"Isn't that Young Master Zeng?"

"what's going on?"

"That's Mr. Leng!"

"It seems like the two sides are fighting"

"It seems that the circles of Master Zeng and Master Leng are difficult to deal with! It is said that the two sides fought several times in Coconut City! Leng Shao suffered a loss!"

"Yecheng is Master Zeng’s territory, and when we get to Yazhou, it is Master Leng’s territory!"

"Looks like there's going to be a big fuss"

"This is rare! Hurry up and call someone else to come take a look!"


Their movements also attracted the attention of some people.

Although there are very few private rooms on the third floor, those who came here to play were not just hanging out with friends. There were many people coming. After all, a private room is so big.

Their movements , attracted a lot of people’s attention at once.


Although this Mingxuanju is not as good as those top clubs in Yanjing City, it is still ranked among the best in Yazhou. Anyone who comes here to play has no shortage of money, and the family also has some strength.

Although it's not as good as the Zeng family or the Leng family, it's not too bad either.

In Qiongzhou. 22

Each city and county has its representative figures, large and small families, not to mention that Yazhou itself has a lot of power.

Whenever I get a piece of land for development, my mouth is full of food, because the houses here really don't have to worry about selling, and the location is so good.

Therefore, large and small forces were also born.

Soon, the news spread one after another.

At this time, Zhong Xiang, who was at the door of Luhuitou's private room, was a little depressed. It had been more than ten minutes. Didn't his cousin Zeng Huaqiang say that he was already downstairs?

Why hasn't it arrived yet after so long? here........

It's not like waiting for an elevator, ten or eight minutes.

What happened?

Zhong Xiang was a little puzzled. Although this cousin didn't have much ability, he was not unreliable. He, Zhong Xiang, still knew him somewhat.

"oops! What are you waiting for? Come and have a look. A good show is about to begin."

"What a show?"

"The Leng family and the Zeng family are at odds with each other."

"What about the Leng family and the Zeng family?"

"It was the eldest son of the Huaqiang Group who faced off against the eldest son of the Tianquan Group."

"Huh! These two families are sworn enemies! I heard that the two young men beat each other several times in private. It was very lively! This is a match, it looks like something good will happen"

"That's right, hurry up and get there! Right at the elevator door!"

"What are you waiting for!"

"Go quickly!"

A few people passed by and they were discussing in whispers.

Zhong Xiang was startled when he heard this sentence. Isn't the Huaqiang Group the company of his cousin's family? And the eldest son of this family is Zeng Huaqiang.

God. Quan Group!

He is somewhat familiar with this company. He once heard his father and his cousin talk about the two sides being in a competitive relationship.

Moreover, he also heard the cousin say that his cousin Zeng Nianbeihe The other party had a fight.

Sure enough, an accident really happened.

No wonder he didn't come for so long.........

Zhong Xiang's expression changed and he took steps forward, ready to go over and take a look.


At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a man walked out from Luhuitou's private room. When the man saw Zhong Xiang, he immediately said:"Brother Xiang, why did you take so long! Has anyone else arrived yet?"

Hearing the sound, Zhong Xiang stopped and turned around to take a look. This man was called Huang Bei. He was Huang Xiaowei's son. Although he was younger than him, he was also a member of this circle.

"Huang Bei! Zhong

Xiang saw it and said quickly:"Tell Zeming that my cousin had an accident right at the elevator entrance. I'll go over and take a look and I'll be back later.""

After that, leave quickly

"well! What happened? Need help?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Huang Bei shouted, but found Zhong Xiang walking away.

He immediately turned around and returned to the private room.

At this time, there was a singing area in the huge private room , there is an area for playing billiards and several games. This private room is very large and has everything.

And at the dining table, there are a bunch of people sitting.

Among these people.......

The person who lives in Zuozuo is Su Zeming, and on both sides are Lu Mingyuan, Wang Zuo, Zhang Suo and others. These people are all the children of the people who were on Su Can's side just now.

They all gathered around Su Zeming.

Su Zeming is the person in charge of Su Can's future industry. Their fathers help the Su family manage their business, and they have known each other since they were young.

They are all in the same circle

"Xiaobei, where is Zhongxiang?"

Seeing Huang Bei come in alone, Lu Mingyuan asked

"Why doesn't he come in? How long has it been? His cousin hasn't arrived yet? Wang

Zuo asked.

Zhang Suo said:"This boy doesn't understand etiquette!" So many people were waiting for him. Although he was favored by Uncle Su, he was disrespectful to Uncle Su by neglecting everyone like this."


Zhang Ming also nodded.

He is the son of Zhang Dahai, the imperial cuisine restaurant, but his father, Zhang Dahai, is not qualified to participate in Su Can's circle........

However, he had played with Su Zeming and the others since he was a child. Later, when he wanted to start a business, Su Zeming invested in him. Now his net worth has reached nearly 10 billion, making him a top rich man.

He is from Su Zeming's generation and has integrated into this circle.

Xu Xiaoke, son of Xu Hengtai, said:"This man doesn't understand the rules."

Dachun's son Zhang Meng said:"How have we people ever waited for someone for so long! This man really doesn't understand the rules."

"What happened 707?"

Su Zeming looked at the others who were condemning Zeng Nianbei, but he didn't. Looking at Huang Bei's expression, it was definitely not what they thought. He slowly asked.

Huang Bei immediately said:"I just went out to find Brother Xiang. But I saw Brother Xiang walking outside. He told me that Zeng Nianbei had a conflict with someone at the elevator door. He seemed to be bullied. Brother Xiang asked me to come back and tell everyone that he was going bring people back"

"What! Our people were bullied."

Wang Zuo couldn't sit still anymore and stood up........

Although he was dissatisfied with Zeng Nianbei being late, that was the person Uncle Su asked him to come to attend the gathering of their circle. No matter how ignorant this person was.

That's their people too.

They can scold this person, but others cannot bully him.

If they bully Zeng Nianbei, isn't that a slap in their face?

Oh no!

What's even more frightening is that it's a slap in Uncle Su's face, and they can't ignore it.

What if the old man in their family found out that he saw someone slapping Uncle Su in the face while they hid aside!

After returning home, I was afraid that his leg would be broken by their old man.

In their homes.

Uncle Su is the biggest......

How can Wang Zuo sit still!

It exploded immediately..

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