The fifth master's name is Su Hong, and he is the fifth in the family.

Back then, Su Can returned to Sujia Village for the first time and brought half a fan of pork. The old village chief asked Su Hong to help unload the pork.

In the past, when others called Su Hong, they were called Xiao Wu.....

However, as time goes by.

Nowadays, the older generation of Sujia Village, such as the old village chief, have long since passed away.

At that time, Su Hong's group had become the pillars of Sujia Village, but even so, they were already sixty years old.

He also became the fifth master from Xiao Wu.

They are the group of people with the highest status in the village.

At Su Hong's age, he only needs to sit in the office, and there will naturally be a lot of people reporting to him on all matters in the village.

However, Su Hong didn't like to do that.

He liked walking in the village even more and watching the changes in the village.

Seeing the rapid changes in the village, he felt happy, just like the old village chief who watched Sujia Village transform from a dilapidated village into a small villa where every family lived.

Even every household has a motorcycle. Before the old village chief passed away, he said that he would die with peace of mind. He went underground and met the 487 ancestors of Sujia Village, and he also gained face.

Under his leadership, Sujiacun's life is getting better and better.........

He's not bad.

At his current age, Su Hong has become more aware of the mentality of the old village chief. The older he gets, the happier he is watching the changes in the village.

Who would have thought that the twenty-story building in front of them would have been a wastewater pit more than thirty years ago, surrounded by barren land with no grass growing on it.

Now, it's all high-rise buildings. pretty!

Sujiacun is getting better and better

"Fifth grandpa, fifth grandpa!"

Suddenly, a sharp voice rang out.

Su Hong looked over and saw a woman in her thirties, walking quickly towards Su Hong. She was shouting and crying loudly as she walked.

Su Hong saw the woman, with a look of displeasure on his face........

"Fifth Grandpa, please, let Fu Jing go!"

The woman came over quickly, knelt down in front of Su Hong, kowtowed and begged.

"Pull it up than she does!"

Su Hong frowned and asked the younger generations of the Su family who were working with him and people who were outside the development of the Su family to help the woman up.

After hearing Su Hong's words, several young people nearby immediately went to help her up. That woman.

The woman struggled, shook off the other people's hands, and shouted:"No, I won't get up. Fifth Grandpa, if you don't let Fu Jing go, I will die on my knees here without getting up.""

"Fu Jing is also considered your grandson! We haven't even released the fifth server. Are you just so cruel that you want Fu Jing to go to jail? That would ruin his life."

She cried bitterly.

When Su Hong heard this, his eyes showed a hint of warmth and anger, not towards this woman, but towards the man named Fu Jing.

There was a kind of hatred that made iron unable to turn into steel.

Fu Jing's original Su Fu Jing was his cousin, Su Hong, who was not born in the fifth service.

Fu Jing's grandfather and he were brothers, and he was the grandson of his eldest brother. This child had been smart since he was a child, and he had shown amazing abilities even when he was young. Learning talent.

When he grew up, he was admitted to Peking University in Yanjing City. He was the only person in the village who had poor college entrance examination results in the past few years.

At that time, it was only about the 1990s.

College students at that time, It is still extremely valuable, let alone Peking University.........

The village was very happy, so they awarded the child 100,000 yuan as a scholarship to express the importance Sujia Village attaches to children's education.

This child did not disappoint. After graduating from Peking University, he also went to graduate school and became the most educated young man in Sujia Village at that time.

Later, after graduation, Su Fujing returned to Sujiacun.

With his academic qualifications and Su Hong's background, Su Hong has become an important figure in the strategy execution meeting because of his great contribution in the development of Sujiacun.

So when Su Fujing came back, he was reused.

Not a few years.

He became the department head of a company of the Su family that was about to be listed. It could be said that as long as Su Hong continued to work hard, he would have a bright future.

He may even become a clan elder in the village's strategy execution meeting before he is forty years old.

That's right!

Sujiacun did not adopt a one-word strategy. Instead, the few people with the greatest contributions and the highest status in the village, about nine people, became the strategic execution committee.

This is the person with the highest status in Sujia Village, followed by the heads of major listed companies, and then the heads of major industries in the village.

Such suggestion was given by Mr. Su at the time. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What Mr. Su proposed back then.........

Su Can proposed this to Sujiacun to prevent one family from becoming dominant as Sujiacun became more and more powerful.

They will eliminate dissidents, place all the people in their family into major industries, and become the heads of all important positions.

Then, the entire Sujia Village is their family's home.

This kind of talk.

It's not all bad, but in the presence of a strong executor, this can allow the village to develop quickly.

But once the heir fails, the whole village will face decline and even various crises.

Su Can didn't want something like this to happen to Sujiacun decades later, so he suggested that Sujiacun do this and set up a strategy execution meeting.

Here, there are about nine to eleven members of the executive committee.

The annual development plan in the village is handed over to people who have reached a certain status in the village to discuss, and finally there is a strategy implementation meeting to set standards.

Once passed, within this year, the villagers in the executive meeting will become the leaders of the village and cannot change the goals set at the meeting.

This approach was supported by everyone in Sujia Village......... but!

They also made a suggestion.

That is, the development plan of Sujiacun will give Su Can a one-vote veto power, and Su Can can pass on this power.

Even if he dies, he can still hand over this veto power to his descendants. This is written into the village rules of Sujia Village.

If anyone in Sujia Village disagrees.

Then he was expelled from Sujia Village.

The reason why people in Sujiacun did this at that time was because Su Can helped Sujiacun develop and made a huge contribution. However, Su Can did not take away any shares of Sujiacun.

The old village chief of Sujia Village, as well as Su Hong and others, felt very ashamed and felt sorry for Su Can, who had done so much.

As a result, people don’t want anything.........

So, the people in Sujiacun discussed and gave Su Can such a veto power.

As long as Su Can feels dissatisfied with the development of Sujia Village and vetoes it, then the plans they formulated will have no effect..

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