Chapter 75

Chapter 70 Making money is not a rare thing (seeking support, fourteenth)

“Teacher, is this power arm system theoretically achievable?”

In the laboratory, a student asked his teacher, Wilson.

Wilson watched the video, over and over again, and said: “This should be the peak of all power arm applications at the moment. Unless a new force usage pattern is discovered, then this is the peak. The theory can be done, but you A very detailed drawing is needed, and that drawing is the core.”

“In other words, with the drawings, can we also make them?”

“Every physicist has actually thought about your ideas, so I ask you, do you think Chen Fan has thought about it, this kind of problem? Or is Chen Fan himself really making a contribution?”

The student chose to shut up, and Wilson stretched out his hand and touched William’s head, and said: “To make an anti-counterfeiting thing, this is not difficult for physicists who are familiar with physical operations. Don’t think you can make it with drawings. Come out, the real drawing is not as easy as you think, so feel free to find your pentaquark particles.”

The student nodded and stopped talking.

Peking University welcomed the first batch of guests. The guests were distinguished personnel from Dubai.

After the personnel arrived, they met directly with Chen Fan.

The principal was very happy. What he never expected was that his school could add such a photo.

“Dear Li, your talent is really the wealth of all mankind. On behalf of me, Dubai welcomes you. We will promise that you will always be able to enjoy a residence right in any part of Dubai in the future.”

Chen Fan thinks these guys in Dubai seem very cute.

“Thank you, I think I will go.”

“Of course, Chen 020fan, if you put the final puzzle together, I look forward to it. One day in the future, you can actually make mechas. At that time, I hope to be your first batch of customers.”

“No problem, but what I make will only be for civilian use, simple running and flying, no matter how much, I won’t make it.”

“This is natural. In this era, if new weapons appear, it is a kind of sadness.”

For five or six days in a row, Chen Fan obtained more materials than he could think of. In fact, after making them, Chen Fan prepared seven or eight copies.

In just a few days, they were all sold.

Moreover, there are a lot of parts in the inventory, as long as they are assembled, they are completely fine.

As for the drawing, Chen Fan tore it.

neither knows.

Chen Chong has seen the drawings, and someone has contacted Chen Chong. The channel is very secret, but Chen Chong refused and reported it.

The purpose is simple, Chen Chong couldn’t understand the drawing.

It seems that some of the symbols above, only Chen Fan himself knows what they mean.

“It means that if you want to imitate, you must follow Chen Fan’s language?”

“Yes, that’s probably what I meant. Although I don’t want to admit it, Chen Fan is not an ordinary schoolmaster.”

“F*ck, he made all the money, isn’t it good to give us a cup of soup?”

“Fortunately, Chen Fan is just a scientific researcher. If Chen Fan wants to form a team to fight for something, it is probably a very scary thing. I really can’t think of any scientist who will not want to follow Chen Fan. ”

What Chen Fan is doing now is actually very simple.

Chemistry is also material science.

“Any material, z is two-sided in my eyes. Remember, the world is opposed and eternally opposed. When you are studying a material, you must make a decision. The hazards of this material, you must Put it first.”

In the class, there is only one student, Chen Fan.

Listen carefully to the teacher’s explanation.

“So, teacher, under what circumstances did you get cancer?”

“I don’t know, I’ve come into contact with too much. I wrote about 80 to 90% of the hazards of chemical materials. You know, now I can be manic and toss, and everyone will pay for it. If you don’t work hard for me, there will be too many people in the world who die every year because of chemistry.”

“Materials science is the devil given to the world by God. I don’t understand how to use the devil, but the meaning of my existence is to tell you how to protect yourself.”

Chen Fan nodded.

“Teacher, this stone, I hope you wear it.”

Chen Jiaqing said: “Chen Fan, I understand your thoughts. I have noticed your stone a long time ago. It is Tao Yaoyao’s body, right? What is the function?”

“Promoting blood acceleration is actually equivalent to a fitness product. When people are exercising, their metabolism will accelerate, and people will age like this. But most people age because of their own energy during metabolism. Can’t keep up, so when wearing this stone, you need to eat a lot of food.”

Interesting experiment.

Chen Jiaqing looked at Chen Fan, walked to Chen Fan’s face seriously, and looked closely at Chen Fan’s eyes.

If others saw this, they would definitely think it would be a love story.

But in the classroom, you can only hear the sound of the fan turning, and the breathing that two people can feel at close range.

Chen Jiaqing said: “Chen Fan, look at my eyes and tell me, have you experimented with yourself?”

Chen Fan nodded and said, “Yes, I did experiment with myself. After discovering this substance, I started experimenting.”

This substance was found on that stone, and it does not belong to any chemical elements. Chen Fan used this substance as a carrier and tried to integrate with many substances. He was surprised to find that all seemed to be beneficial.

There are two sides to matter, and Chen Fan believes that if the good is greater than the bad, then nature is good.

Chen Fan calls this substance moonlight.

Very poetic name.

Little Crescent Necklace, Chen Fan has only used a little bit so far.

Chen Jiaqing stood up and said, “It’s boring, it’s boring at all. You have learned the core of chemistry before you learn chemistry. Really, I have to report this. I hope you don’t think about it.”

Chen Fan nodded.

Said that he would not be angry.

What it is to grow up, Chen Fan believes that the core meaning of growing up is to let people who care about themselves not worry, and not let down those who worry about themselves.

This is growth.

“No wonder you grow so fast. I didn’t expect to have this help to grow your body. Would you like to share information? Recently adopted, maybe, if it succeeds, we can open up a new way of health preservation.”

Chen Fan looked at Chen Jiaqing and said: ‘I firmly believe that this stone can even cure your cancer if possible, but I’m just guessing. ’

“Genes are God’s forbidden zone. Chen Fan will immediately stop your meaningless conjectures. Human saliva can drown you. Many people have begun to guess whether you will eventually become the most terrible criminal in the world. Don’t bother me anymore.”

“Well, but I will still stick to the study of this material moonlight. I think he is the meaning of my next breakthrough.”

Chemists, physicists, in experiments, will always find some new substances, these substances often make people feel very strange.

However, Chen Fan felt that his element was definitely not in the traditional sense, element No. 199.

The currently known element in the periodic table, element number, has been elusive, and the last element number 199 is not clearly defined.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry has completely cancelled the method of discovering elements for awards since many years ago.

Because they think this is a tricky thing, without any practical value.

The discovery of new elements is meaningless, because the previous elements have not been used well.

The stability and half-life cycle of moonlight is unprecedented.

However, Chen Fan will let go of things that cannot be solved in the short term, and instead deal with the things that are best for him at the moment.

Chen Fan opened his own mathematical modeling problem, brushed for a while, followed the afternoon car, rushed to the scene of the competition.

When it comes to the scene, everyone becomes a team, there is no doubt about it.

The appearance of Chen Fan made Tsinghua people point to the nose of Peking University and began to curse.

Shameless, really shameless, how could there be such a shameless school in the world,

Disgusting, looking disgusting, bah.

You asked Chen Fan to participate in the competition. What are our strengths?

The difficulty of the question was also changed because of the appearance of Chen Fan.

“Put a rectangular chair with four legs on the uneven ground. Usually only three legs touch the ground and it is unstable. Then move it a few times to make the four legs touch the ground at the same time and stabilize. Try to make reasonable assumptions and establish a mathematical model to explain this phenomenon

A very simple subject, a rectangular chair, placed on the ground, is a very simple common sense problem in society.

Explain, explain with mathematics.

This f*ck is a ghost, right?

As for Chen Fan, at the moment of writing the solution, the organizing committee knew that there was no way to defeat Chen Fan.

The child’s mathematical ability is still so strong.

Suppose, draw a picture, and finally solve the final answer.

Chen Fan wrote two pages in only thirteen minutes.

Of course, Zhou Ke was on the sidelines and took a bite of potato chips secretly.

Chen Fan handed in the paper, and the teacher looked at everyone.

Everyone bowed their heads silently, the answer is self-evident, Chen Fan is the champion again.

“Chen Fan, I want to ask you, you are so strong in math, why do you want to bully us?”

“It’s not a bully. I just came for a cutscene. I heard that the mathematical modeling competition can get a lot of credits. I want to get enough credits in advance. In this way, I can get rid of the books and do what I want to do.”

You fucking, this forced you to pretend, cowhide, you are really bad, Chen Fan, you are no longer the silent boy.

You have all learned to bully.

ps: Please support, thank you all. .

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