At this time, Vientiane Group.

As a landmark building in Xiangjiang, this is also a place where many tourists like to come, especially those working in the financial industry.

Vientiane Group is undoubtedly a holy place for them.....

Not to mention the countless people in Xiangjiang who are trying to get a job in the Wanxiang Group. Even the top talents in the world want to join the Wanxiang Group.

Thanks to the reputation of the film maker, the Wanxiang Group has never failed in the past thirty years, and its operations in the capital market have made countless people want to join.

This is a legend.

At this time, the building.

On the roof is a large helicopter parking bay.

Helicopters can be parked on the top floor of Vientiane Group, but they are rarely used here because the big boss Su Can hardly uses them.

As an agent, someone who stands on the table.

Xu Yan naturally doesn't know how to use it.

At this time, Xu Yan was standing on the top of the building, her eyes faintly looking from the top floor of Wanxiang Group to the various buildings not far away.

Some buildings are even taller than the Vientiane Group.

However, in terms of status........

The status of Vientiane Group is the highest

"It’s extremely cold at high places."

Xu Yan suddenly whispered:"Only when you stand at a really high place, you will understand that when you look down from this high place, you can overlook most of the Xiangjiang River and have a panoramic view."

"This feeling is like a king over the world, making people trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves830"

"How many people, after reaching such a status, would be able to give up easily?"

Xu Yan shook her head.

Others can't do it.

She, Xu Yan, can't do it either.

Therefore, after facing the possibility of being purged by the eldest son of the Su family and letting the Su family's daughter-in-law take over, Xu Yan did not choose to sit back and wait for death.

Oh no!

She did it to repay her kindness.

Yes, Xu Yan thought this way in her heart and brainwashed herself in this way. She did it for Zhang Man and Mr. Zhang's kindness.

If There was no Mr. Zhang.

How could she have such a status now!

It was Mr. Zhang!

She was doing it for Mr. Zhang, for the child Mr. Zhang gave birth to.

Why could Huang Manyu’s child become the person in charge of Wanxiang Group, and Zhang Not for children in general.

Xu Yan's face gradually became distorted.........


Xu Yan muttered.

During this period of time, Li Jianjia has been in Xiangjiang for such a long time without Su Zeming, but she was able to be so restrained by herself. She did not go out or do anything casual.

Even... she even had alone contact with the opposite sex. There is no possibility.

Xu Yan feels very disappointed.

If Li Jianjia is a person who cannot bear loneliness, even if she has not done anything to regret the Su family, as long as she is close to other men, then she can use some Technology can turn this into a montage effect.

Sometimes, the truth is also false, and the false is also true.

Xu Yan can't believe that the Su family can be so generous and let a man who may have an affair with another man Ran’s daughter-in-law became the head of Wanxiang Group in the future.

What level of group is Wanxiang Group?

This kind of group........

How could Li Jianjia have a chance if she was like this?

As long as Li Jianjia misses the opportunity, she can be given several years.

Because Xu Yan knew very well that Su Zeming was a typical arrogant person who never reconciled himself to his father Su Can, that terrible man.

Therefore, when today's capital has not reached a certain height, Su Zeming will never come to Wanxiang Group in person to take charge of Wanxiang Group.

Rather, he will come after he has achieved results within a certain period of time.

This gave her Xu Yan time. pity.

There is Li Jianjia here.

During this period, she tried to use some means to achieve the possibility of attacking Li Jianjia, but she was defeated one by one by Li Jianjia.

This time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Jianjia is also safe and sound.

As for the paparazzi in Hong Kong, no one dared to continue secretly filming Li Jianjia.

Even if Li Jianjia does happen to do what she expects in the future, will the paparazzi in Xiangjiang still dare to take secret photos?

Don't dare.......

As for her Xu Yan

(ccag) certainly wouldn’t dare to find someone to do this.

Because she knew that no matter how secretive these things were, once they were done, that person might not be able to discover them.

If he finds out.

He would be doomed as well.

She, Xu Yan, cannot bear these risks.

"It's not a fault of war."

Xu Yan whispered.

Qiongzhou, Yazhou.

In December, the city of Yanjing has already been covered with ice and snow, but in Yazhou, it is spring and flowers are blooming. It is like spring all year round. People on the streets are wearing shorts and short sleeves..At the beach, there are countless people swimming in the sea.

A secluded villa area by the sea.......

Su Can, who was wearing shorts and shorts, slowly pushed the old man and walked back from the beach.

Although the old man underwent the last operation, which was very successful and allowed him to recover a little, his age has already reached this point.

In two years' time, the old man will be over 100 years old.

Therefore, the old man can usually walk, but he can't walk far. It is almost impossible to go out for a walk and bask in the sun.

I could only hold a wheelchair and push the old man out.

Su Can pushed like this.

At his current age, he dislikes Yanjing City or the winter in the north even more.

Even though, over the years, Su Can has invested hundreds of billions in cooperation with the government to control desertification, making the desertification prevention work in the north much better than in the previous life.


Winter in the north is still too cold.

Like now.

The city of Yanjing is covered in ice and snow, and it is very painful to go out. But in Yazhou, it is no problem to wear shorts and swim in the sea.

The weather is very refreshing.

Therefore, some time ago, Su Can came directly to Yazhou.

Once back in front of the villa........

Su Can saw Zhong Mingqiang standing in front of the door of the villa and had been waiting for a long time, because there were some fallen leaves beside him, and they all fell on his feet.

Su Can didn't directly ask what happened, but pushed the old man and continued walking inside.

"Put me down!"

The old man suddenly turned around, looked at Su Can, and said


Su Can stopped.

The old man said with a kind face:"Ming Qiang has been waiting for you here for a long time. There must be something important. You don't need to worry about me, old man. Go and see what the matter is."

"As an old man, I don’t have anything important to do. If you just scream, your uncle and aunt will come out of the house."

The old man is very open-minded.

Moreover, he has been in that position for so many years.

The old man has a pair of piercing eyes. He can't see the priorities of things!

Zhong Mingqiang does this........

He must be looking for his grandson because he really has something important to do.

He didn't want to delay his grandson's affairs..

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