"can not tell!"

Li Chaoren whispered and looked at his son. In his eyes, he did not feel disappointed because his son could not see it. Because for him, in fact!

He could not see it either.

After so many years in the business world, I have seen all kinds of people, even all kinds of heroes and heroes. Even those people are heroes, heroes, and outstanding.

However, there is no that person, so elusive and unclear.

Only Su Can Just one person....

He couldn't even see how he could force his son to do this.


Li Zeju took up what his father said and said,"Although we can't see what Mr. Su's purpose is, I feel that nothing done by a big shot like him is without purpose."

"He suddenly attended the party held by Mr. Mu. Before that, no news came out, indicating that Mr. Su suddenly agreed."

"It may even be that I just agreed to Mr. Mu’s invitation today. Otherwise, Mr. Mu would have invited Mr. Su long ago. How could he not build momentum in advance?"

"And now! He looked at his father carefully.

Li Chaoren's eyes showed relief and said,"It's really good that you can see this. You can see the essence of some problems clearly.""

"Indeed, as you said, if Mr. Mu got the news in advance that Mr. Su agreed to attend his party, he would definitely build momentum in advance."

"When the news spreads about people like Mr. Su participating, not to mention a few days in advance, even a day in advance, anyone who knows Mr. Su's status will rush back to participate."

"But now, time is very tight."

It's really a rush.

For example, some people return to Xiangjiang in the east of Meili Jian. The flight takes more than ten hours. It's almost too late to take a private jet.

Because applying for this kind of route is not something you can do casually. It will take some time to apply.

After I came back, it was too late.

Li Chaoren looked at his son and continued:"What do you think about Mr. Su suddenly agreeing to attend the banquet hosted by Mr. Mu?

Li Zeju said in a deep voice:"We can't miss it.""


Li Chaoren pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses.......

Li Zeju said in a deep voice:"Dad! As you said, Mr. Su has not attended this kind of party for many years. If he suddenly joins now, there must be something big going on.""

"The words and deeds of a big man like him are definitely not simple. If what he plans to do this time, there will be top Internet founders in the world at this meeting, so the scale will definitely not be too small. of"

"I chose Xiangjiang again. He paused, looked at his father, and said with hot eyes:"Perhaps Mr. Su is planning to get some big families in Xiangjiang to join him.""

"If that's the case! He looked at his father and did not continue.

Li Chaoren said solemnly:"You mean, since we are not here, your brother represents our past alone. Is he afraid that he is not qualified to reach that circle?""

Li Zeju didn't speak.

But Li Chaoren knew that the eldest son was right.


In the eyes of outsiders, the eldest son is the heir of the Li family, because most of his current behavior of dividing the property between his two sons is It is for the eldest son.

Moreover, it is still the main business in his hands.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows who the real heir is.....

As for his youngest son, although he is also from the Li family and is his son, he is also called Little Superboy, but that is only for ordinary people.

Or from some ordinary rich people.

For top figures like the five major families in Xiangjiang, or even Mr. Su, the Li family must be the real talker.

Even if he is not the talker, he must be the future heir.

This is what counts as qualification. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention, this was in front of Mr. Su.

In front of Mr. Su, his eldest son's status as heir is not enough. I am afraid that only he himself can be considered qualified to join.


Li Zeju nodded and admitted,"Besides, there is another thing that is even more terrifying."

"What's up!"

Li Chaoren has already guessed what his son is going to say.

But as an old fox in the shopping mall, he knows very well that even if he knows, he still needs to give his son some encouragement and see how his son behaves.

This is related to the Li family. future development.......

Li Zeju whispered:"If we, as the head of the five major families in Xiangjiang, are summoned by Mr. Su this time, we have brought in countless people, and the other four families in the five major families in Xiangjiang, as well as some top families have joined us. Our Li family unexpectedly missed this grand event."


He took a deep breath, and when he thought about the consequences, he felt extremely terrible. It was definitely not a serious consequence that he could afford.

"What do other people think of our Li family? I feel that our Li family looks down upon Mr. Su, that’s why we didn’t join Mr. Su’s plan."

"What does Mr. Su think of our Li family? Do you think that all the big families in Xiangjiang, including those who are much smaller than the Li family, have given me face, but our Li family has not?"

"Are you going to make an enemy of Mr. Su?"

As soon as these words came out, even Li Chaoren, who had already known what his son wanted to say, his face suddenly turned gloomy.......

In my heart, it was like a huge wave had set off.

In the study.

In an instant, it became silent, and you could hear the drop of a needle.

Li Zeju did not dare to speak, but looked at his father. He could see that after these words came out, his father's eyes became more serious.

This incident is indeed very scary for the Li family.

Some times. (Make money) When you reach a certain height, it doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want. Sometimes, you need to worry about a lot of things.

And there are some things that will be over-interpreted by others as long as you don’t do them.

Mr. Su may not care!

But what about others?

Other big families may feel that their Li family has offended Mr. Su. Would these people dare to ask Mr. Su how the Li family offended Mr. Su?

I definitely wouldn't dare to do that......Rubbish.

Then they will secretly feel that if this is really the case, then those big families will avoid offending Mr. Su and will definitely cut off some cooperation with the Li family.

When the time comes, the Li family will not only suffer heavy losses, but they will also be injured.

"Apply for a route now."

Li Chaoren stood up and said something, and then immediately added:"The route is too slow. Book the fastest flight from Fog City to Xiangjiang immediately."

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