After a while, Tang Xuan came back to her senses.

"Then it becomes clear!"

Tang Xuan took a deep breath. Through the phone, Su Zeming could detect how much Tang Xuan's emotions fluctuated after hearing these words.

"Did she really say that?"


That she is of course Li Jianjia.

Tang Xuan still did not tell her about her.

She has seen her before. She is an excellent woman, and she is not inferior to her in appearance or figure. She is even a slightly better person.

In the past year, Tang Xuan has often seen her in financial reports. As a young person, she is in charge of such a giant.....

Her popularity is comparable to that of popular female stars

"Um! Su

Zeming nodded and said,"Jian Jia told me that, so I want to hear what you think?" Want to come back?"

"After all, this is the place where you have lived for the second longest time. Apart from your hometown where you grew up, you have lived in Yanjing City for several years."

"Now you will never enter Yanjing City. This is actually unfair to you."

Su Zeming said to the end, his tone became softer and softer.

In order to avoid meeting Li Jianjia, Tang Xuan did not come to Yanjing City once in the past two years, even if it was for the business in the company, how important it was.

She did not It will come.

If it weren't for the existence of Su Zeming behind her, maybe some people would have objections.

It's just that........

Even so, many people secretly still feel that she looks down on others, but no one dares to say it because of the strong power behind her.

A person with a high status in the entertainment industry said this and was immediately beaten. The movie they had invested hundreds of millions in was about to be released and was immediately suspended.

Later, I learned that it was because he said bad things about Tang Xuan that led to this result. so.

There are indeed many people in the entire circle now who are full of criticism, but no one dares to say such a thing anymore.

Tang Xuan has a strong background and is recognized in the entertainment industry. and.

It is well known to everyone that Li Ming from Tianxia Film and Television has a particularly good relationship with Tang Xuan. Tianxia Film and Television is the largest entertainment giant in the mainland.

Today, the market value is as high as 100 billion.

Such a giant.

Who dares to provoke it?

"Let me think about it!"

Tang Xuan paused for a moment, unable to react in her mind.

Su Zeming heard this and did not speak, quietly giving Tang Xuan time.

At this time........

Tang Xuan, who was far away in Chengdu, slumped down on the sofa. She fell into a daze, her eyes seemed blank and became lifeless.

The emotions in my heart are extremely complicated. this?


Tang Xuan secretly smiled bitterly in her heart

"Bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on her lounge door.


The door opened, and a girl with a round face walked in.

This girl is Tang Yuan, and she is also Tang Xuan's cousin. When she was pregnant with Su Zeming's child, she fled China and went to Meilijian, she took Tang Yuan with her.

It is also Tang Xuan, the person whom I trust the most.


Tang Xuan was taken back by Su Zeming, and she also got so many resources from the Su family and became a big shot in the entertainment industry. Naturally, she took Tangyuan with her.

Today, Tang Yuan holds the identity of the company's vice president and Li Jianjia's assistant.

As soon as she came in, she saw her sister Tang Xuan who was on the phone. She whispered:"Sister, everything is ready outside and waiting for you."

At the same time!

She was a little confused.

Because she knew that her cousin came in to call for a few minutes, but now it has timed out. Who is she calling? this?

You know, in this position, many things are very tight in time. If there is a delay on one side, it will also affect the other side.

"You go out first and let them all wait."

Tang Xuan heard Tang Yuan's words and immediately said in a deep voice.


Tang Xuan was heartbroken when she heard her cousin's tone, because she knew that if it wasn't something big, she would definitely not have such a tone.

What is it (ccbf)? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tang Xuan was curious, but she didn't dare to ask.

Instead, he turned slightly and walked out of the door.

"Then it becomes clear! Tang

Xuan also came to her senses at this time. She said to Su Zeming on the other end of the phone,"I'm sorry Zeming, I can't go back.""


Su Zeming was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Tang Xuan would make such a choice.

"Now I finally know that I don't love you as much as she does, and I can do anything for you." Tang Xuan's voice had a hint of crying.

She lost.


She knew before that she would never be able to appear on the stage, but she boasted that she loved Su Zeming even more than Li Jianjia.

But At this moment, she knew that she had failed........

"She can do this for you. I, Tang Xuan, also have my own pride and will not return to Yanjing City when she is not in Yanjing City."

Although Tang Xuan's tone was tearful, her tone became more firm as she spoke. She continued:"If I go back, I will wait until she returns to Yanjing City and meet her in person before doing this. Intend"

"What, you two meeting?"

Su Zeming's heart skipped a beat.


Two people and women met.

He suddenly felt his head grow bigger.

Isn't this going to start a fight?

If it happens, I'm afraid he doesn't even know what he should do. Yes, this is also a very difficult thing for him.

The problem is too big.


"Are you worried that we will fight then?"

Tang Xuan guessed Su Zeming's thoughts and couldn't help but burst into laughter. How could her man be so cute?


Of course Su Zeming refused to admit it.

Tang Xuan smiled slightly and said,"Don't worry! There won't be a fight. We will have a good chat when the time comes. Even if there is a fight, I won't fight back no matter how she hits me."

Su Zeming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It would be better not to see it!


Su Zeming also knew that both of his women were very independent people. Once they decided something, even they might not be able to change it easily.

Just like Tang Xuan.

As soon as he said leave, he left, and even ran to Meilijian, planning to hide from him for the rest of his life and never come back.

This kind of stubborn temper is not ordinary!

Su Zeming was also helpless.

There is no way.

Until now........

Su Zeming also felt a little bit about his father's difficulties. Really, having too many women may not be a good thing!

I have a headache, it really feels like my head is going to explode.

What a headache..

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