The meeting of the Skull and Bones Society ended soon.

Several core members left one after another.

Old Locke also left California, took a private plane, and returned to the Locke family.

Once back.....

"Mr. Locke."

The old butler walked up.

This time, he went to California to attend the core meeting of the Skull and Bones Society. He did not take the old butler with him because he arranged for the old butler to investigate some people in the Locke family.

See if there are any undercover agents. Ghost.

Su Can suddenly asked Marcos to move the special envoy from Meili Jian to Huaxia Xiangjiang to hold a new car launch conference. This made him suspect that someone told Su Can about their actions.

As an ancient big family, the last What he was worried about was that something like this would happen.

So the old butler stayed in the Locke family and conducted an investigation.

In addition, he also found that not only did he not take the old butler with him this time, many Skeleton Society Most of the other big families inside were not brought with them.

Locke felt it was unusual.........

In the past, the chief steward was their most trusted confidant, and they would usually take the chief steward with them wherever they went.

But this time, many people didn’t take them with them.

Explain that some people may be doing the same thing as him

"How is it, has the investigation been completed?"

Locke rubbed his aching head and said softly.

One day is enough.

On his own territory, if he can't investigate in one day, then he can really say that for the control of the Locke family, It was already very weak.

It was even possible that he would be replaced.

He rubbed it a few times and put it down. He got up early in the morning and rushed to California. After the meeting, he rushed back immediately. He was not young and powerful. A strong young man.

Now he is an old man.......

He couldn't bear this kind of rush.

Unfortunately, these times are not like they used to be.

This time, maybe there is really a mole among them, so none of them dare to stay near the Phil family.

Once the other party has an ambush, kill them all.

That's bad.

In the past, Locke would definitely not have believed it.

But this time!

He had to be careful. There was a suspected leak of information. People like them had to be even more cautious.

There is a saying in China that he agrees with very much.

Be careful to sail a boat that lasts for thousands of years, but one misstep will lead to eternal regrets.

He didn't want to become that hateful person........

"Yes, Mr. Locke, our people have investigated and come up with some results."

The old housekeeper said respectfully

"Is there really a mole? Was it sent by Su Can?"

Old Locke's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"There is a mole, but!"

The old housekeeper's face changed slightly, and he said intermittently in embarrassment.

"but what?"

Old Locke had a look of dissatisfaction on his face. He hates it when others tell him off. At this time, he is not in a good mood.

Telling him off would be a slap in the face.

"Mr. Locke, these moles were not sent by Su Can and have nothing to do with Su Can, but they are related to some big families in the Skull and Bones Society."

The old housekeeper took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.


When Old Locke heard this, he stood up suddenly, his face turned livid and gloomy, and said,"Say it again, what does it have to do with?"

He felt that he had heard wrongly.

How could it be possible?........(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How could this matter have anything to do with those people?

"Yes, Mr. Locke, these people have nothing to do with Su Can. They have a great relationship with other families in the Skull and Bones Society."The old housekeeper gritted his teeth and continued.


When Old Locke heard this, his eyes widened with anger, he picked up the coffee cup on the table, smashed it on the ground, and roared:"Damn it, how can they do this? They are all in the same organization. People actually secretly attack each other to ambush the inner ghost"

"Damn it!

He roared:"It's useless for me to trust them so much. I have always thought that no one would do such a thing. How dare they do this.""

Damn it!

Old Locke felt that his lungs were going to explode with anger.

He thought about it a thousand times. He even thought that Su Can used the power of capital to corrupt the cronies around him, those who had done several things in the Locke family. Descendants of generations.

But I never expected that Su Can did not do it. Instead, the big family in the Skull and Bones Society, which he trusted a lot and felt that they were all his own, would do such a thing.

This kind of thing is like being The person you trusted the most betrayed you like that........

Old Locke's face turned red and he felt like he was about to lose his temper and have a heart attack.....

"Medicine, give me medicine!"

Old Locke roared, and his whole body was shaking with emotion.

When the old housekeeper saw it, his face changed drastically, and he immediately took out a bottle from the side, which contained a dark pill. Outside of the pill, It was a shell made of beeswax.

The old butler immediately broke it open and handed it to Old Locke.

Old Locke drank it.

The old butler handed him another glass of water, and Old Locke took a sip. The effect of the medicine spread in his belly, and he I felt a lot better.

I almost didn't get mad to death.

Old Locke looked at the empty medicine bottle with a complicated expression.

He didn't expect that the person he trusted the most would secretly attack him, and at his critical moment At that moment, it was the drug developed by the enemy's company that saved his life.

That's right.

The pills in this bottle were exactly the drugs developed by Su Can's Hengyu Group. Although this drug was not a life-extending drug.

But it is a life-saving medicine that can save lives at critical moments.

It can be called an enhanced version of the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill.

The price of this medicine is not low, each pill is about two thousand US dollars, but in the market, the supply exceeds the demand. Many people are buying like crazy.

Like Old Locke, even though he is an enemy of Su Can.......

Of course, he had no choice but to get it directly from the Hengyu Group, but with his background and identity, he just had to make a voice and say what he wanted.


In Meilijian 0.1, countless people will come to ask for this medicine.

Not only that.

He is using many of the life-extending medicines from the Hengyu Group, and they are all obtained in this way. I don’t know how many people have asked him to do something to please him.

Therefore, it is not surprising to do such a thing in order to please him. only.

At this moment, Old Locke felt a little strange in his heart.


Old Locke took a deep breath, calmed down his inner emotions, and said coldly:"It's those big families who have placed people in our Locke family."

Although his tone of voice was calm, it was full of murderous intent.

He had murderous intent.........

People who have reached this position cannot sit on it just because they are born well.

Not cruel!

He was killed by a rival within the family long before he even sat on it..

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