The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at the dim night light in the room.

Beside the curtains, it was still dark.

Before dawn.

It was just me who suddenly woke up.

He was about to continue sleeping

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


The old man paused slightly.....

Are you disturbing your sleep in the middle of the night?

The old man frowned


He turned on the switch in front of the bed, and the room suddenly became brighter with a bang. He picked up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bedside and slowly put them on. He saw the wall clock opposite the bed, which showed late night.


The old man shouted


A familiar voice sounded outside.

It was his son!

The old man felt relieved. It was his son and not someone else. Then there must be something urgent, so his son would come to disturb him in the middle of the night.

Otherwise, he would never.The old man slowly got off the bed and walked towards the door.


Old man 22 opened the door and immediately saw his eldest son Li Zeju standing at the door wearing pajamas. He looked like he had just woken up, but his face was a little anxious.

That's right........

This old man is none other than Li Chaoren.

In front of him was his son, who was also the future successor of the Li family. This time he stayed here until the sun set, so he brought his son here to meet some business partners.

I also officially tell everyone that this is the future person in charge of the Li family.

Because now.

He is not young yet, already over eighty years old. At this age, he naturally knows his destiny. He does not aspire to the legendary immortality.

Know that is out of reach.

Although there are also life-extending medicines from the Hengyu Group that can greatly extend their lives, at their current age, what should be arranged has already been arranged.

Most of their Li family's property will be handed over to their eldest son. in xiangjiang.......

This practice is not uncommon.

It can be said that many big families do this and give most of the property to the eldest son, so that the eldest son inherits most of everything.

Although the other remaining sons did not inherit much, those things were enough to make his net worth reach an extremely rich level.

Of course, for someone like Li Chaoren, even a portion of what he gave was enough to make his youngest son’s net worth reach tens of billions.

"What happened? Why did you come here without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Li Chaoren glanced at his son and walked towards the door, followed by his eldest son Li Zeju.

"dad! Something big happened over there in Xiangjiang. My little brother just sent me the news and told me about it."; Li Zeju said quickly

"whats the matter?"

Li Chaoren stopped.

It has been several days since he left Xiangjiang with his eldest son. He also knows a little bit about what happened in Xiangjiang and knows a lot.

After thinking about it, the so-called big things recently.

In fact ,!

It’s not that big.

And one of the biggest things is that Mr. Mu invited a large number of business tycoons to attend a party, and Mr. Mu also sent invitations to him.

However, now that the sun never sets, he naturally There is no time to go back. When the time comes, the younger son will take his place and attend the meeting on behalf of the Li family.

What other big things are there?........

Is there something wrong with the Li family's industry? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's about Mr. Su."

Li Zeju said quickly

"What! Li

Chaoren paused and asked quickly:"Is it related to Mr. Su?""


Li Zeju nodded.

"Let's go to the study and talk!"

Li Chaoren immediately headed towards the study next door. This study is his exclusive study, specially built in his villa where the sun never sets.

As a well-known real estate developer in Hong Kong, he has Across the world, he buys land and houses on a large scale. In a place where the sun never sets and the fog never sets, he has no shortage of real estate.

This house worth tens of millions of dollars is his villa. And this one.

It's not the biggest or the best.

It's just that he has always been low-key and doesn't like to be high-profile in front of others. He chose this central villa and lived in it. The sun never sets on him and he also owns a 200 million US dollar mansion.

That one The mansion is now rented out to a very famous star. The annual rent is as high as nearly ten million US dollars.

In the study......

Li Chaoren sat down.

Li Zeju sat next to him and said,"Dad! A message was suddenly released on Mr. Mu's official account. In this message, it was announced that Mr. Su would attend his event in Xiangjiang local time, that is, this afternoon when the sun never sets. , this banquet held"

"What? When Li

Chaoren heard this, he stood up suddenly and asked in shock:"Are you sure?" Is this source correct?"


Li Zeju nodded. He took out his mobile phone and opened social media.

"Dad, take a look. This is the news released by Mr. Mu and some departments in Xiangjiang. These have certified that Mr. Su will participate."

"Although Mr. Su's name was not mentioned here, Mr. Su was the only one in the vast city of Xiangjiang who could make Mr. Mu behave like this."

He handed the phone to Li Chaoren.

Li Chaoren took it and looked at it.

"Hiss! Li

Chaoren took a breath and said in shock:"It should be Mr. Su, but Mr. Su has never attended such a similar party since he attended Mr. Bao's birthday party more than 20 years ago.""783

"This time, he actually wants to participate"

"Choose giant. He paused, looked at his son, and asked with bright eyes,"What do you think Mr. Su's move means?""

What's the meaning.......

Li Zeju looked at his father, shook his head, and said:"Dad! We have studied Mr. Su for many years, but over the years we have found that Mr. Su acts unconstrainedly, like an antelope hanging horns, round and without edges, but we have not found Mr. Su." Some rules for doing things"

"This time, I can’t see what Mr. Su means by doing this!"

He knew very well that in his heart, his father very much hoped that he and his younger brother could have one-tenth or even one-hundredth of Mr. Su's abilities.


Facing that terrifying existence, it was impossible for him to , can reach one-tenth, or even one percent of that existence.

That person!

Decades ago, at a young age, he surpassed his father's existence.

Others say that he is a businessman among the Chinese Superman.

But actually.......

Those of them who knew that person existed knew very well that that person was the real Superman among the Chinese, or maybe even the Superman of the world.

That person is really awesome.

Compared with him, his father really elevated his own father..

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