Time flies, and three days pass by in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Heng had a very comfortable life in the past three days.

In addition to using his stock trading account to trade stocks in Hong Kong every day, he spends time with Song Yi, Li Yuxin, and Chen Weiwei.

Occasionally, he would use his mobile phone to flirt with Chen Xi, a flight attendant in Chengdu, and Tang Lin, his sister Xiao Ying's classmate.

Of course, after all the fun, all the fun, Xiao Heng still got down to business.

First of all, it is the acquisition of Xinglang shares.

Su Jing and Zhu Ran traveled to the capital, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou in the past three days......Wait for several cities, meet and talk with all shareholders and directors of Xinglang, large and small, and purchase shares at a premium.

The hard work of the two resulted in outstanding results.

They successively acquired 25.5% of the shares from Xinglang's shareholders and directors at a premium, for which Xiao Heng also spent US$255 million.

In addition, Li Shuhua led the traders of Xinglang Investment. With his superb operating methods, Li Shuhua helped Xiao Heng acquire 11.3% of Xinglang shares for only US$60 million.

In addition, Xiao Heng originally purchased 32.5% of Xinglang shares from banks for US$325 million.

Now Xiao Heng has acquired 69.3% of Xinglang's shares, reaching absolute controlling status.

After spending US$640 million, Xiao Heng obtained absolute controlling interest in Xinglang. He really made a lot of money.

Now he only needs to wait until Su Jing and Zhu Ran come back from Hangzhou and take over Xinglang tomorrow.

Then he would find a way to separate out the 45.2% shares held by Xinglang, and then raise Xinglang's stock price back to its previous price. Then he could sell Xinglang shares and make a lot of money. (Xinglang is not valuable, the key is the scarf)

Secondly, there is the matter of establishing a private think tank.

After Li Shuhua received his approval, he sent invitation letters to top talents from all walks of life scattered around the world through international headhunting companies.

Most of the top talents who are close to the Magic City or live in the Magic City contacted Li Shuhua to meet and negotiate after receiving the invitation letter from Li Shuhua.

Three days have passed. Among the top talents he has received, Li Shuhua has found one top talent in macroeconomics and two in finance for his private think tank.

As time goes by, he believes that more and more top talents will join his private think tank, and it will become stronger and more complete.

Finally, he helped Song Yi investigate Wang Qiang's matter.

In order to help Song Yi investigate the matter clearly, Xiao Heng specially sent Wu Gang to investigate.

No, Wu Gang, who has investigated the matter clearly, is making a report to Xiao Heng and Song Yi

"Wu Gang, are you saying that Wang Qiang is directing the entire drama?"

"That girlfriend Xiaoli who is going to marry Song Kai and is pregnant is Wang Qiang's lover? After Wang Qiang got Xiaoli pregnant, did he deliberately let Xiaoli get close to Song Kai?"Xiao Heng asked in disbelief after listening to Wu Gang's report.

This Wang Qiang is really a talent.

According to Wang Qiang's behavior, Wang Qiang not only asked Song Kai to help him raise his son, but also used it to get Song Kai's sister Song. Yi.

It's fun and beautiful.

Even a scumbag like him can't do this.

"Yes, boss."Wu Gang replied

"Wu Gang, according to your investigation results, Wang Qiang has made two preparations? Song Yi asked

"Yes, Miss Song, Wang Qiang has indeed made preparations"

"If the plan succeeds, he can ask Song Kai to help him raise his son and get you. If the plan fails, although he can't get you, he can still get Song Kai to help him raise his son, and he will also get the 880,000 gift money Song Kai gave Xiaoli. After Wu Gang answered affirmatively, he added:"Now that Wang Qiang's plan has failed, when I went to investigate him, I saw Wang Qiang taking people to your house every two days to force Song Kai to return the 880,000 betrothal gift he gave.""

"Scum, scum!" Song Yi cursed angrily.

What Wang Qiang did was really vicious.

If Wang Qiang succeeds, her entire Song family will be harmed by Wang Qiang.

"There are indeed scum. After Xiao Heng confirmed it, he asked Song Yi:"Song Yi, what are your plans?""

"I...."As soon as Song Yi spoke, her cell phone rang.

After seeing that the caller ID was from Song Kai, Song Yi hesitated for a moment and answered the call:"What's the matter?"

"Sister, help! Come back quickly and save me!"Song Kai on the other end of the phone shouted for help.

"How do you want me to save you?"Song Yi asked silently.

The woman was soft-hearted.

Although she already hated Song Kai to death and wanted to sever ties with Song Kai.

But her father left early, and Song Kai was the only one in her old Song family.

So if possible, she , She still wanted to help Song Kai unless it was too much.

However, Song Kai, who didn't know what she was thinking, immediately said after hearing her words:"Sister, would you like to come back and go on a blind date with Brother Qiang?"

"As long as you come back and go on a blind date with Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang will not want the 880,000 betrothal gift he gave to our family."

"If you don’t come back, Brother Qiang will force my mother and I to return the 880,000 betrothal gift he gave us."

"Haha~~Song Kai, are you still a human?"

"get out! Don't call me again, I don't have a brother like you."Song Yi exploded on the spot.

She had previously wanted to help Song Kai if possible.

But now that she heard Song Kai's request, it disappeared in an instant.

She now wished that Wang Qiang would kill Song Kai, a heartless and unjust person. The dog's things are tidied up

"Sister, you are so heartless, I am your biological brother, and you actually....."

Song Yi heard Song Kai scolding her for being heartless, and hung up the phone without waiting for Song Kai to finish.

"Song Yi, are you okay?"Xiao Heng looked at Song Yi who was silent after hanging up the phone and asked.

"I'm fine."After Song Yi said this, she threw herself into Xiao Heng's arms and cried:"Brother Heng, what should I do now? How to do it? Woo woo~~"

"How about I have someone deal with Wang Qiang?"Xiao Heng suggested

"As long as the source is dealt with, I believe you don't have to be so embarrassed."

It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs.

It is difficult for him to give any opinions on matters involving Song Yi and her family.

This requires Song Yi to make her own judgments and choices.



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