Zhong Mingqiang continued:"Now, the major paparazzi teams in Xiangjiang have given up taking secret photos of Jianjia, and many of them have withdrawn"

"Ze Ming's move was to kill the chickens and scare the monkeys quietly, allowing the paparazzi to run away on their own initiative. I have to say, it was really clever."

Zhong Mingqiang also felt this move, and there was some shadow of the third brother.

If he hadn't been working next to the third brother, he would never have heard the third brother's advice, and he also knew that the third brother would never interfere in such a thing.....

He would almost think that it was actually the third brother who took action.

Third brother is too powerful

"Come on, this brat doesn't need to be praised. It's okay for you to praise him here, but when you get next to that brat, you have to continue to praise him like this. This brat's tail can reach the sky."

Su Can rolled his eyes, but there was a trace of pride on his face.

"hey-hey! Zhong

Mingqiang smiled and said"Zero Two Three" without saying a word.

The third brother looked like he didn't care, but Zhong Mingqiang knew that the third brother was already happy in his heart.

In this world, no matter what status he is. Princes and nobles, traffickers and pawns, or poor people, as long as they are fathers in this world.

Who doesn’t hope that the young will be better than the old!

I hope that my children will be even better.

The third brother is the same........

Zhong Mingqiang knew what the third brother was thinking, but he didn't reveal it.

"Third brother, these paparazzi took secret photos of Jian Jia and followed them for such a period of time. Someone may have added fuel to the fire."

Zhong Mingqiang said cautiously

"Do you think it’s Xu Yan?"

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang indifferently.

Zhong Mingqiang nodded deeply and said,"I suspect it's her, but she didn't send anyone to bribe anyone or arrange for someone to secretly photograph Jian Jia for this kind of thing."

"Therefore, there is no such clear evidence at all."

"Third brother, this?"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can cautiously.

Su Can shook his head and said,"Don't say anything without evidence. Even if Xu Yan has a very strong motive to do it,"

"However, once the evidence is not grasped, then this behavior should be treated as invisible!"

This is not that Su Can is shielding Xu Yan.

It's that Su Can knows what Xu Yan is going to do.

She definitely doesn't want Jian Jia to become the head of Wanxiang Group and squeeze her out. She will still do something. Counterattack.

For Su Can, these counterattacks are normal.

As long as she doesn't resort to such dirty tricks and her actions are within certain limits, Su Can won't care about Xu Yan's actions. It will not stop Xu Yan from doing this.

For Su Can,

Xu Yan is a whetstone for his son Su Zeming and his daughter-in-law Li Jianjia. If Xu Yan cannot be defeated, how can he inherit such a huge fortune? industry?

Struggle in business........

It was even more cruel than defeating Xu Yan.

Even the simplest cruelty is extremely easy to pass. How can Su Can rest assured and let them face those shopping malls that are like Shura battlefields?

Inside the mall.

Not a gentle one.

Stealing an official seal or climbing over a wall are trivial matters.

Somewhat ruthless.

It would be poisonous, and it would be a matter of life and death, if there was no ability to resist these possible threats.

Then, why not spend tens of millions of the family funds given by Su Can every month to live and drink, and spend hundreds of millions a year to be a playboy?

"Third brother, I understand."

Zhong Mingqiang nodded slightly and understood what Su Can meant.

It seems that the third brother is determined to let Xu Yan become the whetstone for Zeming and Jian Jia. This is also a test for the two of them.

Or is it? explain........

This is the ultimate test.

If Ze Ming and Jian Jia cannot defeat Xu Yan and successfully pass this test, then they may not have the chance to inherit the huge assets of their third brother.

As Su Can's closest confidant, even Zhong Mingqiang may not know how huge an industry Su Can owns.

How big is this industry? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Even though Zhong Mingqiang only knows the tip of the iceberg, he feels that it has reached a scale of nearly one trillion U.S. dollars, an industry of such a huge scale.

If the heir is not the top one, it is almost impossible to hold on to these properties.

"Is there anything else besides this?"

Su Can asked.

He knew that there must be other important things. If it was just this matter, based on Zhong Mingqiang's understanding of him, he would never take this matter and wait for him at the door of the villa. of....

Su Can was not surprised.......

"The third brother was very good at knowing things, and he guessed it right away. There was indeed one more thing, and it was very big."

Zhong Mingqiang's expression condensed and he said in a deep voice.

"What's up?"

Su Can asked.

Zhong Mingqiang's face was heavy and he said:"Third brother, Tesla has recently developed a new electric sports car and is preparing for a global test drive. You have been invited."

"And this test drive location is in Meilijian."


The location is Meilijian?

Su Can frowned slightly, which doesn't seem strange.

Because Tesla is Meilijian's company, although during the economic crisis in 2008, Su Can invested heavily in Tesla.

Today, Su Can's shareholding is as high as 60%.

In recent years, with Su Can's support, Tesla has also been successfully listed, with a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars.

Speaking of which, it is still a beautiful and strong company........

Now that they have developed a new model, it is normal for them to prepare for test driving.

"Have a problem with the invitation?"

Su Can said in a deep voice.

"Third brother, since you reminded us a few years ago that some important people should never go to Meilijian under normal circumstances, we have started to reduce our activities there on 1.9."

Zhong Mingqiang said sternly:"Especially last year, a top domestic scientist was controlled by them using some dirty methods after arriving in Meilijian."

"To this day, more than a year later, they are still unwilling to give up and let the scientist return to China without any evidence."

"We conducted a series of lurking and investigations on their side, and found out that some large companies in Meilijian were behind this matter."

"And the people they control and arrest, those people's industries may break the possibility of their technological leadership, so they do this."

"This time, there seemed to be no problem with Marcos' invitation, but we went through our people and found something wrong."

"There are several forces here, faintly emerging behind the scenes."

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