Chapter 237 Brother betrayed! Feng Wu is here! Let Suzaku pour wine (guilt for subscription)

“What are you doing in a daze? Go ahead, we are calculated, there may be an ambush outside!”

Seeing a few people indifferent, Xiao Qingyang was a little anxious.

“Ha ha ”

Bai Hu couldn’t help but sneered: “Go? Do you think you can go?”

“My lord wants to kill you, if you flee to the end of the world, you can’t change the ending!”

“What do you mean?”

Xiao Qingyang’s brows were tight, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger!

“It’s no wonder that even your own wife was snatched away by adults. Not only is your strength not good, but your brain is not good!”

Bai Hu stood up and spoke disdainfully.

Qinglong and Xuanwu also stood up and surrounded Xiao Qingyang in a triangle.


When he heard this, Xiao Qingyang understood everything, because it was Feng Wu who snatched Gu Qingge from him.

The adult in Baihu’s mouth is Feng Hao!

“You betrayed me?”

He looked at Bai Hu incredulously, unable to accept this fact at all.

After seeing Qinglong, Xuanwu also had an indifferent expression, and he couldn’t believe it even more.

“You and you too,

He fingered the three of them, his body couldn’t help but tremble, his expression was extremely shocked.

His face was shocked, and his heart was already throbbing!

Unexpectedly, the brothers who went through the battlefield together would betray him.

Still the three betrayed together, and none of them can accept it.

“Xiao Qingyang’s mood is damaged, he robs Xiao Qingyang of 500 points, and villain knows that it will increase by 5000!

Feng Wu Gang got off the car, and the sound of the system came into his mind.

“Has it started? I, behind the scenes, should also appear!”

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, a sneer was aroused, and he walked towards the hotel.

To deal with Xiao Qingyang, he has the protagonist’s halo, and Feng Wu still has to solve it!

In the hotel private room!

When Xiao Qingyang was said to be poisoned, Suzaku felt bad. As expected, the actions of Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu confirmed her guess.

Feng Wu is about to start Xiao Qingyang!


“Didn’t you promise me to let Xiao Qingyang go after satisfying you?”

She froze in place, her mind was blank, and she kept thinking about Feng Wu’s words at the time.


Xiao Qingyang and Ben couldn’t accept this fact, glanced at the three people, and asked in a cold voice.

“Oh (biad) Oh, how can there be a reason? You are not qualified to be our boss at all!”

“Compared with less wind, you are far behind.”

“What is it? I have long seen you not pleasing to your eyes, and pretending to be a deep look all day, who is this expression for!”

A line of unceremonious words, like a sharp sword, penetrated directly into Xiao Qingyang’s heart.

Bai Hu hated Xiao Qingyang. Although he was controlled by Feng Wu, his essence remained the same.

Xiao Qingyang Meng raised his head and looked at Qinglong and Xuanwu, did they mean that too?

“As Baihu said, you don’t deserve to be my boss at all. I was blinded by following you before!”

Xuanwu Urn said angrily, his eyes still full of disdain.

“you ”

Xiao Qingyang felt dizzy and collapsed on the ground.

Xuanwu is his most loyal person, and he has made great contributions to him in the past.

If someone betrayed him, Xuanwu can definitely rule it out!

Until now, even Xuanwu has said such words, one can imagine how much he failed.

“Xiao Qingyang’s mood is damaged, he robs Xiao Qingyang of 300 points of luck, and his villain value increases by 3000!”

The sound of the system machinery came again. At this time, Feng Wu had already walked to the door, and he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Bang bang bang!

When the scene was silent, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

“My lord is here!”

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the three of them, Bai Hu and Xuanwu stared at Xiao Qingyang coldly, and Qinglong came to open the door.


The door opened and Feng Wu Junmei’s figure appeared. With a cursory glance, he already knew what was happening in the room.

Xiao Qingyang fell to the ground with double paralysis, and from the godless pupils, you could see how desperate he was.

All this is Feng Wu’s arrangement, everything is just trying to squeeze out more villain value from him!

“Is this unacceptable?”

Feng Wu raised his eyebrows and sneered in his heart: “The good show is yet to come!”

Seeing Feng Hao’s arrival, Suzaku woke up from a daze.

Then came to him quickly and said in a questioning tone:

“Feng Wu, didn’t you say that after I satisfied you, you would let Brother Yang go?”

“What’s the matter with you? Talking is nothing!”

She fingered Feng Hao, her eyes were full of anger!

“Ha ha

Feng Wu chuckled lightly, but the color of haze flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this woman still speaks for Xiao Qingyang.

“Do you believe what I said?”

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with this woman, but just glanced at her coldly, without any emotion.

When the words fell, he walked straight to Xiao Qingyang, with a smile on his face like a spring breeze.

“It’s you, you did it all”

Perceiving Feng Wu’s footsteps, Xiao Qingyang raised his head, and his pupils returned to a little color.

“It seems that your brain is not too stupid to be hopeless!” A strange color flashed in Feng Wu’s eyes.

“Why? I have no grievances or grudges against you, and Qingge is with you, so I just quit, isn’t that enough?”

“Why do you treat me this way?”

Xiao Qingyang roared, his voice vibrated and echoed in the room.

“Heh, at this time, we still have to be careful!”

Feng Wu’s smile remained unchanged, and Xiao Qingyang’s voice was loud enough to spread outside.

If he hadn’t isolated the surrounding space, Xiao Qingyang’s protagonist’s halo would activate, and he might have escaped.

However, if there is no if, Xiao Qingyang will die today!

“Don’t yell so loudly, the surrounding space is cut off by me, no one outside will hear it!”

Feng Wu smiled, seeing a seat next to him, and sat down casually.


Xiao Qingyang’s heart felt cold, but Feng Wu didn’t expect this to be seen through.

“Want to know why? We can talk slowly!”

Feng Wu smiled slightly, took a clean foot cup next to him, and glanced at the Suzaku who was stunned on the spot:

“Come here and pour me wine!”


Suzaku’s body trembled and looked towards Feng Wu.

Feng Wu’s mouth was smiling. In her opinion, it was more terrifying than the devil.


Seeing her motionless, Feng Wu raised his eyebrows:

“You can’t come, I will kill him now!”

He looked at Xiao Qingyang, and the meaning was self-evident.


Suzaku bit her red lips and walked slowly to Feng Wu’s side.

“Younger Feng, can you spare Brother Yang? I can do whatever you want.

Knowing that she was not an opponent, there was only one dead end to resist Feng Wu, she couldn’t help but pray.

Feng Wu didn’t speak, but raised the glass in her hand and motioned her to pour the wine. .

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