Before this convoy, several convoys had passed by.

Each team is not an ordinary team, no less than what he has seen here before, the top teams in Xiangjiang.

Now, all of them are open. this....

What's the origin?

The manager was shocked. at this time. on the pier

"Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Wang!"

"Brother Dafei!"

"The second brother Wang"

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Yang."

In front of a luxury yacht, a group of people stood in front of the yacht and greeted each other. If they were photographed by the financial media, they would be extremely shocked.

Countless people would be shocked by this.

Because these people are not What an ordinary person.

The so-called Mr. Xu here is the person in charge of the Xiangjiang Lion Dance Group. The Xingshi Group is the world's number one textile industry and is extremely powerful.

Its market value has already exceeded 2 billion Hong Kong dollars.......

It also owns a number of luxury brands, accounting for 10% of the world's top luxury brands.A place for these 11 although not listed.

However, some people estimate that if these brands join together to establish a luxury goods company and list it separately, the market value will not be less than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars.

It also owns the Atlantis Hotel and a number of five-star hotel brands. These companies have now been successfully listed.

The market value has also exceeded 100 billion. besides.

Xingshi Group also owns Xingshi Real Estate Company. Among Xingshi Real Estate Company, it has now been successfully listed, and its market value has exceeded 100 billion.

Relying on these industries alone, the market value of the Xingshi Group's series of industries will not be less than the market value of 500 billion Hong Kong dollars. not to mention.

The Lion Dance Group developed so early. In the early years, it also established an investment department and invested in many companies. It is said that this investment department is independent of the Lion Dance Group.

The scale of assets under his control has reached hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

There are also several subordinate listed companies. Although the market value is not too high, they still have a market value of tens of billions or even 20 billion.

If these are added together, there are tens of billions of them........

The Xingshi Group can be said to be one of the big chaebols in Hong Kong, even more powerful than the Guo family, which ranks last among the five major families in Hong Kong.

Xu Zhengmao, chairman of the Lion Wake Group, has a net worth of over 100 billion.

In Xiangjiang.

That is also a famous rich man.

In addition to Mr. Xu of the Xingshi Group, Da Fei is the person in charge of Zhongheng Real Estate and the idol of countless gangs in Hong Kong.

Da Fei was originally just a gangster in the Xiangjiang Society, but it is said that because of his ability in doing things, he was spotted by a big boss and was put in charge of Zhongheng Real Estate.

Under the influence of capital, the market value of Zhongheng Real Estate has now reached 150 billion Hong Kong dollars. In addition to this company, Zhongheng Real Estate also owns an entertainment company.

This entertainment company is as big as a giant in Hong Kong. now.

This company has also been successfully listed in Hong Kong, with a market value of more than 80 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is a well-deserved overlord in Southeast Asia.

He even sent his son Li Ming to Yanjing City and established an entertainment company. It is now the number one entertainment company in the mainland, called Tianxia Film and Television.......

Tianxia Film and Television has also been listed on the market, and its market value has now reached 100 billion.

There is also an investment company under his banner that specializes in investing in the entertainment industry. The entertainment company ranked second in Bangzi was invested by him.

There are also investments in entertainment companies in island countries.

These market values ​​can also reach tens of billions.

It can be said.

Zhongheng Real Estate's asset series totals at least nearly 400 billion Hong Kong dollars. In Hong Kong, it can be said to be a giant.

That Mr. Yang is an even more terrifying existence. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mr. Yang is the person in charge of Huatong Patent Company. Although he seems not as famous as these two, in fact, everyone who knows Mr. Yang knows this person. , more terrifying than those two.

Especially in the technology industry.

Huatong Patent Company, owned by Mr. Yang, is a more powerful technology company than Gaotong. This company masters various communication technologies.

Although it is not listed.

However, no one dares to ignore this company.

Because of rumors, if this company is successfully listed, its market value will not be less than 150 billion US dollars.

It's US dollars! this is very scary.......

In addition, Huatong owns a mobile phone company called Xiaomi Mobile, which ushered in the era of smartphones.

Defeating major mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia Motors, China's brand became the world's top mobile phone manufacturer for the first time.

As for this Xiaomi mobile phone, it is registered in the Mainland.

Now, Xiaomi mobile phone has been successfully listed in Melician and Xiangjiang. The market value of Xiaomi mobile phone alone has reached more than 70 billion US dollars.

Counted into Xiangjiang coins, that's more than 500 billion.

Just by relying on this company, it is not weaker than Zhongheng Real Estate and Xingshi Group, not to mention that Huatong Patent Company is so terrifying.

Although his wealth is not as much as that of Xu Zhengmao, Mr. Yang, named Yang Daqian, has a higher status than Xu Zhengmao in the world business circle.

Moreover, he is very low-key and rarely attends various gatherings.

But today, he is still here.

The rest of the people are not weak either.

Xu Yan, the person in charge of Wanxiang Group, is nominally more terrifying than the three of them, because Wanxiang Group is a giant group that controls hundreds of billions of dollars in assets.

In the world, except for the social security funds of some countries, few can reach such a scale. this is very scary........

Moreover, Wanxiang Group actually has investments in those companies just now, and some even have board seats.

It's very scary.

In addition to Xu Yan, there is also Lu Guoqiang.

This person is not weak either.

Even though this person is not from Xiangjiang but from Pengcheng in the mainland, many financial media in Xiangjiang are aware of this person's existence.

Because he is the richest man in the mainland.

The industry under his hands is not lost to others.

His Guoqiang Electronics Factory, as well as Guoqiang Group and other companies, together have a market value of more than 400 billion.

What's more, this person has invested a lot.

His net worth has reached more than 100 billion, which is not much less than Xu Zhengmao. It can be said that he is a giant on the same level as Xu Zhengmao.

Many of Wang Er's people are wealthy people from the mainland. inside these people.

There is no one whose net worth is less than 30 billion.


There are even people with a net worth of nearly 100 billion.

And today!

The combined wealth of these people is almost hundreds of billions of dollars, but they are all gathered together.

This is shocking..

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