Chapter 33

Chapter 31, the original level five is just the beginning (seeking support, third more)

Chen Fan didn’t understand from the beginning to the end, why he ordered the upgrade, but there was no change, but when the fifth level came, Chen Fan realized that the fifth level is the beginning.

If it were not for an IQ of 300, Chen Fan would gain knowledge every time he leveled up.

But with an IQ of 300, which is complementary to the Xueba system, there will be the possibility of duplication.

But just like this, Chen Fan’s progress will appear astonishing.

At the age of fifteen, in less than a month, I completed a goal that others may not be able to accomplish in a lifetime.

Chen Fan chose the lottery for the rest of the school dominance points.

This time the Grand Slam, Chen Fan has a chance to draw.

[Congratulations to the host, you can get a capsule. The duration is three days. Within three days, your mind will be greatly strengthened. After three days, it will gradually penetrate into your body. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have gained physical strength. When you train, your body’s absorption will be increased by an additional five times. 】

In other words, did you give yourself a very strong body?

Chen Fan finds this very useful.

The body is the capital of the revolution. If you want to engage in scientific research, you must improve your physical quality.

After all, the love task was put down by Chen Fan. It was not completed, and Chen Fan did not have much time to complete it.

[Host, Chen Fan

IQ: 300

Mathematics: LV5

Physics: LV3

Biochemistry: LV1

Engineering: LV1

Material Science: LV1

Energy Science: LV1

Informatics: LV1

Branch Technology: None

Technical Drawing: Magic Group

Points: 4600

Task: Choose one of three, or all of them can be completed.

New task one: You can choose to complete the physics competition, and get the first place, you will get a five-level award in physics.

New task two: You can increase your physical fitness more than three times in a short period of time, task rewards, drawing lottery.

New task three: You can continue to try to fall in love again. 】

For the three tasks, the third one was put down first, and the other two. Chen Fan thought about it. There was enough time. Chen Fan planned to improve his physical fitness in a short time, and then went to draw a new drawing.

As for the capsule in his hand, Chen Fan’s mission is the key to solving the magic group.

Any system is searched in a regular manner. This is the law of nature, and this is how mathematics interprets the world.

“The greatest mathematician in mathematics, what is Gauss’s mathematics level”

“Level Eight”

Chen Fan sighed helplessly. Sure enough, the more he went up, the more difficult it became.

After finishing the food, Chen Fan and the others said goodbye, and went back to the hotel to prepare to go.

Two preparations, one after the award, speak.

Need to interpret Mersenne prime numbers.

The other one is about the interpretation of the magic group.

After arriving at the hotel, Chen Fan took the capsule and started to calculate.

Sufficient time, too late, completely too late.

The thinking is very active, so I don’t need to wash my face to wake up.

The first material, Chen Fan was quickly solved, because it was very simple and too familiar.

The second piece of information is the core.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Chen Fan was still disturbed.

Hua Xiong stood at the door and said: “Chen Fan, I am your teacher, yes, but I reserve the right to choose where to study, because our rule is to come and go freely.”

Chen Fan nodded.

People outside the door gradually walked in.

Princeton, one of the birthplaces of mathematics.

“I can give you five million dollars a year, and promise that after graduation, you can directly become the professor of Princeton, the youngest professor, and you can also discuss with the previous Fields Award winners.”

“I reject.”

Meeting is polite, rejection is instinct.

The second, Oxford University, offered even more outrageous conditions and promised villas and yachts.

Chen Fan still refused.

The third one, MIT, was even more scary, but Chen Fan didn’t want to listen, so he refused.

At this time, the hearts of most mathematicians were let go.

“Hua Xiong, I admire the mathematicians in your country very much.”

Hua Xiong said: “Mathematics can be without politics, but mathematicians must be linked to politics, we all understand.”

“Thank you for giving us the right. Chen Fan is the treasure of all mankind. You have given us a fair chance to play. I will contact our national mathematics association. In the Fields Mathematics Award, Chen Fan will be the most important. One vote for it.”

“Thank you, Chen Fan is still young. I think many people will reject his age, but I still hope that he can win the prize.”

“Yes, after seeing me, I firmly believe that Chen Fan can do it, but Hua Xiong, as my dearest friend, I want to remind you that the unraveling of Mason prime numbers may represent the height of number theory, but the magic group is different. , Your students are studying the magic group.”

“Persuaded, but we mathematicians, which one is persuaded?”

Hahaha, everyone left with a smile.

Contact with Chen Fan is conditional. Regardless of success or failure, Chen Fan needs to be supported by a vote.

And Chen Fan’s answer made Hua Xiong particularly happy.

“Why not choose these?”

“My grandfather is Lao Hong. I think I will not leave the land where I was born. When I was a child, my grandfather was the only one who accompanied me and taught me to read and read. Although I know that old people will not jump out of the grave and beat people, I know , If I do, I will feel uncomfortable in my heart.”

“En, okay, just remember you. Besides, if you can, let’s give up on the magic group.”

At night, Chen Fan slept very early.

In the morning, Chen Fan also got up very early, the door was cumbersome, and no one was allowed in.

In the evening, Moonlight climbed up quietly, and Chen Fan walked out of the house, brows frowned.

He knows that he still hasn’t finished it, just one step away. Where is that ray of inspiration? 》

Is the magic group really harder than Mason primes?

Chen Fan thought about it, maybe Zhou’s conjecture made him take a lot of detours, but the magic group started from scratch.

Hopefully, the white dove will suddenly appear in front of him.

“Hurry up, I will give you makeup and a suit. You will need to be on TV later.”

Tao Yaoyao was going to die in a hurry.

“Oh, then come on.”

ps: Please support, thank you all. .

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