If there hadn't been any changes over there, Zhong Mingqiang wouldn't have come over in such a hurry.

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can, nodded, and said,"Third brother's guess is right. Some changes have indeed taken place on Weibo and Qiandu."

"oh! What changes? Su

Can asked with squinted eyes.

Zhong Mingqiang quickly recalled the information he had obtained, and said:"Third brother, when the US stock market opened yesterday evening, the capital in the island country sold Weibo and Qiandu's stocks crazily in an attempt to make Weibo and Qiandu Qiandu’s stock price collapsed, thus completely harvesting Weibo and Qiandu"

"Our people followed your instructions and took back all the stocks they sold no matter how much they sold. On that day, they had already taken over more than one billion U.S. dollars of the other party's stocks."

"Just when we were about to continue harvesting, they once again rented stocks worth about one billion US dollars and continued to sell them out."

""850""Our people were worried that so many financial transactions, and in a short period of time, would attract some unnecessary attention. Later, they did not increase the market value of Weibo and Qiandu too much."

"Later, their people really got the news that someone was inquiring about them, and not only one force was investigating them."

Not only a force.....

That's several forces.

They are all investigating!

Among these forces, one or two are from the island country.

Su Can's mind moved slightly.

Those who are left.

I'm afraid there are some chaebols with Meijian.

The power to swallow up billions of dollars in stocks, even in Meili Jian, there is not much capital to do so easily.

Just like those capital companies, even though the scale of assets they manage reaches tens of billions of dollars, this scale sounds very large.

However, under the high-risk operations of short selling and long selling, the funds they mobilized will never exceed 5 billion US dollars.

And they don't dare to take it all out at once and go short or long on one or two stocks. bigger companies........

The more they pay attention to risk sharing, their purpose is to increase the value of assets, not to gamble. These people are very cautious.

Although the transaction volume of Weibo and Qiandu during this period has come and gone, as of yesterday, the sales of more than 2 billion were no joke.

But real.

It's normal for them to be curious.

"Let them lurk and don't take action again! Su

Can shook his head and said.

Zhong Mingqiang quickly asked:"What about tonight, after the US stock market opens?" Our people at Meilijian have called back and said that Daoguo Capital has obtained shares of Weibo and Qiandu worth more than one billion US dollars."

"They will continue to sell those stocks tonight. When the time comes, no one will come to take over, and what we do will be of no use."

He was a little curious

"It's easy! Su

Can smiled slightly and said:"Just let our two capital companies in Europe participate. It's about one billion US dollars. It won't be a problem for them to eat it.""

He has large and small capital companies all over the world.

These seem to have no connection.


The connections behind these companies are intricate and complex. In the end, several offshore companies control these capital companies.

This is all controlled by Su Can behind the scenes.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements immediately when I get back."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully

"By the way, third brother, the party tonight?"

As he said this, he remembered something and looked at Su Can

"You have arranged it, and we will go there together in the evening."Su Can nodded slightly.

On the evening of the second day of the Lunar New Year, as usual, it was a day for Su Can and his subordinates to get together. In the past, there were a lot of people, very many people.

Back then it was in Yanjing City.

Su Can Can also likes Laojiu, Maotai and all kinds of wines. The people under his command give him wines of this kind.

Like Maotai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wang Er These people will bring Su Can a ton of Maotai.

That’s right!

It’s indeed a ton.........

And it is pulled by one person, not everyone. Sometimes, what Su Can receives during the Chinese New Year is ten to eight tons of Maotai.

Therefore, from the 1980s to now, Su Can has Moutai and various big-name liquors almost every year, and he has all of them.

He is also the largest liquor collector in the world.

Think about it.

The minimum amount of Moutai received in a year is five or six tons. Not counting the rest of the liquor, the Moutai alone is 10,000 kilograms, which is 10,000 bottles!

There are 100,000 bottles this year. Even if Su Can drinks it every day, even if he drinks two bottles a day, he still won’t be able to finish it all.....

So they were all saved.

Now, almost all the people under Su Can have become big shots, and no one is simple. These people in the country are okay.

Many big families in Yanjing City knew that they were all Su Can's people, and Su Can held shares in those companies.

As for the capital abroad, many people don’t know about it.

Their status has become a rare big shot again. Su Can avoids trouble and has his relationship with those people known, so that they don't have to come to Yanjing City during the Chinese New Year.

Among these people, they include Li Xueer from Qianfen Investment Company, Xu Yan from Wanxiang Group, Lu Qianshan from Yongan Bank, Yang Daqian from Huatong Patent, Xu Zhengmao from Xingshi Group, Sun Zhengyi from SoftBank and China Da Fei of Heng Real Estate and others.

These people are all under Su Can. Except for SoftBank, Su Can controls 60% to 70% to 70% to 90% of the companies in the hands of these people!

Although SoftBank is less.......

However, that is as high as 40%.

However, their status is high.

Coupled with the development of the Internet, if someone secretly photographed them nodding and bowing to Su Can, then it would be news that would shock the whole world.

Su Can didn't want to be so high-profile.

Therefore, when gathering together every year during the Chinese New Year, Su 3.9can only invites industry leaders from the mainland, such as Wang Er or Lu Guoqiang.

Not many people

"It's the third brother. The location has been arranged. It's not in the city and not very far from here. It's in a private villa owned by my old cousin Zeng Huaqiang."

Zhong Mingqiang glanced at Su Can secretly.

Old cousin.......

When Su Can heard this, he smiled slightly.

Of course he knew who the old cousin Zhong Mingqiang was talking about was actually someone working for Su Can. He helped Su Can plant thousands of acres of sea yellow and agarwood in Qiongzhou!

At the beginning, Su Can wanted someone to help him purchase precious mahogany, and Zhong Mingqiang recommended this person to Su Can at that time.

Today, this person is also a big celebrity in Qiongzhou, with a high status and a net worth of more than 2 billion.

He is considered a big boss locally..

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