Chapter 516 Unbearable! Not an opponent

Wait for the surrounding flames to dissipate.

Feng Wu jumped forward.

It jumped directly to the same height as the head of the golden sacred dragon.

Then he punched it directly.


With the power of the whole body pouring out.

The head of the golden sacred dragon was directly hit hard.

The whole dragon uttered a roar, and then pulled away slightly.

Derek was not idle, but rushed over with a sword in his hand.

The two people scuffled together.

Derek found that Feng Wu had not been affected in the slightest.

So he once again used his whole body strength.

The golden blade gleamed across, and Feng Wu picked up a branch next to it.

These 810 branches were left over from the previous tornado.

Although very fragile at first.

It only takes a little force to break it.

But after Feng Wu injected strength.

It became extremely hard in an instant.

Can directly compete with each other’s golden holy sword.

When everyone saw this scene.

I couldn’t believe my eyes at all.

A very fragile wooden stick.

How could it become so hard.

As Tongfeng Wu said before,

Anything can become (biad) his weapon.

Derek’s offense bought time for the Golden Sacred Dragon.

When the golden sacred dragon reacted.

Directly grabbed and waved to separate the two entangled people.

It may be due to restrictions on the site.

Let the golden sacred dragon not be able to exert its full strength.

But it is also taking advantage of this opportunity.

Feng Wu directly used the wooden stick in his hand as a weapon.

Inserted into the claws of the golden sacred dragon.


The golden sacred dragon roared.

The moment he retracted his paw.

Also pulled Feng Wu one after another.

Feng Wu took advantage of this opportunity to climb up.

It came directly to the back of the golden sacred dragon.

Pull out the wooden stick in your hand.

Then he pointed it directly at the back of the golden sacred dragon.

As graceful as the dragon fighting the dragon.

Directly let the golden sacred dragon have no way to continue to attack.

He could only whine twice, and quickly retreated.

Derek never expected such a result.

The skin of the golden sacred dragon is very hard.

Even he himself has no way to break through this intensity.

But Feng Wu just used a wooden stick.

It is really incredible to be able to cause the Holy Dragon to suffer so much damage.

“How did you do it?” Derek asked.

This sentence.

It’s not just asking how Feng Wu can make parts so hard.

It is also asking how to penetrate the skin of the golden sacred dragon.

“As long as you are strong enough, none of this is a problem!”

Feng Wu did not answer directly.

Instead, he picked up the stick and prepared to walk towards the other side.

After all, in the face of absolute strength.

Any technique is useless.

Seeing that the other party slowly walked over, he immediately sighed helplessly.

“I lost, not your opponent!”

At this time, Derek took his sword back.

This also means that there is no need to continue the fight, and Feng Wu won once again. .

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