With such a great relationship, why don’t you contact Mr. Wang more often?

You can also take yourself there!

Zeng Nianbei muttered in his heart, and he finally understood why his father felt that the circle he mixed with those people was not a big circle.

He must be comparing himself with Wang Er's son, Wang Zuo.

What's the status of that person's father?

What is your identity?

What is your father's identity and status?

If my old man was like Mr. Wang, his circle would be the top one, which would be okay - I mean, I am talking about myself!

Zeng Nianbei didn’t dare to show it.....

"Mr. Wang, this is Quan Zi! His name is Zeng Nianbei!"

Zeng Huaqiang pointed to Zeng Nianbei and introduced.

"good! What a talent!"

Wang Er politely praised

"Mr. Wang is polite. This kid is so old and has accomplished nothing. He is just a waste. Today I will bring him to see the world, so as not to be a frog in a well and not know how high the sky is."

Zeng Huaqiang said with a smile.

Wang Er nodded slightly, understanding very well.

He is also a father. Now Zeng Huaqiang uses his son as an analogy. When he met his third brother, why not use the analogy between his two sons?

"Call someone quickly!"

Zeng Huaqiang patted Zeng Nianbei.

"Hello, Mr. Wang! Zeng

Nianbei immediately shouted

"There's no need to be so polite, just call me Uncle Wang, and your dad and I will be considered acquaintances."Wang Er is still very considerate. After all, Zeng Huaqiang is Zhong Mingqiang's cousin.

Not only that, this person is also a subordinate of the third brother.

"Why don't you thank you Uncle Wang quickly!"

Zeng Huaqiang's eyes lit up with joy, and he stretched out his foot to kick his son Zeng Nianbei.........

"Uncle Wang!"

Zeng Nianbei rubbed his thighs and shouted


While several people were talking, another motorcade slowly drove in.

"It looks like others have arrived too!"

Wang Er squinted his eyes and said with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, then I will greet them! Zeng

Huaqiang was afraid of neglecting Wang Er, so he quickly said

"Go ahead!"

Wang Er nodded slightly.

Zeng Huaqiang saw that Wang Er was not angry, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He took his son Zeng Nianbei and headed towards the newly driven cars.

This time there were two convoys, starting from the main car. You can tell by the grade.

The specifications of this car are no worse than Wang Er's.

Zeng Nianbei was wondering what happened today, why so many luxury cars were driving over, and they were all very business cars.

This kind of car is the car of successful people.

Some of these young people may spend a lot of money to buy sports cars that are more expensive than these cars, but compared with the status of those who sit in these cars, they are millions inferior

"dad! What day is it today? Why are all these luxury cars coming?"

Zeng Nianbei followed Zeng Huaqiang and muttered

"Shut up and just follow along."

Zeng Huaqiang snorted coldly.

When Zeng Nianbei heard this, he curled his lips. Zeng Huaqiang looked at Zeng Nianbei. Zeng Nianbei shuddered and showed a silly smile on his face.

Zeng Huaqiang shook his head secretly in his heart........

"Click! Click!"

The car door opened.

Immediately afterwards, the doors of the two cars in front opened first, and those who got out were all tall and tall people in suits. At first glance, they were bodyguards and the like.

They are all big shots! (If you read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at the specifications, Zeng Nianbei knew that the people in the main car in the middle were definitely not ordinary people.

The next second, two people got out of those cars.

Zeng Nianbei immediately recognized the two people. The reason why these two people came out is not because of their huge wealth, but because these two people have been in the news recently.

One of them is Murray, the person in charge of Weibo. In recent days, Weibo has often exposed people from the island nation. News, it is said that the island country's plutocrats retaliated. Weibo's market value plummeted, and Murray's net worth lost billions. That was more wealth than his father, Zeng Huaqiang.

Murray actually came........

This is an Internet tycoon!

Identity is not simple.

The other person was originally unknown to Zeng Nianbei, but some time ago, due to food issues in the island country, he was removed from the shelves a lot.

Among them, the person who took the lead in this matter was Huang Xiaowei, the person in charge of Knorr Supermarket. He stood in front of the media and apologized to countless consumers.

This news often appears. Although many people scold him, many people also praise him and think he is a responsible boss.

At the same time, he is also a frequent visitor on the rich list, and now has a net worth of more than 20 billion, which is ten times more than their Zeng family.

This is definitely a top boss.

Although not as good as Wang Er at the beginning, his strength should not be underestimated.

In the end what happened!

Why are there so many rich people!

Zeng Nianbei was shocked

"Come on, Mr. Huang, let me introduce to you. This is Zeng Huaqiang. The gathering place arranged by Mr. Zhong today is the property under his hands."

Murray pulled Huang Xiaowei, and without waiting for Zeng Huaqiang to speak, he took the initiative to introduce.


Murray also knows his father? this?

Zeng Nianbei was shocked.

What happened today left him stunned. What on earth happened? How could my old man know so many important people?

First, Wang Er met his old man, and then Internet tycoon Murray also met his old man.


Old man, are you secretly hiding that you are actually the richest man in the world?

Zeng Nianbei was greatly shocked.

If he hadn't known what his father was like since he was a child, and hadn't had many interactions with these big guys, he would have doubted whether his father was a hidden big boss.

After all, top tycoons like Wang Er Murray actually know their father.

The old man knows so many big guys, but he is still so low-key. He has never exposed this relationship. He is really low-key!

Zeng Nianbei secretly complained in his heart.......

At the same time, I also felt very helpless. If I had known that my father knew so many top bosses, why would I have asked him to take me to see the world?

Being able to sit with these big guys, have a meal, or leave their contact information will be a great way to brag in that circle!

It's a pity that my old man is too low-key and has never told these relationship backgrounds.

"Mr. Mu still remembers me!"

Zeng Huaqiang was very moved. He didn't expect that Murray actually knew him. Of course he was very familiar with Murray. When Mr. Su came to Qiongzhou to play, this person was Mr. Su's secretary.

About seven or eight years ago , this person founded Weibo, which is now owned by a giant Internet giant with a market value of 100 billion yuan.

And he and Murray only met not many times, just a few times.

I didn’t expect that.......

The other party still remembers him.

This made Zeng Huaqiang very excited and happy..

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