The next day.

Xiangjiang Stadium.....

As the largest stadium in Xiangjiang, today it is crowded with people, and countless media reporters are taking pictures here.

In the middle of the field, there is a red car with smooth lines and a nail-like logo.

The car is moving at a fast speed.

On the top stand, a group of rich people gathered together. Most of these rich people were people who had attended Mr. Mu's dinner party yesterday.

At this time, they all stared at the car

"Breaking 100 meters in 4.5 seconds, successful."

Marcos got the latest data and shouted excitedly


"Congratulations to Marcos"


The company of the rich and powerful Marcos........

Su Can stood up. When others saw it, they got out of the way one after another, forming a passage for Su Can. He walked over slowly.

"Marcos, order me ten models of this car with the highest specifications."

Su Can said.

"Mr. Su!"

Marcos looked at Su Can 22 in shock.

Bill also smiled and said:"Musk, let me order one too!"

"I'll get one too."

Master Qiao also said

"I'll get one too"

"Bring me two!"

"I also want!"

"I want three!"

"Four cars."

After the other rich people heard Su Can speak, Bill and Job actually followed suit and followed Marcos to stare at the new car model pulled by the special envoy. For a while, other rich people followed suit.........

These people are not interested in this car, because most of the rich people here have no relationship with the envoy at all.

The reason why they ordered a car together was because Su Can asked for ten cars. for them.

Su Can did it. Those of them here had to give some face, and they ordered a few cars, even if they were polite.

You have to order one too!

The price of these cars is not much, only tens of thousands of dollars.

This money.

For the wealthy people who can sit in the highest position in the stands, it is nothing if they don't lack that little money.

Tens of thousands of dollars!

It's not as good as the price of a bottle of wine they opened. To please Su Can, let alone a bottle of wine that costs tens of thousands of dollars, even if it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Even millions of dollars worth of wine is fine.


There is no such expensive wine in this world.

Although they are rich, they are not fools. If they don't have wine at this price, they have to put a price tag on it and sell it to them.

This is not stupid.

That's pure retardation.

Seeing so many rich people placing big orders on the spot, Marcos' eyes turned red with excitement.

Oh my God! this?

What does it mean for Special Envoy La to have so many rich people place orders? Needless to say, Marcos knows why.

These people are all top-notch rich people. Their daily consumption and dressing actually lead some rich people in the local country.

Or the consumption concept of middle-class people.

They all bought Special Envoy. If it were reported, it would be an invisible advertisement for Special Envoy. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This car........

Even those rich people bought it, all of them are on the world's richest list. They all like it, which means that this car is not low-grade.

When the middle class looked at it, they saw that this car only cost tens of thousands of dollars, not hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was not expensive and they could afford it.

This is the same car as the standard Audi and Mercedes-Benz, and it doesn't look expensive, so you can buy it.

Moreover, after buying it, it was still the same model as those rich people, and the quality was suddenly raised to the same level as these rich people.

Can they not be moved?

Marcos felt that as long as the orders of these rich people were disclosed and forwarded by the media, the special envoys could be driven to sell 100,000 taels of this car within the next year.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth were about to burst into laughter.

Mr. Su is still awesome.

If I follow my own ideas and hold such a new car launch conference in Melician, there will definitely not be as many wealthy people present as in Xiangjiang.

Mr. Su's influence in Xiangjiang is too great, and so many rich people have come. so!

The impact here is much greater than that at Meilijian, and it also gives Special Envoy more exposure. Mr. Su is truly the best investor in the world.

He did so many things for the special envoy Ra.

If it weren’t for Mr. Su.......

Will Special Envoy be able to survive today?

Marcos couldn't imagine what would happen without Mr. Su.

Thinking of this, I felt even more grateful to Su Can.

Su Can looked at Marcos who was surrounded by people, asked Zhong Mingqiang to say something to him, and then the group left the stadium.

Soon, Su Can's motorcade left the stadium.

Half an hour later.

At the foot of Pingshan Mountain, in Su Can's small manor, after he bought Dunyiyuan, he also bought a small manor at the foot of the mountain.

There are several small buildings inside, as well as a creek. The location is very secret, and it is not where the mansions of the rich are located.

After all, this place is close to the countryside.

Although it is remote, it is very clean.

After Su Can arrived, he sat under a big banyan tree. Although it was winter, the winter in Xiangjiang was not cold, and the banyan tree was still lush.

And today, the sun is still very strong........

Sitting under the banyan tree, the sunlight shines through the leafy leaves and falls on the person, making the person's body exude a faint fragrance.

The cool breeze blows from the creek not far away, bringing a touch of coolness and making people not feel any bit of stuffiness.

The tranquility that Su Can enjoyed was soon broken after a moment.

Rows of cars drove slowly in order. Among these cars, the cheapest ones were priced at no less than two million.

The prices are high, some of these cars cost tens of millions.

It can be said!

It's the most top-notch luxury car

"Third brother! Bill and the others are here!"

Zhong Mingqiang walked to Su Can's side and whispered.

Su Can nodded slightly and looked over.

"Click! Click!"

These fleets opened their doors neatly, and inside the cars, familiar faces slowly walked out of the cars.

There were Bill and Job, as well as the founders of giants such as Google Maxson. People, they all came to Su Can's manor one by one.

This was also the scene that Su Can planned with Bill and Master Job a few days ago.........

In order to avoid being swallowed up by Meilijian's established capital, they chose to join forces and cooperate with Su Can, or in other words, they invested in Su Can.

Su Can slowly stood up and said with a smile:"Welcome everyone"

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