The next day, morning.

Hilton Hotel Presidential Suite.

Xiao Heng looked at Yang Mi who was sitting slumped next to him, with a long aftertaste.

This time he clearly felt that Yang Mi was different when she was in Magic City. how to say?

Maybe it's because of her status as a big star that she's just a hair away from catching up with Chen Weiwei!

But precisely because of his status as a big star, he is liked by thousands of men, which also makes him extremely satisfied mentally. This is a feeling that Chen Weiwei cannot compare with and cannot give him.

Anyway....He was very satisfied.

If you give, you will be rewarded.

So Xiao Heng thought for a moment and said to Yang Mi:"Yang Mi, I bought Xinglang and the scarf. I will give you a phone number later. If you have any needs in the future, call him directly and ask him to help. You handle it."

He was about to give Zhu Ran's phone number to Yang Mi.

Originally, he should have given Su Jing’s phone number to Yang Mi, but Su Jing’s character....Forget it

"Xiao Heng~~Thank you."Yang Mi thanked her excitedly.

As long as she has the full support of Xinglang and Bibo, she will become the queen of topics and catch up with the status of the older generation. It will be a matter of time.

Of course, the most important thing is that she has truly obtained Xiao With Heng ’s support

, her career and stardom will definitely go smoothly in the future.

"No need to thank me, you deserve this"

"I...."Yang Mi wanted to say something, but as soon as she spoke, she was interrupted by Xiao Heng:"Okay, stop being pretentious, let's get up and wash up together! I have something to do and I have to fly to Hangzhou later."


Capital International Airport.

After Xiao Heng took Wu Gang, Mike, and Cole onto the plane from the capital to Hangzhou, they prepared to go to bed and catch up on their drowsiness.

He and Yang Mi were crazy until three in the morning last night, and they got up so early this morning. They were very tired, and even he who was in the middle stage of Anjin couldn't bear it.

However, what Xiao Heng didn't expect was that as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard a female voice say in surprise:"Mr. Xiao, why are you here?"

"Miss Tong, what can I do for you? Xiao Heng asked when he opened his eyes and saw Tong Yaya standing in front of him.

Last night, when he and Yang Mi were finishing their dinner, Tong Yaya and Zhang Fu came to their private room to toast.

Therefore, he was also considered a Met Tong Yaya

"without...Nothing."Tong Yaya lowered her head and replied.

Somehow, she always felt that Xiao Heng had a great aura, which made her unable and dare not look at Xiao Heng. After finishing her words, a few seconds later, Tong Yaya She didn't hear Xiao Heng speak, so she looked up and saw that Xiao Heng had closed his eyes. After looking for a seat, she looked at the boarding pass and found that her seat was the one next to Xiao Heng. She also sat down next to Xiao Heng.

However, as soon as she sat down, she saw Xiao Heng opening his eyes and looking at her.

"I...I am this seat."Tong Yaya was afraid that Xiao Heng would misunderstand, so she hurriedly explained.

She had seen how powerful Xiao Heng was last night.

Zhang Fu, a financial company boss who is so awesome, treated Xiao Heng with respect, which shows how awesome Xiao Heng is..

So for a big boss like Xiao Heng, she must be careful to offend her, which is not something a starlet with small arms and legs can bear.

"Miss Tong, are you afraid of me?"Xiao Heng asked curiously.

He felt that Tong Yaya was in front of him, just like a chicken meeting an eagle.

"Not anymore"

"Then why do you always stutter when you speak?"

"I don't."Tong Yaya didn't want to say anything more on this topic, so she hurriedly changed the subject and said,"Mr. Xiao, are you going to Hangzhou?"

"If I don’t go to Hangzhou, why should I take this plane?"Xiao Heng asked speechlessly.

"Mr. Xiao, what a coincidence, I am also going to Hangzhou"


"It's a bit of a coincidence."Xiao Heng was almost speechless.

He suddenly felt that Tong Yaya, a big star, was really easy to play.

She looked like the Iron Woman.

So, he didn't want to sleep that much.

"Miss Tong, are you going to Hengdian to film?"Xiao Heng asked for a topic.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang made up for the lack of funds for my new movie last night, so I went to Hengdian today to prepare for the official start of filming. After Tong Yaya finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Heng and asked,"Mr. Xiao, what about you?" What are you doing in Hangzhou?"

"Ali Laoma wants to see me." Xiao Heng replied calmly.

Li Shuhua helped him analyze the reason why Lao Ma met him yesterday.

Taobao, Zhifubao, Alibaba Capital, the three-in-one, the total amount of funds that can be leveraged and used has exceeded 2 trillion RMB.

What is the concept of 2 trillion RMB?

The combined GDP of Xia Guoguang Province and Su Province last year was less than 2 trillion RMB.

However, it is very rare for a company to have so much money and be able to use it. It has also attracted the attention of the above.

Therefore, Ali does not dare to expand and develop.

If a company does not dare to expand and develop, it is waiting for death and is not far from bankruptcy.

Therefore, if Ali wants to continue to survive, it must go abroad. Step out of your comfort zone and compete with the world's major conglomerates and capital.

Of course, Ali has tried to go out before, but undoubtedly ended in failure.

When he first gained the ability to predict, he had more than two in the domestic stock market. Yue's stock trading has been hailed as a stock god by people in the domestic financial and capital circles, and as a result, he has entered the eyes of many domestic financial and capital tycoons such as Ruo Ali and Teng Xun......

So Lao Ma wanted to see him because he wanted him to work as a nanny for Alibaba Capital and take Alibaba across the country.

"Teacher Ma wants to see you?"Tong Yaya asked in disbelief.

However, as soon as she finished asking, she realized something was wrong.

Her question felt like she was questioning Xiao Heng, and Xiao Heng was not qualified to be summoned by Lao Ma.

She wanted to explain, but she really She didn't know how to explain it.

She had no choice but to change the subject and asked:"Mr. Xiao, did you leave Hangzhou immediately after meeting Teacher Ma? Or will you stay for a few days?"

"Maybe stay for a day or two!"Xiao Heng replied truthfully.

He was going to Hengdian to find Yang Chaoran, so he had to stay in Hangzhou for one or two days.

"Mr. Xiao, can I add your WeChat account?"

"After you finish talking to Teacher Ma, if you are bored in Hangzhou, you can come to me."Tong Yaya blushed and explained forcefully.

Xiao Heng looked at Tong Yaya and agreed:"Okay!"

He could understand the underlying meaning of Tong Yaya's words.


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