If the third brother doesn't like Guo Qiang and the others to get involved in this matter and attend tonight's banquet, he just needs to convey some information and they will definitely not attend.

Third Brother's words are an imperial edict.

Oh no.....

Even if the third brother showed his displeasure, it would be an imperial edict, and they would definitely not attend, otherwise they would make the third brother unhappy.

That's absolutely not okay

"That’s not that serious!"

Su Can shook his head.

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he didn't speak.

Su Can said lightly:"Since you have applied, then you should come! It just so happens that we all have so many things to do and are so busy that we don’t have time to get together."

"When was the last time we got together?"

"years ago?"

Su Can asked

"Third brother, it was the summer two years ago when we were in Yanjing City, on the"373" road next to the prospect villa, drinking draft beer on the side of the road."

Zhong Mingqiang's mind turned and he immediately thought of

"Oh yes! It's been two years."

When Su Can heard this, he also remembered it.


These two years have passed. is not that right?

It has been more than thirty years since he was reborn. In the blink of an eye, time seemed to have slipped through his fingers. So many years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Those old friends are gone.

Any one of them is in his fifties or sixties.

The oldest is Xu Zhengmao, who is now seventy.

So does Yang Daqian.

He was almost seventy, and Zhong Mingqiang next to him was almost sixty.

The young people who used to be by his side have all grown old. Even Chu Feng, the little brat back then, is now over four years old.

My children are all in college.

Time really flies by.

Everyone is getting busier and busier. In the past, during the Chinese New Year, we could still get together, get together at Su Can, and then go to the palace restaurant for dinner.

However, as everyone's business grows, some are still busy even on New Year's Eve. no way........

So it’s not easy to gather so many people

"Since everyone is here this time, it is a rare opportunity. Let’s get together!"Su Can shook his head and said with a sigh.

If we don't get together now, maybe in the blink of an eye, several years have passed.

Some people, if there are some accidents, might leave.

These days, it's not just about having money. Peace of mind, some surprises, it suddenly comes, no one knows when it will come.

At this age, it is only one day, one day less!

"Third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang heard something heavy and sad from Su Can's words. Zhong Mingqiang's mood was also a bit heavy.


When he came back from the army, who could have imagined that he would be such a great person today? One day, but in the blink of an eye, so many years have passed.

I also have children, daughters and grandchildren.........

"I'm fine, but I feel a little sad when I think about the past. Back then, even if it was pork head, I could eat two kilograms of it. Now I feel tired after eating two pieces of pork head."

Su Can shook his head and stretched out his hand to indicate not to worry.

"That's a good life!"

Zhong Mingqiang said with a smile:"In today's life, as long as you are willing to work hard and work hard, your income may not be high, but if you want to be willing to spend some money, having meat every meal is not a problem."

"In the past, let alone eating meat, you couldn't buy it even if you had money, and of course you didn't have money. In those days, wherever you go, you have to work wherever you go!"

"If you want to find a job, you have to be introduced by an acquaintance."

Isn't it?

Su Can nodded.

Nowadays, many people think that the past was so good.


If you insist on not seeing meat or meat for a month now, and you can't even eat rice, what will you do? The vegetables are like boiled vegetables, without oil. After a month, you still feel good.

That’s not bad. That

’s right........(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That’s it, it’s not awesome.

Because back then, let alone not eating meat for a month, most people couldn't eat meat a few times throughout the year, and it was a problem to get enough.

Because I am poor, I have no desire.

So when I think back, I feel happy

"It's all in the past, don't remember the past. Su

Can smiled slightly and said,"By the way, they all applied with Mr. Mu. Are some of them not qualified?" If you have any, please help."

"Ha ha! Zhong Mingqiang smiled and said:"

Third brother, if these people don't meet the standard, there will be very few people in this world who have achieved this qualification.""

Who are these people?

They are all powerful generals under Third Brother.....

The industries he manages are all very large.

Anyone who comes out has a net worth of more than 10 billion, not only more than 10 billion, but also the companies they control, although many of them are less than 100 billion.


That's a subsidiary company.

There are not many listed companies under the group company!

Add those up, and any family’s income is over 100 billion.


There are also companies with market capitalizations of hundreds of billions!

"This time!"

Zhong Mingqiang then explained:"There are so many people applying for invitation letters. Mr. Mu has set a threshold. Although most people don't know this, our people already know it."

"To get this invitation letter, there are three conditions. As long as one of them is met, you can get the invitation letter."

"What conditions? Su

Can asked.

Zhong Mingqiang explained:"The first person has a net worth of more than 10 billion. If he reaches this, the invitation letter will be given immediately. The second one is that as long as he reaches the top of the industry rankings, he will be ranked in the rankings of a certain country. Those characters, then also give invitations!"

"And the third one."

Zhong Mingqiang squinted his eyes and smiled, and said:"As long as they are the heads of those 100 billion group, even if they are not the founders, they can apply as long as they apply."

Net worth tens of billions?

Ranked among the top ten in the industry.......

President of Qianyi Group? this!

This condition is not low at 3.2!

Especially the first one. Many founders of groups that seem to be worth hundreds of billions, but their net worth may not reach this. Ten billion is definitely the most difficult.

However, those who have reached this level are almost the most top-notch existence in this world.

"Mr. Mu was able to screen out countless people in one fell swoop!"

Su Can squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Not only that, it is said that this time, no media was invited, and he also said hello to those media, if anyone dared to take risks, sneak into the venue secretly to take photos, and settle the score later."

Zhong Mingqiang said with a smile.


Settle accounts later.

Reject the media........

Su Can's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately guessed why Mr. Mu did this!

Mr. Mu is such a smart man!.

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