Chapter 491 Unexpected! Retribution

An unexpected result for everyone.

The Babao Mirror was not photographed by Daozi people in the end.

And the English woman was taking a picture of the Eight Treasure Mirror.

Soon he got in a black van and left.

There is no room for Daoziren to react at all.

When they reacted afterwards and sent someone to chase them, they could no longer find a trace.

“Bagaya Road, this woman must be found!”

The island is domestic.

A big man from the dark organization learned of the latest developments in the auction.

Patting the table and shouting “Seven Nine Seven”.

at the same time.

Among the remaining eight countries.

Both the official and the unofficial sent people to the United States.

Its purpose is to find out who is behind the auction.

But the auction will end at this time.

It’s actually over.

The person in charge of the auction also kept the promise.

Take out some antique calligraphy and paintings and present them to the guests present.

at this time.

Live broadcast rooms around the world are still full.

The total number of people watching the live broadcast reached 100 million.

Even if the auction is over, many people still have no idea.

Especially the last one.

The unexpected bid for the island country failed.

Let everyone talk about it even more.

Stick live room.

“Haha, feel comfortable, the island country has been retributed!”

“Shabi Daozi, has the car overturned now?”

“Daozi looks disgusting, and the inferior nation should have disappeared above the blue star long ago!”

“Daozi made a hypocritical expression, showing Laozi vomiting.”

“Pushing on the street so poor that I can’t even afford a broken mirror.”

“Haha, senior black, a broken mirror worth 5 billion dollars, who can afford it?”

“I think someone targeted the island country and deliberately prevented them from buying the Babao Mirror, otherwise it should stop at the 2 billion position.

China live broadcast room.

“Wonderful, Daozi became angry? Don’t come to the auction if you don’t have money!”

“Yes, the island’s national treasure is worth 5 billion US dollars. Shouldn’t they be happy?”

“To be honest, I can’t figure out that the English woman bought the Eight Treasure Mirror for Mao herself. As a support, shouldn’t it stop at the right time and let the other party buy it in order to achieve the goal of high profits?”

“People probably didn’t stop the car. I guess she didn’t expect Daozi to bear the upper limit of 5 billion dollars, right?”

“That’s fine, anyway, if Daozi didn’t buy her own national treasure, she would lose her face in front of other countries.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, people didn’t want to face it, what do you want that thing to do, is it not fragrant to give Lao Mi a licking dog?”

“That’s right, anyway, the old rice soldiers have fun in the island country, and they can share their soup with meat in the future.

“You think too much, that is because the island is not weak and it is still useful. It is good for people from weak countries to use it directly?

Daozi Live Room.

“Distressed, now the whole world is watching our jokes!”

“Strictly investigate, who is behind the scenes!”

“Gan, this is a great shame for our island nation

“Don’t be angry, just think about it, although I didn’t buy a national treasure, but it saved 5 billion U.S. dollars, which is much better than other countries.”

“Well, it makes sense. Those who spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy back national treasures have problems with their brains. Aren’t some broken jars, broken paintings, broken mirrors, etc., can enhance national strength and improve people’s livelihood? It is a waste of money.

Chapter He Actually Admits It

“You know a basket, don’t fight for steamed buns and keep your breath, is my island country a stubborn person?

“Yeah, don’t entertain yourself, you should get your own things back by yourself. Things that have nothing to do with money, you have to fight for this spine!”

“Hehe, you really have the backbone to come back directly, and you have to spend money?”

“You laugh JB, what age do you think it is now, do you want to grab it? Do you still want to mix in the United Nations 0.3?”

“Sand sculpture? To grab Ge Gil, must be quietly regained, I think there is already a big man in action, right?”

“Hey, after all, it has to be snatched back after the fact. The Waterloo incident at the auction will eventually become a laughing stock for everyone to talk about in the future, and even if it is snatched back, won’t the reputation be even worse?”

“Wori, a few pits, just don’t want this broken mirror.”

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