As Su Zeming's property grew larger and larger in the past two years, and he even got married and had children, Lu Guoqiang felt a change in his son Lu Mingyuan's heart.


Since the beginning of the year, I have returned to Guoqiang Group and held a mid-to-high-level position.

As long as the third brother is willing to let the descendants of the Lu family inherit this Guoqiang Group, Lu Guoqiang hopes that his son can come back to take over!

To know.

Being in this group is much more comfortable than outside companies.

Even if you take over in the future, you don't have to worry about taking the wrong path or bringing the company to a dead end.

Because there is the third brother behind this.

If you don't come back to inherit it, why are you waiting?

This is not.....

Lu Mingyuan is now a senior executive of the company, so this call was made from within.

"What happened to Mingyuan? Lu

"830" Guoqiang asked.

Lu Mingyuan said excitedly:"Dad!" Something big happened"

"Big things? whats the matter? What trouble did you brat cause again?"

Lu Guoqiang's expression changed.

Lu Mingyuan said depressedly:"Dad! I have joined a group, can I still do those immature things outside like before? you?"

He was speechless!

In the heart of his old man, he is that kind of person.

Although he used to do this a lot, now he is very motivated to change his mind!

Otherwise, when he goes out, others will only call him Lu The eldest son, the eldest son of the Lu family, instead of calling him Lu Mingyuan or Boss Lu.

All his glory was given by people in the family.

This made Lu Mingyuan feel very uncomfortable.

In addition,.......

Over the past few years, the people around me are all responsible for certain undertakings or things, and few people are messing around anymore.

He also didn't hope that when the time comes, everyone will inherit the family business and he will be the only one who will accomplish nothing.

Anyway, over the years, no matter what he played, he was tired of it. What about drinking, sex and wealth? Now I just want to make some achievements

"Say it quickly!"

Lu Guoqiang is not used to him. He believes in the third brother's principle, that is, boys must be beaten and not doted on, otherwise they will not be able to stand upright in the future.

Lu Mingyuan took a deep breath and was used to his father's rudeness. His father was originally uneducated. , had he not met Uncle Su, he would not be in the position he is today.

Lu Mingyuan said:"Just now, Mr. Xiangjiang Mu next door sent a message saying that Uncle Su will attend the party he is hosting tonight."

"What? Third brother wants to attend such a social party?"

Lu Guoqiang was shocked.

Of course he knew about Mr. Mu's party.

He was in Pengcheng.........

Pengcheng and Xiangjiang are just a few steps away. Besides, for such a large-scale banquet, the news has already spread completely.

However, Lu Guoqiang had no intention of going.

The banquet was full of foreigners, some of whom he knew personally. If there was any cooperation, he would contact them by phone. There was no need to attend these social banquets to enhance relationships.

So he didn't care.

But I didn't expect that the third brother would actually participate in the big news that his son had just revealed?

How can it be?

The third brother has not attended this kind of social banquet for many years. But this time, why did he suddenly agree to Mr. Mu’s banquet? this?

"Mingyuan, contact Mr. Mu's people immediately and apply for an invitation from them."

Lu Guoqiang said immediately.

The third brother has gone.

This means that the third brother must have some plan.

And he, as a prince and a fierce general under the third brother, is in Pengcheng, not those in Yanjing City. The place is so far away.

After knowing the news, you still don’t go?

Doesn’t that mean........(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Don’t take the third brother seriously!

This is absolutely not possible

"OK Dad! I invite now."

Lu Mingyuan knew the priorities of the matter, and did not put down his burden because of his father's doubts just now. Uncle Su's affairs are the most important thing in their Lu family. This is also the family motto of their Lu family, and it is precisely because of this family motto, Only then can the Lu family reach such a status and become the richest man in the mainland. They are richer than Uncle Wang, who has a better relationship with Uncle Su.

That's it.

The current wealth of the Lu family is as high as hundreds of billions. It's all his father's net worth. Based on this alone, he is not a small figure in Xiangjiang.

You know, the Guo family, one of the five major families in Xiangjiang, their head's net worth is not as much as his father's, or even half of his wealth. Not even that.

His father’s status in Xiangjiang is not low.....


Xiangjiang and Pengcheng were in this area, and everyone recognized each other. If he applied for an invitation letter from Mr. Mu on behalf of his father, there would be absolutely no problem.

"Wait a moment!"

Lu Guoqiang thought of something and quickly stopped his son who was about to hang up the phone.

"dad! Any other instructions? Lu

Mingyuan asked in confusion.

Lu Guoqiang said in a deep voice:"Since the news has been spread, it won't be long before your uncle Wang Er, uncle Zhang Qiang and others will know about it.""

"How about this!

He said without hesitation:"Before you apply for an invitation letter from Mr. Mu over there in Xiangjiang, you call Uncle Wang Er and the others in Yanjing City and tell them about this.""

"Remember, tell them right away."

Wang Er!

Zhang Qiang.

Huang Wei.

Li Dong.......

He had to tell these people that they were all princes under Third Brother's command, and their status was not inferior to his own. They were absolutely among his own people.

They are all from their own faction.

Since I was in Pengcheng, I might have learned the news a little earlier. After knowing the news, I didn't tell anyone else, although it didn't seem like anything.

But speaking of it, it is also a big favor.

Although everyone is in the same camp, no one wants the other party to inherit more of their favors, so that when the time comes, their descendants will inherit this huge industry.

Everyone will also help 1.9.

This is what everyone in this big family does.

So do the rich

"dad! Then I will call Uncle Wang Er and the others immediately."

Lu Mingyuan didn't hesitate. He also heard what his father meant. He didn't ask why. Anyone who comes from such a big family.

How many people are there with different worldly feelings?

Are you kidding ?.......

Even in Su Can's previous life, the prince seemed to curse people everywhere, but if you look at some people, would he dare to curse them? That's how human beings are.

He seems to be a sweetheart, but he is not stupid at all. all know.

Don't mess with whoever you can afford. It's not that you can't afford to mess with someone, but that if you mess with someone, the price will be too high.

The world of business is not about fighting and killing, but about worldliness..

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