Su Can's expression calmed down a little. He looked at the boss sitting at the table and said in a deep voice:"Boss, your store also sells imported products from the island country?"

After hearing Su Can's words, the convenience store owner He smiled and said,"Of course, this brand sells very well in our store, not only in our store, but also in other stores." The same goes for other stores.....

When Su Can heard this, his face darkened slightly.

That is to say.

There are tens of thousands of convenience stores owned by Xiaowei across the country, and they all carry products from Spoke Island, and they sell very well.

Su Can felt a little angry.

After all, I can be considered the culprit!

With so many stores across the country, how many of these products are sold?

Think of this

"Then I’ll get some packs too!"

Su Can smiled faintly, took a few packages of food from the Spoke Island from the shelf next to him, and placed them in front of the four coconuts he took.

Su Can took out his mobile phone and paid.

He turned on his smartphone in advance. Times, this mobile phone payment is also ahead of schedule in this life.

In the past,

Su Can was too lazy to bring money and would ask Zhong Mingqiang to pay. But now that mobile phones are convenient, Su Can directly took the mobile phone and paid for these things. 22 After the boss put the things into the bag, Zhong Mingqiang, who was standing at the door, walked over quickly.........

"Take it!"

Su Can picked it up and handed it to Zhong Mingqiang.

Zhong Mingqiang took it and Su Can walked out. His face suddenly became gloomy. He walked directly to a row of stone benches under a coconut tree opposite and sat down. Come down.

Zhong Mingqiang followed behind and saw Su Can's gloomy expression. He swallowed and said,"Third brother, what happened?""

"You open the bag and look at the few snacks inside."

Su Can glanced at Zhong Mingqiang indifferently.

Zhong Mingqiang opened the bag in confusion and turned it over a few times. In addition to four coconuts, there were only a few bags of snacks left, and the snacks were written in the island's Chinese language.

What's the problem? Is it?

Zhong Mingqiang knows that although Su Can hates island countries, he won't hate this kind of normal trade because it is inevitable.

In today's globalized world, you cannot cut off ties with a large economy. Some trade, and the third brother did a lot of business in the island country and harvested a lot of island country leeks.

Why is this........

Zhong Mingqiang was puzzled. He took out one of the bags of snacks and looked through it a few times. However, he looked over and over again, but he didn't know what it was about.

This makes Zhong Mingqiang confused

"Look at the place of origin!"

Seeing Zhong Mingqiang like this, Su Can shook his head helplessly.

If he hadn't been born in two lives and knew so much under the fermentation of those things, he wouldn't have noticed the origin of a small snack.


Zhong Mingqiang heard it, I looked sharply at the place of production above.

Although they are foreign products, if they are to be sold domestically, these products will be marked with Chinese logos, so they can be found quickly.

"Radial Island!"

Seeing these two words, Zhong Mingqiang's pupils suddenly shrank.


He gasped in shock and said in shock:"Three, third brother!""


Su Can sighed:"Since the big earthquake last year, there has been a serious nuclear leak on the spoke island of the island country. A lot of land has been polluted, and even the nearby fish have been greatly affected."

"Therefore, local agricultural, fishery, and aquaculture production will all be exposed to some radiation, dozens or hundreds of times more than usual."

"These foods are prone to disease if people use them for a long time."

He felt helpless in his heart.........

Even if he is extremely wealthy, he may not be able to completely cut off this kind of matter. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You need to know.

Before the Internet was so developed in the previous life, the craftsmanship spirit of the island country spread all over the world, and everyone knew the dangers of the food on the Spoke Island.

There are also people who promote these foods without shame and keep improving. but.

When Su Can encounters him, he must cut off this kind of

"Third brother, Xiaowei?"

Zhong Mingqiang didn't know how to speak.

Huang Xiaowei was a prince under the third brother. He first built large supermarkets, and then opened subsidiaries. These convenience stores are the brands of this subsidiary.

So , this product entered these convenience stores, although it may not have been approved by Xiaowei personally, but as the person in charge, he could not escape the involvement.

Even if Zhong Mingqiang wanted to help Xiaowei speak, he did not dare to help too much!

This matter thing.......

He has already violated the third brother's bottom line. He knows that this kind of thing is what the third brother hates the most.

"I asked Xiaowei to come to Yazhou for me. If he can't get there today, then let him never work for me again in his life."

Su Can said in a low voice.

"yes! Third brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang immediately knew that the third brother was furious.


It is almost noon, and there are still about twelve hours before the end of the day. If Xiaowei is not in the country, he will be in Meili Jian. In the east.

Then, he can only ask for his own blessings.

This matter is a bit big

"in addition! Su

Can continued:"Let us investigate who has passed the products of these island countries and entered the domestic market.""

"Let's see why this person did this. Is there capital power from the island country involved in this matter, or is he just a genius?"

373This time.

Su Can will be uprooted.


If this continues, in just a few years or more, how many products will be circulated in China? This is definitely something Su Can will not allow.

Nowadays, no one pays attention and there is not much reaction.

But Su Can noticed.


Su Can has to cut off this connection.


Su Can thought for a moment and said:"Who is in charge of these convenience store brands now? Let's see if these products have been influenced by anyone when they enter the convenience stores.""

"In addition, call Huang Xiaowei and ask him to issue an order to remove these products from Spoke Island from supermarkets and convenience stores."

"The companies under my umbrella that are involved in shopping malls have removed all products from Spoke Island and told everyone not to allow these products to enter the market."

Su Can was angry.

He wanted to remove these products from the shelves before cutting off these tentacles, because his industry is too big, too big.

Too many, too many.........

"correct! And Alibaba’s online sales platform has also completely declined!"

Su Can thought about it again, then simply stopped thinking about it and directly issued an order:"Regardless of online and offline, it will be completely removed from the shelves."

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