Chapter 152

The news about Xiao Heng driving a luxury car back to the village soon spread in the village, then to the next village, and then to the town.

A drug store in town.

A fat middle-aged man watched a thin middle-aged man walk into the drug store and asked:"Second brother, why are you free to come to my place today instead of guarding your rotten fish pond?"

"Why am I still guarding the fish pond now?"The thin middle-aged man replied with a wink and a smile.

"how? Do you have any good things?"

"Boss, have you heard? Xiao Heng came back at noon today. He came back in a Rolls-Royce Phantom. It is said that the people who came back with him all drove big Land Rovers."

"Yeah? Xiao Heng, that bastard son, did he know how to pretend to be fat and rent a luxury car when he came back this time? not bad!"The fat middle-aged man said with a smile.

He is the eldest brother of Xiao Heng's mother and Xiao Heng's uncle.

Although he did not deliberately inquire about where Xiao Heng lived after graduating from university and how he was doing. But he had heard of it, so he didn't think Xiao Heng had the ability or money to buy a Rolls-Royce Phantom or a Land Rover.

"Didn't you hear from people in Xiao Heng's village some time ago that Xiao Heng transferred 5 million to his second uncle Xiao Shenglin and bought two houses and two shops in the county?"The thin middle-aged man asked curiously.

He is Xiao Heng's mother's second brother and Xiao Heng's second uncle.

After he heard that Xiao Heng transferred 5 million to Xiao Shenglin to buy a house and a shop, he made a special decision. He asked if this was the case.

The news he found was that Xiao Shenglin did buy two houses and two shops in Pengxian County, so he concluded that Xiao Heng transferred 5 million to Xiao Shenglin.

He had been paying attention to the news about Xiao Heng.

When he was having lunch at home today, he heard the news that Xiao Heng was coming back. He also knew that Xiao Heng was coming back in a Rolls-Royce Phantom. He also knew that everyone who came back with Xiao Heng was Driving a big Land Rover.

After learning the news, his first reaction was to go to Xiao Heng and ask for money.

But he thought that when Xiao Heng was in high school, he came to his house to borrow money and he refused and scolded him. He and Xiao Heng had no contact or contact for nearly 10 years. He knew that if he ran to Xiao Heng so excitedly, he would probably not get what he wanted, so he came to see his elder brother. , discussed the matter, and wanted his eldest brother to go with him to find Xiao Heng. There is strength in numbers!

"And this thing?"Uncle Xiao Heng immediately became energetic.

If what happened is true and Xiao Heng really gave Xiao Shenglin 5 million to buy a house, then as his dear uncle, how much should Xiao Heng give him?

"Boss, how dare I lie to you about this?"

"Xiao Heng gave Xiao Shenglin 5 million to buy a house and a shop. I specifically inquired and confirmed it from various sources, and it was true."Second Uncle Xiao Heng said with a serious look on his face.

"Second child, you came to me now, do you want me to find Xiao Heng with you?"Uncle Xiao Heng rolled his eyes and asked

"what you think? You are his uncle, I am his second uncle, we are all his uncles"

"He gave Xiao Shenglin 5 million. He didn't say how much, but at least he had to give each of us two or three million, right?"Second Uncle Xiao Heng said with a smile.

"But we had no contact with him after his mother died. Is it appropriate for us to go to him to ask for money like this?"Uncle Xiao Heng said a little hesitantly.

A tree has a skin, and a person has a face.

He is still a well-known figure in Anfeng Town, so he rashly went to ask Xiao Heng for money, and Xiao Heng gave it to him. It was okay. But if Xiao Heng doesn't give it, he will be embarrassed

"Boss, you don’t want it?"

"Forget it if you don’t want it. Anyway, I will go to Xiao Heng’s village to find him later."Second Uncle Xiao Heng took retreat as a way forward.

With several thousand or tens of thousands, he knew that his eldest brother might not go to Xiao Heng for the sake of face.

But if it was tens or millions, he would not believe that his eldest brother would not go with him..

No, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard his elder brother say:"No, no, how could I not want it?""

"But, second brother, if we go to Xiao Heng to ask for money like this, will he give it to us?"

"Boss, that’s what I thought. Didn’t Xiao Heng just come back today? He will definitely visit his parents’ graves and visit them, so we......"After Uncle Xiao Heng finished describing his plan, he waited for Uncle Xiao Heng to digest it before he asked:"Boss, what do you think of what I said?"

"Okay, just do it your way"

"So let's prepare now and go find Xiao Heng right away?"

"Hmm~~Okay, go get ready now and go find Xiao Heng later"........

Xiao Shenglin's family.

After Xiao Heng, his second uncle Xiao Shenglin, and his second aunt Zhang Xihong had lunch, they took a short rest and went to pay homage to his parents' graves with the fragrant wax money paper he had asked Xiao Shenglin to prepare in advance.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he, Xiao Shenglin, Zhang Xihong, and his three bodyguards walked to his parents' graves, they saw two middle-aged men, one fat and one thin, kneeling in front of his parents' graves. Burn incense, wax, money and paper in front of the grave.

After Xiao Shenglin looked at the two middle-aged men, he was stunned for a moment and said to himself:"Why are they here?"

"Second uncle, do you know those two people?"Xiao Heng asked after hearing what Xiao Shenglin was talking to himself.

He was surprised why two middle-aged men visited his parents' graves.

You know, after his parents died, except when he came back to visit the graves during the Spring Festival, that was His second uncle would visit his parents' graves during holidays.

No one else would come to visit his parents' graves.

"Hengwazi, you don’t recognize your eldest uncle and second uncle anymore?"Xiao Shenglin turned around and asked Xiao Heng.

After listening to Xiao Shenglin's words, Xiao Heng took a closer look at the two middle-aged men and then said:"I haven't seen each other in almost 10 years. I really didn't recognize them just now."

"Let’s not talk about this yet"

"Hengwazi, your uncle and uncle are here to visit your parents’ graves today. You should understand what their plans are!"Xiao Shenglin asked meaningfully

"Second uncle, don’t worry, I know, I understand, and I also know what to do." Xiao Heng replied with a smile.

After his parents passed away, his eldest uncle and second uncle had no contact with him, let alone visited his parents' graves.

Today he came back and drove a luxury car back, and the two of them came. It’s self-evident what you want to do

"Just know"

"Let's go! we go over"



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