"Shhhhh! Inoue put his right index finger to his mouth, made a quiet gesture, shushed a few times, and said:"Everyone, be quiet and listen to the conditions proposed by these Chinese people.""

"Yes, everyone, please be quiet."

"Don't get excited and listen to their terms."

"Look what they say!"

"Let’s not get it wrong!"

"No matter what the conditions are, we can agree."

Others nodded. Soon, they heard a voice outside. They were actually asked to walk out of the warehouse one by one and surrender.

Moreover, they were asked to take off their clothes and were not allowed to bring weapons.

After listening to this, Tanaka Hanhusong Take a breath

"It turns out it’s just these small conditions!"

Tanaka Hantora thought to himself:"If it is just such a small condition, it is not a condition at all for us."

It's very simple, he"seven, sixty-seven" people can agree.....

"The conditions proposed by these Chinese people are so simple! Inoue was suddenly overjoyed and said:"That's how surrender should be. You can't carry weapons. We can do what those Chinese people said.""

"I agree with what Inoue said!"

"We were originally going to surrender. Putting down our weapons was the only thing we should do."

"Put down your weapons and let's get out!"

"No, we can't go out all at once. We have to shout loudly to the Chinese people outside that we agree to his conditions, lest they don't know and an accident happens when we go out."

"Yes, yes, this sentence is so right"

"Let’s start replying to those Chinese people now!"

"What are you waiting for? Move!"

"I shouted three two one, and everyone shouted together, we agreed to your conditions, go out now"


As someone proposed to speak out, others agreed one after another. They were afraid that the reply would be slow. What if the other party regretted it?

They spoke first and settled the matter.

"Three, two, one!"

As the voice of the person shouting the slogan fell,

"We have suppressed your conditions, and now the first person will go out immediately."Inoue and others immediately shouted in the direction of the front door of the warehouse.

"Go quickly, open the warehouse door, I'll be the first to go out!"

Inoue can't wait.

"Take a walk!"

"hurry up!"

The others ran towards the warehouse door quickly.........

At the same time, opposite the warehouse door, the leader of the team heard this sentence, and other team members also heard this sentence.

"Those Sumitomo Zaibatsu spies said they agreed?"

"There shouldn't be any fraud!"

"This was agreed too quickly. The other party actually agreed like this before we did anything. It’s better for everyone to be careful."

"Everyone is worrying too much. Think about it. They agreed to our conditions. They only come out alone at a time, and they are not allowed to carry weapons. They also take off their shirts. What do we have to worry about?"

"That’s it, that’s it! Don't worry"

"In this case, then we accept their surrender!"


"Find out when they come out."

The members of the entire team were talking about it.


Suddenly, the warehouse door opened.

With a sudden opening, I saw the huge door slowly moving towards both sides, and the door was not opened too big.

It can accommodate several people in and out.

"These islanders are still cautious and don't dare to open the door completely, fearing that our people will be able to see clearly and kill them all."

Someone in the team at the front door of the warehouse laughed.


While he was talking, someone came out........

That person is none other than Inoue

"Don't shoot. I came out to surrender. You see, I don't have any weapons on me, and I don't pose any threats."Inoue pulled up the clothes with both hands and lifted them up. He saw that there was no weapon on his waist.

He walked out a little nervous, worried and afraid.

Inoue was a little scared. What should he do if the other party doesn't follow martial ethics?

"Come slowly, 45 degrees, and walk 50 meters. Only when you reach this place can the second person of you come out and surrender."

The leader of the team shouted loudly

"Okay, okay, I'll go over now!"

Inoue shouted excitedly

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Yang, you two go up, pay attention to safety, bring something with you, control the person, tie him up immediately, don't let anyone have the chance to do anything else."

The person in charge of the team immediately gave instructions to the people in the earphones.

The forty-five-degree direction is exactly the direction of the two team members, Xiao Wang and Xiao Yang.........

"Yes, boss!"

The two people immediately said seriously...

Seeing Inoue getting closer and closer, Xiao Wang and Xiao Yang immediately stood up and walked directly towards Inoue who was coming towards them.

When Inoue saw it, his eyes lit up with joy.

These Chinese people should have done nothing else. They accepted the surrender of themselves and others.

"I'm here to surrender!"

Inoue slowly walked closer.

"Stand still, don't move!"

Xiao Wang shouted:"Xiao Liu, come and tie me up.""

Tie him up?

" When Inoue heard this, he didn't resist. He watched Xiao Liu coming over. He slowly put down his hands and handed them to Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu took out the rope and tied him up.......

Moreover, he stretched out his hands to check whether there were any dangerous weapons hidden on Shijioshang's body.

"Boss!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Xiao Liu tied up the person, he immediately whispered into the earphone:"The person is under control, there is no trick or anything."

"OK, continue."

When the person in charge of the team heard this, he was secretly relieved.

These people from the Sumitomo Zaibatsu of the island country did not play any tricks. Their mission was to capture all the Sumitomo Zaibatsu spies alive.

The mission was a perfect success.

Soon, the second Sumitomo Zaibatsu spy also came out. Like Inoue, this man opened his clothes with both hands and raised his hands upward.

He walked to Inoue's side, and Xiao Liu continued to tie the person up.

Ten minutes later.

When the last 5.7 Tanaka Hantora came out, Xiao Liu tied up Tanaka Hantora, and all the spies of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu were under control.........

"Everything was under control, and none of the islanders escaped."

Xiao Liu excitedly said to the Bluetooth headset:"They are exactly the same as the people in the surveillance, and there is no difference from the people in the data."

"mission completed! The person in charge of the team shouted excitedly:"The rest of the team will immediately go into the warehouse to search. I will report the news to Mr. Su first.""


The voices of other teams came from the earphones.

The person in charge of the team picked up the phone excitedly and immediately called Zhong Mingqiang. At his level, he was not qualified to call Mr. Su directly. He could only call them these Zhong Mingqiang, the head of the security, action team, and intelligence department...

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