"Dazhang, between you and me, there is no need to be so reserved. If you have any questions, just say it directly! Luo Qianzhang said in a calm voice.

"Mr. Luo! When Gu

Dazhang heard this, his eyes showed joy and he said:"Mr. Luo, Su Hong may be targeting us.""

"Su Hong?

Luo Qianzhang paused. Gu

Dazhang said:"Yes, Su Hong is Su Hong from Sujia Village.""

"What is he targeting us for?"

Luo Qianzhang was a little confused.

He knows Su Hong......

Moreover, before he reached his current status, he had been to Sujia Village. When he reached his current position, he had been to Sujia Village several times.

Sujia Village is a benchmark in their land of Qilu.

At his position, he knew more than people like Gu Dazhang knew.

Nowadays, although the old man from the Su family is nearly a hundred years old, he can still stand and walk on his own. There are not many old people of this age.

Moreover, its logic is very clear, and it is said that I can read news and newspapers every day.

The old people in Sujia Village are a generation younger than the old man from the Su family, or they are of the same generation. They go to Yazhou every year to visit the old man from the Su family.

510 That's right, they don't know anything about the old man of the Su family retiring in Yazhou. even.

Two years ago, the man who had just arrived in Qilu went to Yazhou to visit this old man who was born in Qilu during the Chinese New Year.

These are not secrets at their level.

Sujia Village is not an ordinary benchmark.

However, no matter how extraordinary Sujiacun is, he is just a person from another path. Even if he is from Sujiacun, many of them work in many departments locally and even in the province.

However, the status is not high.........

Not to mention those at his level, even those at Gu Dazhang's level, and even those at a lower level rarely have this.

It's not because the people in Sujia Village are not awesome.

But because when Sujia Village embarked on the path of capital, anyone born in Sujia Village would not have a high status in the land of Qilu if they followed the path of Luo Qianzhang.

Unless, leave Qilu

"Here's the thing."

Gu Dazhang did not dare to hide it, but told the truth, including what happened between Xiao Dafa and Zhang Xiaole.

In front of (acec) Luo Qianzhang, how could he dare to hide something like Xiao Dafa did.

Luo Qianzhang could achieve Reaching this status is definitely not something that ordinary people can achieve. Both in terms of ability and wisdom, he is very powerful.

He cannot hide it from Luo Qianzhang........

If he dared to hide this matter from Luo Qianzhang and drag Luo Qianzhang into the water, he would undoubtedly offend Luo Qianzhang severely.

What's more, now Su Hong has committed suicide, leaving a huge clue.

Just revealing these things was enough to make Mr. Luo disgusted with Su Hong and angry with Sujiacun. He would not tolerate Su Hong and Sujiacun dealing with him.

Instead, strike first to gain the upper hand.

A few minutes later, Gu Dazhang finished explaining what happened.

"Forehead! When Luo

Qianzhang heard this, his tone was a little startled and he said,"Su Hong really said that?""

Gu Dazhang affirmed:"Mr. Luo, I don't dare to add fuel to the fire. When he said this, he was calling from the phone number of Xu Jue, the vice president of Qindao University."

"Others were also in a conference room at Qindao University. In addition to him and people from Sujiacun, there were other people from Qindao University, and Xu Jue was even present."

For this kind of thing, if there are other people present, just make a phone call and put pressure on them, and you can get what Su Hong said from other people's mouths.


In some conference rooms, there will be surveillance cameras. You can turn the surveillance cameras and you can see what Su Hong said inside.

Gu Dazhang is not worried that there is no evidence

"Su Hong!"

After receiving Gu Dazhang's confirmation, Mr. Luo's tone became a little darker. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Gu Dazhang felt happy when he heard Luo Qianzhang's tone.

Well, Mr. Luo was angry.

Gu Dazhang felt crazy. He was overjoyed. He was not worried about Mr. Luo being angry. Instead, he was worried that Mr. Gu would not be angry in this matter.

"Okay, I know this, and I will let people know about it. Luo

Qianzhang said in a warm and angry tone.

At this time, in a small office in the provincial capital of Qilu, Luo Qianzhang, who was about fifty years old, was sitting at his desk. His face was a little gloomy.

Slowly Put down your phone slowly........


The phone fell heavily on the table, which showed Luo Qianzhang's inner unrest.

Although he has reached a very high status now and can control his emotions very well, but he is not a saint, how can he Can have no emotions.

Even a saint will kill his enemies in anger.

What's more! No matter how high his status is, he is just a person

"Su Hong! Luo

Qianzhang said in a low voice:"Who gave you such courage to dare to interfere in the affairs of another circle and commit a taboo?""

"Is it true that Sujiacun has been too stable in recent years? Too many people have been polite to Sujiacun and given too many preferential treatment to Sujiacun, making you drift?"

Although Luo Qianzhang was extremely angry in his heart, he still had a trace of doubt about Su Hong, feeling that Su Hong was not that kind of person. It was not that he had never seen Su Hong before.

Rather, he had seen him many times.......

The few times he went to Sujiacun, Su Hong personally received them. Su Hong won some honors from the province, and he also met with Su Hong several times.

Although they were not familiar with each other, they did not know anything about each other.

From the few times he chatted with Su Hong, Luo Qianzhang could tell that Su Hong was also a capable person who knew how to advance and retreat, and was not the kind of person who was stunned.

You know, throughout Qilu.

Not to mention old people like Su Hong, even those who came from a small family with some confidence would not be so bold as to attack him like this in public.

Why is this?

Luo Qianzhang felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, this matter involves Su Hong and Sujia Village. If it involves too many people and the Su family in the capital knows about it, it will not be easy to handle.

"Xiao Shen, please come in."

Luo Qianzhang called the secretary in.........

After a while, the secretary walked in. He looked at Luo Qianzhang and said,"Mr. Luo"

"You call Qindao University and ask Xu Jue at Qindao University what Su Hong did when he arrived at Qindao University and what he knows."

Luo Qianzhang instructed.

"yes! Secretary Shen said respectfully

"correct! Seeing Secretary Shen about to go out, Luo Qianzhang's eyes turned slightly and said in a deep voice:"Don't tell anyone else about this matter. No information can be revealed." When Secretary Shen heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Did something big happen?

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