A few days later.

The tenth day of the lunar month.

The Spring Festival has ended in name only, and various companies and factories have resumed work for several days. Compared with the stability of the company, the factory is recruiting workers on a large scale again.

Before the Chinese New Year, many employees quit their jobs and went home.

At this time, Guangdong Province.

Ascendas Building.

As a company that controls tens of billions of assets, Ascendas Group has its own group building in Pengcheng, a place where land is extremely valuable. That is normal.

Compared with Guoqiang Building, Ascendas Building is smaller.

At this time, on the top floor of Ascendas Group, inside the president's office.....


Zhu Daxian, the person in charge of Tengfei Group, angrily smashed the things on the table to the ground, and there was a crackling and shattering sound on the ground.

"Oh shit! This is the first house!"

Zhu Daxian yelled angrily.

In front of him was a tall woman. This woman was about thirty years old. She was dressed in a professional suit and exuded the unique charm of this age. She was mature and charming. She could be said to be a beautiful woman. What a beauty.

At this time, this woman was trembling when facing the furious Zhu Daxian.

"Did you find out? Why since the resumption of work on the seventh day of the lunar month, Jiale Supermarket first told us that our cooperative relationship was terminated, causing us to lose more than one billion yuan in supply cooperation a year. Zhu

Daxian said angrily.

Starting from the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, their Ascendas Group seemed to have encountered some big problems one after another. First, the contract and cooperation relationship with Jiale Supermarket was terminated. Then,

Hengtai Group terminated its contract with their Ascendas Group. Cooperation.

Although Hengtai Group cooperates with them every year, although there is not as much cooperation as Jiale Supermarket, over the course of a year, there are still hundreds of millions of cooperation.

I thought that these two things were accidents.

However, in the past few days, Three companies have terminated their cooperative relationships one after another.

And today........

Their competitors have always lost to them when facing competition. As a result, this time, the other party directly won an order of 2 billion.

Ascendas Group started making all preparations for this order in the first half of last year. Before the Chinese New Year, they had already verbally agreed. They were waiting for the two parties to talk again and sign the contract after work resumed during the Chinese New Year. , who would have thought that on the first day after returning to work, he called the other party, but the other party's secretary said that the other party had gone abroad and was not in the country now.

Today, news came over there that a contract was signed with another competitor.

That is a big order of 2 billion. If they win it, their annual profit will be 30 to 400 million. With this amount of money, plus the original cooperation with Jiale Supermarket.

Their profits within a year are basically stable.

Who would have thought.

After a new year, such an accident happened.

Moreover, he also had some premonitions that this incident was definitely not the last, and similar things would continue to happen in the future.

Then Ascendas Group will be completely destroyed.

That's right!

It is actually not difficult for a company with tens of billions of assets to be shut down.

For such a large company, how many employees there are, the monthly employee salary expenses must be hundreds of millions, and these hundreds of millions are only if there are orders.

While producing, money is given out.

And there are no orders.

That's over........

Without working capital, how long can the company's account alone support the payment of wages?

This year.

The development of these companies is rapid, and many of them are heavily indebted. This development model can allow the company to develop rapidly.

But once the company falls into a crisis, even a small crisis will cause a chain reaction and be completely destroyed.

Although Ascendas Group's situation is not that serious, it is not too serious either.

There is no order. If banks and some suppliers find out, the banks will first force them to repay those loans in advance.

And those suppliers will come to collect the payment.

The chain reaction of this incident was that the company had a crisis of trust. Under this situation, no bank dared to lend him a new loan.

At this time, unless Ascendas Group sells its assets, the assets of their companies have long been mortgaged when applying for loans.

Even if it is sold, it will be auctioned by the bank.

This is why.........(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Many large companies, obviously looking good, even reaching Fortune 500 companies, but in just two years, various crises occurred and they collapsed in an instant.

Closing down too fast, too fast


After hearing Zhu Daxian's words, the beautiful secretary swallowed her saliva and said cautiously:"We got a piece of news that may be related to these things."

"what news?"

Zhu Dahian heard this and his expression softened.

What he fears most is the unknown. In just a few days, the company has encountered so many crises. He called those people and asked those people, but no one told him why!

This made him panic and a little bit Angry.

But now, if the reason is known, the problem can be easily solved.

After all, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved. If there is, then it means that the price given is not enough.

Although their Ascendas Group Encountered some crisis, but after knowing the reason, he can also pay some painful price to go out in order to preserve the group.

As long as he survives this crisis, he will still be the rich man Zhu Daxian, a master. He cannot survive it........

That's like a tiger falling in peace, regardless of whether he was bullied by a dog, but to get to where he is now over the past 100 years, it was definitely not a smooth journey.

I have stepped on many people's shoulders to reach my current position.

Once he no longer has his current status, how will those people deal with him?

No need to think about it, you will know it.

Looking at Zhu Daxian's expression, the beautiful secretary whispered:"Recently, there was a rumor from Qiongzhou that Vice President Zhu was in Yazhou and had a conflict with Lu Mingyuan, the son of the richest man. The two sides almost fought. Later, Both of them said harsh words and had a grudge against each other."

"On that occasion, Huang Bei, the eldest son of Jiale Supermarket, was also nearby, with Lu Mingyuan. The two of them had a very good relationship. They told Vice President Zhu on the spot that they would terminate their cooperation with our Ascendas Group. After saying that

, she looked at Zhu Daxian carefully.

"What! Why didn't you tell me about this earlier!"

Zhu Dahian heard this, and his expression suddenly changed.

Tell me earlier!

The beautiful secretary smiled bitterly in her heart. If she had known the news earlier, she would have told the boss a long time ago, but she only found out now, of course she told it now!

How did she know about this? thing.......

If it hadn't been for the past few days, in order to investigate why so many companies have terminated their contracts with Ascendas Group, she wouldn't have been able to find out about this matter.

You have to go back and ask your precious son!.

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