"Fifth Master!"

The people who came to pick up Su Hong were not ordinary people, but people from Sujiacun. Sujiacun was developed more like a village collective.

Of course, among the major companies under Sujiacun, people from Sujiacun are indispensable.

Of course! Under

Su Can's suggestion, Sujiacun formulated strict regulations.

That is, people from Sujiacun are indeed given priority in the companies under Sujiacun. This kind of thing is unavoidable.

The property of your own village, if you don’t give priority to your own people,.....

The people in charge of Sujia Village will be scolded to death by the villagers.

Across the world, this is understandable.

Just like when a person in a village opens a restaurant in the town, the dishwashers and waiters who serve the dishes are given priority to his relatives.

Not to mention such a big existence as Sujiacun.

However, prioritizing the use of one's own people in this way has a big disadvantage.

That is, it is easy for them to think that I am from Sujiacun, and I am naturally superior to you, and they will have a feeling of superiority.

This is not conducive to Sujiacun's industries recruiting those talents.

Therefore, when Sujiacun reuses its own people, it also adopts the strictest supervision of its own people, as long as the Sujiacun people make the same mistakes. 813 will bear a heavier price than ordinary people.

If you do something that harms Sujiacun, such as embezzling the company's money, doing things that harm the companies under Sujiacun, you will be cheating.

Sujia Village will immediately give this person's family a lower rating within three generations. If other people in the family want to take up higher management positions in the future.

That's almost hard.

Because their difficulty is much higher than others.......

This strict system is the village rule of Sujia Village. Few people object to it, and almost all the people in Sujia Village agree with it.

Especially for ordinary people, no one in their family serves as an executive in a company owned by Sujia Village. This kind of punishment is a good thing for them.

As for Su Hong, the older generation, the real decision-makers in Sujia Village, they did not object. How could those in the middle dare to object?

Therefore, this matter was passed almost unanimously. certainly.

The main reason for this is that this matter was a suggestion given by Su Can. Sujia Village attached great importance to it and naturally listed it as the most important regulation in the village.

In the past 20 years or so, Sujiacun has had this (acfh) regulation, which does not mean that there are no people from Sujiacun enriching themselves and doing illegal things in companies owned by Sujiacun. have.

Just, not much.

Compared to other companies, there really aren’t many........

You know, in Sujia Village, as long as a family works seriously, in addition to dividends, there will also be generous wages and so on.

Add these together, and the income of an ordinary family of four or five people can reach hundreds of thousands.

Who would destroy their own job?

Therefore, the person in charge of this foreign trade company is also from Sujia Village. When Su Hong came over, he came to greet Su Hong in person.

"Su Ming, why are you here in person?"

Su Hong walked out of the station and smiled when he saw the people coming.

The kid who used to wear crotchless pants running around the streets is now a man of his own. Su Hong not only lamented that time is running like water.

What's more, he was happy. I feel that there will be successors in Sujiacun.

What these old people are most worried about is that if they fall, Sujiacun will have no successors, and those who will be chosen in the future will be professional managers.

Although this model is also possible.

However, the older generation The concept of love is still that of the older generation. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No matter how reliable outsiders are, they are not as considerate as our own people!

They are all from the Su family........

"Fifth Master, I know you have come to Qindao, and you have brought Uncle Jieyang and Uncle Fuchun with you. Can I come to greet you in person? If you don't come, how can you have the dignity to return to Sujiacun?"

Su Ming said with a bright smile.

"Come on, you brat is getting better and better at talking."Su Hong said

"hey-hey! Su

Ming opened the car door for Su Hong and said,"It's all taught well by the village. Fifth Master, I have asked our hotel to arrange a room. Why don't you go to the hotel immediately?""

"Don’t go!

Su Hong shook his head and said,"Let's go to Qindao University now. We have important things to do.""

Sujiacun has various industries here, including hotels. Although they have not reached the five-star level, they are still around four-stars.

Throughout Qilu, there are hotels in Sujiacun in several big cities..

In addition to making it convenient for people from Sujiacun to travel and live, it is also used as a contact point, and Su Hong and the others remembered that Su Can once said, that is, this land will become more and more expensive in the future.

So, they simply thought , it is better to build some hotels. Even if the hotel makes a slight loss, it will still make money with the added value of the land. Moreover

, this can also create a reputation for Sujiacun.

Sujiacun first opened in several big cities in Qilu They opened several hotels, all with four-star standards, and then opened hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

In addition, they also opened two hotels in Yazhou. Those two hotels, As a benefit to the villagers of Sujia Village........

As long as people from Sujia Village live there, with their village's household registration, they can enjoy a 30% discount on house prices, whether it is peak season or off-season.

When they, the senior executives of Sujiacun, came to Qindao, they stayed in hotels in Sujiacun and would not choose other hotels.

This is the rule.

When Su Ming knew that Su Hong was coming, he immediately contacted Sujiacun's hotel on Qindao.

In Qindao, there are three hotels in Sujia Village.

"Going to Qindao University? Su

Ming was startled and asked cautiously:"Fifth Master, is there another big move in the village, and there are some projects to cooperate with Qindao University?""

If this is the case, he will have something to eat.

As the person in charge of an important company in Sujiacun in Qindao, if this is the case, then he might have the opportunity to become the person in charge of this project.

If he can make achievements, he may not have no opportunities in the future. Take another step forward.

Although, due to special reasons, the older generation of Sujiacun has a very high status in Qilu Province. If their generation takes over, they will definitely not have that status.

However, that is what he dreams of........

He also wants to become a member of Sujiacun's strategy execution meeting

"You kid, you are a monkey spirit! Su

Hong smiled and scolded:"If there was such a cooperation, the village would have held a meeting long ago. You little monkey, how can you not get the news?""

He could see Su Ming's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't care. Old people like them felt that people in Sujia Village must be ambitious.

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