Su Can still believes in Ship King.

Nowadays, Wanxiang Group and Wharf have formed a close relationship, and Wharf has also borrowed as much as 3 billion from Yongan Bank.

Naturally, the ship king would not have any ill will towards Su Can........

But this time, I am afraid that there is something big going on, so I invited myself and others to come together in the name of my birthday.

Maybe, planning something big?

People like Li Chaoru and Mr. Guo have been good friends of the Ship King for decades, so the Ship King should discuss the matter with these people.

As for myself, it was because of my cooperation with Ship King last year that I was pulled into this small group by Ship King.

Although they are said to be a small group, none of the people present are among the top tycoons in the Chinese business circle!

Mr. Xu and Mr. Xie of Siam, several products that will become famous in China in the future are the products of the companies owned by these two people.

Not to mention Mr. Guo, the richest man in Southeast Asia and the light of the Chinese people........

As for Li Chaoren and Ship Wang, these two are well-known to the Chinese, and they are absolutely top tycoons.

Especially Li Chaoren, who has been the richest man in China for more than ten years, had he not distributed his assets to his two sons and transferred some property.

No matter how awesome the second horse in China is, no matter how popular the Internet is, their net worth is far inferior to that of Superman Li.......

This one is very hidden.

However, no matter how deeply Li Chaoren hides himself in this life, he will never have the chance to reach the top position as the richest man in China.

Because this position belongs to Su Can.

These days, although there are some discrepancies in the list of the world's richest people recorded by Forbes, with Su Can's current assets, in this era, he can still be considered one of the top richest people in the world, let alone the richest man in China.

And it is estimated that in a few months, Su Can will become the richest man in the world. It will not be a big problem, it will be too simple.

It's just that Su Can is low-key, luxurious and has connotations, so no one knows about it.

Su Can looked at the Ship King and spoke slowly,"Young Master Su's industry is very big. If we have Young Master Su joining us for what we want to do together this time, the success rate may be higher.""

"At this point, I can guarantee Mr. Su with my decades-long reputation."

Ship King said.

Su Can frowned slightly. It seems that he guessed well. Ship King and Li Chaoren gathered together to launch some big business operation.

This is quite interesting........

Su Can remembered that Ship King's biggest operation was to acquire a foreigner's Wharf and make it his own company. This operation can be included in the classic cases of acquisitions.

"Ship King, you don’t need to make a guarantee. No matter what we say, the person who can take out the wooden fish will believe in his incomparable strength! Mr. Zheng said with a laugh.

"That's right, I think it's not that Su doesn't know the value of that wooden fish, but that it's worth over 100 million. He met a good collector who is willing to pay 200 to 300 million to buy the wooden fish. I'm willing to give it to you. It's such a big deal. I'm Humbled!"

Mr. Zheng had a good impression of Su Can and was deeply impressed by Su Can's generosity.

"I agree with Mr. Cheng......."

Mr. Xie smiled and said.

Mr. Xu nodded and said:"Young master Su's strength is beyond doubt, he can definitely join us, and Wanxiang Group is even more powerful. With Mr. Zhang from Wanxiang Group joining us, we will be even more powerful!"

"I agree too!"

Li Chaoren said very neatly.

These rich people all agreed, as if this was an approval, allowing Su Can and Zhang Man to enter these Chinese business circles.

It is a bit similar to the certain chamber of commerce in later generations, of course. The meeting prepared by Ship King and Li Chaoren was much more upscale than those of later generations.......

These few people are all powerful figures in the world. They have existed in the business world for decades. Together, they can organize the existence of an international business forum.

Even when he arrived in Yanjing City, he was personally received by the big leader.

However, even so, Su Can's face was calm, and he did not feel excited or happy because of the approval of these people.

If he had heard the approval of these people before he was reborn, Su Can would have been happy in his heart, but now he is too powerful.

Strong financial resources and amazing background......

Even for Li Chaoren, Mr. Guo and others, it can be said that Su Can is not looking down at these people, but looking down from above.

Because Su Can has already achieved this step.

Now, being recognized by them is a matter of course in Su Can's heart.

Seeing Su Can's calm expression, Ship King took it for granted, while Li Chaoren and others were secretly surprised.

This Young Master Su is indeed a powerful person. The identities of these people are displayed here and they have been recognized by them. There is nothing strange about him at all.

In his opinion, it is a matter of course.

There are only two possibilities for those who can do this. One is a really big-hearted person, and the other is a confident person. It is obvious that Mr. Su is this kind of person........

"Ship King, what are you talking about? Please forgive me for not knowing, and please tell me and Mr. Su what is going on!"

Zhang Man frowned slightly, looked at the Ship King and asked

"Mr. Zhang, it’s normal that you don’t know, because only us old guys know about this matter!"The Ship King glanced at Zhang Man, and then looked at Su Can.

Rather than explaining to Zhang Man, he was explaining the matter to Su Can.......

Only the Ship King here knows the relationship between Su Can and Zhang Man, and that the Wanxiang Group controlled by Zhang Man is just an industry under Su Can.

"A few of us are preparing to do a business in the island country market! We have noticed that the Japanese yen in the island country will appreciate significantly, which is a good opportunity."

Ship King spoke concisely and concisely.

After speaking, he looked at Su Can and Zhang Man with an expectant look, as if to see the shocked expressions of Su Can and Zhang Man.

This is a country's responsibility. The currency market!

Not only the Ship King, but also Li Chaoren and others looked at Su Can and Zhang Man, as if they wanted to see their surprised expressions.


After Su Can heard this, he paused slightly, suppressed his laughter, and suppressed his smile. Didn't he already do this?

"Forehead! this one?"

Zhang Man was stunned for a moment, then blinked his beautiful big eyes and said calmly.


Seeing the performance of Su Can and Zhang Man, the Ship King, Li Chaoren and others were stunned and a little dumbfounded. , at a loss. ps Please subscribe

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