
Assistant Lu actually called him that?

However, when facing Lu Can, he didn't know him at all. People like Lu Can were already big shots to him. In this life, he would never be able to reach Lu Can's status.

Not to mention, Lu Can has reached this position at such a young age.

If he knew a big shot like Lu Can..-..

It comes in handy, after being bullied by that old bastard Xiao Dafa for so long? damn it.

Several of Zhang Xiaole’s roommates were also confused.

"My head is buzzing"

"It seems like Assistant Lu knows Xiao Le?"

"This, this is impossible!"

"Isn't Xiaole's family an ordinary family in Hebei Province? He said that his family has no background, otherwise he would not have encountered such a thing, and there would be no way to solve it."

"yes! This is incredible."

Several Zhang Xiaole's roommates were stunned and stunned.

They no longer knew how to describe how shocked they were.

At this moment!

They were shocked.

Seeing the confused Zhang Xiaole, Lu Can's heart Curious, this Zhang Xiaole seems to have no idea how powerful his background is!

This self is Zhang Xiaole himself, not him........

You must know that Su Hong's background in Sujiacun is several levels away from his own family. They were in Qilu, and they were all from top families.

Not to mention, then Sujia Village.

Zhang Xiaole doesn’t know?

If Su Hong hadn't come in person, Lu Can would have felt at this moment that he had found the wrong person.

"Xiaole, don’t worry! I came here this time to resolve the matter of your bravery and being framed. Now Principal Xu and your elders are waiting for you over there in the office building. You come with me and tell me what happened that day. Lu Can looked at Zhang Xiaole who was in a daze and said with a smile.

"My elders?"

Zhang Xiaole was shocked again. How could any elder in his family reach the level where he knew Vice Principal Xu, the vice principal who was in charge of daily work in the school! At that level, for him, he was a very top big shot.

He forgot about it. Down.......

It seems that the most powerful person among their distant relatives only serves as the deputy mayor of a township in the next county town!

Can he sit with Principal Xu and wait for him? impossible!

Zhang Xiaole was confused.

When Zhang Haiyang heard these words, he was shocked all over. He was so frightened by Lu Can's words that he started to tremble all over.

Zhang Xiaole's elders drank tea with Principal Xu and waited for Zhang Xiaole?

Damn it!

Zhang Haiyang was shocked.

Principal Xu is the second most important person in the school. Apart from the old principal, he is the most powerful. Xiao Dafa, who is more powerful than him, is several levels higher than him.

And Zhang Xiaole's elder could actually have tea with Principal Xu?

At least, it's on the same level.......

"damn it! How could there be such awesome relatives and such awesome elders in Zhang Xiaole’s family?"Zhang Haiyang was shocked.

An elder of this level came to Qindao University in person. It is definitely not an ordinary relationship. Only close elders can come like this.

Oh my god! He is finished.

The more Zhang Haiyang thought about it, the more His legs were shaking with fear, and he felt even more remorseful.

If he had known earlier that Zhang Xiaole's background was so powerful, he would have stood directly on Zhang Xiaole's side and shouldered the pressure brought by

Xiao Dafa. In doing so, he was undoubtedly giving Zhang Xiaole timely help. The elders knew about it, but they still didn't appreciate him. Just this network of contacts could make him rise to the top.

As a result, he was blind and missed it.

Not only did he miss it, but he also offended Zhang Xiaole. He was the kind of person who was completely and utterly useless. There is no room for any redemption.

If there is a regret medicine, Zhang Haiyang would like to take a jar of regret medicine.

He regrets it to death..........

He gave up the thickest tree in the forest to please a small branch. Now he and the small branch are completely ruined.

"Xiaole, your elder is waiting for you with Principal Xu?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Several of Zhang Xiaole's roommates are also completely confused?

"Good guy, Xiaole, you are actually the hidden elder?"

"Oh my God! You kid, you've been deceiving me for a long time"

"yes! You must not be from a big family. The reason why you were deliberately incompetent in the face of that matter was just to test us!"

"Damn it! Is this really possible?"

"Oh my god! Xiaole, are people from big families like you so scary?"

These roommates said with great imagination.


When Zhang Haiyang heard it, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, his head was buzzing all the time and became a mess..

After hearing the words of Zhang Xiaole’s roommates, I subconsciously agreed.

Yes, this must be the case.........

Zhang Xiaole did this deliberately, as if he was incompetent, but in fact he was testing the people around him, including himself as the instructor.

But he, Zhang Haiyang, couldn't stand the test and missed the opportunity to get on board with Zhang Xiaole's huge background. Not only that, he also offended Zhang Xiaole.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiaole's roommates have passed the test.


Damn it, that person can withstand such a test!

He's going to cry.

When Lu Can heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He felt that Zhang Xiaole and his roommates were very reasonable. They had such huge backgrounds as Su Hong and Sujiacun.

If Zhang Xiaole encountered this matter, he would tell it directly, in the entire Qindao, let alone the vice president of a college.

Even the old principal in the school has to give Zhang Xiaole some face.......

Not to mention, Zhang Xiaole is still reasonable in this matter!

When Zhang Xiaole heard this, he became even more confused, as if he was petrified.


Zhang Xiaole opened his mouth, but didn't know how to speak. He really didn't know that he had such an awesome relative?

When did he have such an awesome relative at home?

He could communicate with the school's Vice principal, on an equal footing?

At this moment!

Zhang Xiaole was a little suspicious. He was not the biological child of his parents, but the illegitimate son of that big shot. Now that big shot knew that he was in trouble, he sent someone to help.

However, he thought of his father's appearance. , and looking at his appearance, he and his father are almost identical. This is his biological father!

He cannot be the illegitimate son of some big shot. He has fallen into confusion.........

"I really didn’t know that I had such awesome relatives."

Zhang Xiaole held it in for a long time and said with a helpless smile.

"Just pretend!"

Several of his roommates showed expressions like,"Let's see if we believe what you say."

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