be Sun Nana, Xia Mo frowned and then said,"Sun Nana?" She turned out to be the policewoman from last time?

Sun Nana obviously recognized Xia Mo. She curled her lips and burst into tears.

"Woo.....Police sister!"

As soon as she hugged Xia Mo, Sun Nana burst into tears.


Xia Mo patted Sun Nana's back and comforted her;"Sun Nana, don't be afraid, we are safe. Please calm down first and tell us quickly what happened?"

Sun Nana sobbed and let go of Xia Mo while wiping her tears. , while choking,"Yes, it's Chu Tian, ​​he, he was kidnapped, the boy you saw last time."


Chu Tian was kidnapped?

Hearing what Sun Nana said, Xia Mo's eyes widened. this...... what's the situation?

Why would Chu Tian and Sun Nana come here in this dark place?

Could it be..... well!

This guy!

He had told him before in the bar that Sun Nana was not a good woman. It seemed that he was still seduced by Sun Nana.

He is such a waste!

My girlfriend is obviously so beautiful, with a much better figure and appearance than Sun Nana, but she still........

It seems that no matter what age men are, they are all the same and like to have sex.

Xia Mo frowned and said,"When did it happen?"

"Just, around half past eight. Sun Nana choked up,"I, I was looking at my phone at that time. It was exactly 8:30, and then, within a few minutes, three men wearing masks suddenly ran over from behind. He, they covered us with towels. mouth, then, then we fainted"

"Xia team."

As soon as Sun Nana finished speaking, a male policeman came over holding a towel;"Look. Xia

Mo put her nose up and sniffed, then hurriedly distanced herself and said with a frown,"It's a powerful ether. Once inhaled, it can cause coma in two to three seconds. Look around quickly to see if there's anything there." Other clues."

After speaking, Xia Mo looked at Sun Nana and continued;"Sun Nana, besides these, what else did you see?"

"Also, there is a van." Sun Nana said,"At that time, there was a van following from behind, a silver-gray one."

"Did you see the license plate?"

"No."Sun Nana shook her head.

Xia Mo nodded and said,"Xiao Liu, call the bureau immediately and call up the monitoring of all nearby intersections. The time is between 8:30 and 8:40 tonight. , looking for a silver-gray van"

"clear. Xia

Mo looked at Sun Nana and said,"Sun Nana, you come back to the bureau with me first. I want to understand some things carefully.""

"Um."Sun Nana nodded, and then hurriedly followed Xia Mo into the car.

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