Of course they know what Su Can wants to do......

Su Can knew that the two of them were reluctant to spend that money to buy something for themselves. After all, in this shopping mall in Xiangjiang, any piece of clothing was more expensive than the two people's monthly salary combined.

How can you bear this?

Even if the value of the villa, luxury car and yacht bought by their children exceeds 200 million, Father Su and Mother Su are still reluctant to part with it.

However, Su Can obviously saw it, so he made the decision directly without the consent of the two elders.

"This kid!!"

Mother Su smiled proudly

"Let's go! If you go along, if you don't buy something, the kid will probably feel bad."Su's father said with a smile.

Then the group of people followed Su Can and walked out.....

With Xiaoyue and Chu Yiyi's supplements, Su Can also bought some things for Su's father and Su's mother......

Although it is just a few things, the total of these things would amount to a gift of nearly 100,000 yuan, which is really not a small amount.

Among them, there are also some small gifts bought by Su's mother to give to some relatives and friends.

In this day and age, it is still very rare for people like them to want to go abroad or come to Xiangjiang.

Buying it back and giving it to someone else is just a favor.

You know, in this day and age, if someone brings you some gifts from abroad, you can brag about them for a long time.

"Enough, enough!!"

Mother Su looked at Zhong Mingqiang and the other two people embarrassedly. They were responsible for security, but now they were holding various large and small bags in their hands. All of those things were sold to them by their son Su Can. I am an old couple

"If I take it again, I really can’t take it anymore."

Su's father was also a little speechless. He never expected that Su Can would buy so many things for the two of them.

This child.....

Although the two of them had a look of blame on their faces, they were quite proud in their hearts!

Think about it, in the circle in Yanjing City, those people of the same generation as yourself hold important positions, but the children of that person in the circle can do as well as their own sons.

Why doesn't this make people proud?.....

Not to mention, his child’s net worth is definitely at the level of the richest man in the country. Anyone who has such a child would laugh crazy!

Su Can originally wanted to go into a new store and choose a new outfit for his mother, but after hearing what the two said, Su Can stopped.

After turning his head and taking a look at his father and mother, he saw that the hands of Zhong Mingqiang and the security guard were full of bags.

Su Can thought for a moment and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to buy it......

It seems, it seems a bit much

"It's almost noon, let's go have something to eat before going back!"Su Can smiled, looked at his parents and Chu Yiyi and said

"Okay, I happen to be a little hungry!"

Mother Su nodded.

"You arrange it!"Dad Su smiled.

Chu Yiyi nodded her little head and agreed with Su Can's idea.

Su Can smiled, took out a stack of Xiangjiang coins, about two to three thousand yuan, walked to Xiaoyue's side and said :"Xiaoyue, thank you for leading the way and helping me. I will give you this reward.""

"boss.....I don't....Can't have it!!"Seeing the thick stack of money, Xiaoyue's face was suddenly startled, and she quickly declined.

It seemed to be two to three thousand Xiangjiang coins, which was basically the same as her basic salary when she was working, although performance commissions were included. , the money earned every month must be more than this.

However, now it is just a few hours of shopping with them, and he has received so much generous compensation?

Not even a day's work, this makes Xiaoyue didn't dare to accept it.

Besides, she led Su Can and the others to those stores to spend money. As long as they bought certain things, she would get a certain commission.

This was the tacit rule in the entire mall.......

Therefore, Su Can and the others spent nearly one million here today. Just for such a large amount of consumption, Xiaoyue could get as much as ten thousand in remuneration here.

Su Can had given her a big opportunity by letting her take the lead. How could she dare to take the boss's money again?

Xiaoyue is particularly grateful to Su Can.

If it weren't for Su Can, she probably wouldn't be where she is today, because it was only after meeting Su Can and receiving Su Can several times that she had the opportunity to become the manager of that store.

"Take it!"

Su Can put it directly on her hand and said,"This is the reward you deserve, take it."

Seeing how domineering Su Can was, Xiaoyue didn't dare to refuse. She felt even more grateful to Su Can and felt extremely grateful.

After talking to Xiaoyue for a few words, Su Can looked at Su's father, Su's mother and others. Said:"Let's go!"

Under Xiaoyue's grateful eyes, the figures of Su Can and others slowly disappeared into the mall. Xiaoyue whispered:"Thank you, boss."

She knows that Su Can is the most noble person in her life. Without Su Can, she would not be where she is today.

However, after today's farewell, I am afraid that we will never see each other again. She can only hold on to that feeling. The grateful heart was placed deep in his heart.

Su Can naturally didn't know how grateful Xiaoyue was to him. For Su Can, Xiaoyue just performed very well and Su Can helped her.

For outstanding people People, Su Can is willing to help each other. After all, her attitude determines everything about her.........

When Su Can and others got out of the mall, a luxury car stopped just now, and an old man stepped out of it.

There were several bodyguards in black suits beside the old man. After the old man got out of the car, someone immediately came to greet him.

"Chairman Huo, please...."

It was a man about the same age as the old man. He looked at Chairman Huo or Mr. Huo with admiration in his eyes.

In Xiangjiang, there are a few people who don't respect Mr. Huo, who started from scratch and built a wealthy family in Xiangjiang.

At this moment, Su Can and others passed by about ten meters away from Mr. Huo.


Mr. Huo saw the group of them from the corner of his eye, and suddenly made a sound of surprise and looked over.

However, when he looked over, Su Can and the others happened to turn around, and Zhong Mingqiang and others were carrying a lot of things. Behind him, Mr. Huo was blocked from seeing clearly Su Can, Su's father and others who were walking in front. ps Please subscribe

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