The island country is controlled by several major chaebols and dozens of large and small families. The commercial spies of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu are actually the official spies of the island country.

Get rid of them, and the island country will definitely jump.

I don’t know how long they have been cultivating these people.

"Third brother, then I will mobilize the eagle-killing team immediately?"

Zhong Mingqiang said in a low voice.


Su Can nodded......

The Eagle Killing Team is the elite of Su Can's security team. They are no weaker than the security guards around Su Can who protect Su Can at all times.

They took action and faced Tanaka Hantora and others who did not have powerful weapons of mass destruction. It was not a problem.

"I understand, go deploy now."

When Zhong Mingqiang heard Su Can's promise, he immediately bowed slightly and turned around to leave.

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang leaving, Su Can sat up slightly, thought for a moment, picked up his mobile phone, and was about to call Zhao Qingqing to warn him about safety.

Earlier Oh, Zhao Qingqing was being followed by Tanaka Hantora's people. Su Can asked her to pretend she didn't know and deliberately exposed some flaws to Tanaka Hantora and the others. In order to buy herself some time, she could provide some key evidence of the cooperation between the Yang family and the Sumitomo Zaibatsu. Got it, 05 now he is going to start to close the net.

So, once a conflict occurs, Tanaka half tiger fights for the trapped beast, maybe the person who contacts Zhao Qingqing will take action against Zhao Qingqing.

This is very dangerous.

Bulletless Eyes, if they carry such weapons, it will be very dangerous.

Su Can must tell Zhao Qingqing to pay attention to safety today. After today, when everything settles, then there is no need to worry anymore.........

"Although it was a bit sudden, it was a good time."

Su Can took the phone, opened the call history, and whispered

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, Su's cell phone rang.


Su Can frowned slightly and waited to take a closer look.

"Is it the old man’s phone number?"

Su Can saw the caller ID. This is the old man's mobile phone number.

"It seems that the old man of the Yang family called the old man!"Su Can was not surprised. He received the phone number of his old man.

Yang Laosi was arrested by Yu Dahu. He was still present at the incident. Everyone with a discerning eye knew that this was a conflict between Su Can and Yang Laosi..

The Yang family also knew the news.

As the youngest son of the Yang family, Yang Laosi would not remain indifferent if his youngest son was arrested. He must have called for help. He even called his own father..........

The old man of the Yang family and his old man worked together during the war years, but later separated, and the relationship between the two was not said to be very good.

But, it's not that hostile.

In addition, at their age, there are not many old friends still alive. It is normal for the old man of the Yang family to call his old man.

However, I wonder if the old man of the Yang family knows about the cooperation between the Yang family and the Sumitomo Zaibatsu Alliance in the island country to deal with the Su family!

Did you get involved?

Su Can was thinking secretly in his mind.

If the old man of the Yang family knows about it and acquiesces, then this old man has indeed changed. You must know that he has always been the toughest towards the island country.

Even ten years ago, he expressed his views on the islanders in private many times.

And now, if he had known about it, he would have cooperated with the islanders.

Well, many people will be shocked, which shows that he hides deeply.

If you don't know.........

That would be interesting.

Several of his sons went against his wishes, betrayed him, and secretly formed alliances with the islanders, which would probably make him vomit blood and die.

Su Can thought for a moment, and then was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

He swiped and pressed answer

"grandfather! Su

Can's voice was loud and he said with joy:"Why are you free? Call me!""

"Come on! The old man smiled and scolded:"You made such a big fuss in Yanjing City. I already knew about it in Yazhou. You little fox, don't you know why I called you?""

Although he seemed to be scolding Su Can, the old man's tone was full of pride.

The Su family's youth is better than their master.

His grandson has brought the Su family to where it is today, which is something he can't even imagine. and........

If more than thirty years ago, his grandson hadn't pulled the road from the Su family to the current road, based on the direction he walked.

The Su family has long since declined.

This is still the best result.

If it goes bad, the Su family will be completely ruined.

Whenever he thinks back to the direction he insisted on taking, those old friends and their families have declined one by one.

The old man of the Su family was filled with emotions.

He even thought of Can and his Longzhong that day. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ha ha! When Su

Can heard what the old man said, he couldn't help but joked:"Grandpa, if you say I am a little fox, then you have become an old fox.""

"Brat! The old man was not angry, but smiled and scolded:"You dare to scold me. If your mother comes over another day, I will have to talk to him properly.""

Su Can immediately shouted:"Grandpa, you can't afford it, you are cheating!" joke........

The old man was reluctant to beat him.

But his mother was absolutely willing to do so.

Especially after he had a son and his son had grandchildren, his status with his mother had plummeted and he became the lowest person.

The old man can't afford this!


The old man snorted coldly.

Su Can didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Good guy.

Speaking of old children, the old man is really getting older and older.

"Ahem! Su

Can coughed dryly, and then said:"Grandpa, it must be the old man of the Yang family who called you to plead for mercy!""

He changed the topic and continued talking..........

Su Can couldn't guarantee whether the old man would tell his mother in a bad way. By then, Su Can would really have to eat a feather duster.

However, this is also a happy thing.

When you are over fifty, you can still be beaten with a feather duster by your mother. That is called happiness.

In the previous life, the Su family declined long before the mid-1980s. Within two years, his father passed away, and his mother was deeply affected. Su Can was still a playboy, and his parents were long gone before he could grow up.

Only when you become sensible will you regret it.

And this life.

The thing that Su Can is most proud of is not that he has created such a huge foundation and has an industrial net worth of several trillion US dollars, but that he, Su Can, is in his fifties.

Grandpa is still here, and my parents are still healthy.

He also has children and grandchildren, and the five generations of the Su family live under one roof.

This is the most precious........

"I knew that you, the little fox, would not have guessed that it was indeed Lao Yang who called me."The old man said with a faint smile.

"However, I rejected him!"

The old man smiled.


Su Can was startled!.

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