"got used to!"

Su Zeming said with some indifference.

He is used to it....

Such an understatement made Li Jianjia feel even more distressed.

Su Zeming smiled slightly and said:"Actually, this is good. In this world, countless people want to get help from others, so as to reach a higher position and have more wealth."

"Some people are willing to sacrifice everything in order to obtain these. Some sacrifice kindness, some sacrifice appearance, and some sacrifice their lives for it."

"And I had it all as soon as I was born"

"It can be said that I was born in this world, and the end of the road that countless people cannot reach in their lifetime. If I have bad thoughts because of this,"

"Then, I am too pretentious."

His birth point.

Not only the seven points that countless people have not been able to reach in their lives!

That can be said!

There are probably not even a thousand people in the world who can reach his birth point.

This is very horrible........

When Li Jianjia heard this, she felt slightly better.

"Zeming, don’t worry!"

Li Jianjia gritted her teeth and said:"We work hard together. Maybe in this life, we will not be able to reach one-tenth of Dad, but at least we have tried hard."

"Um! Su

Zeming smiled slightly and said:"I also understand this truth, so when mom and dad asked you to become the person in charge of the Wanxiang Group in the mainland, I did not refuse.""

"I know that those things will not be transferred by my will. Of course, if I mess up, some changes may occur."

"But, I can't do it."

How many people does Wanxiang Group have? More than a dozen listed companies.

Moreover, it also has a mining company ranked among the top four in the world.

It has countless employees.

It can be said that there are more than two million people in the world, relying on If the Wanxiang Group comes to eat, if Su Zeming deliberately behaves like a dandy, then!

This will affect more than two million families.

This kind of thing will go to hell!.......

How dare he, Su Zeming, do this!


Su Zeming then said in a serious tone:"Next, you may have a harder time, and you will have to face a grindstone like Xu Yan."

"Although she is not as good as Aunt Zhang, the previous person in charge of Vientiane Group, in fact, her strength cannot be underestimated. If we underestimate her because of this, we will be defeated."

Just think about it.

Although Zhang Man pushed Xu Yan forward, but!

Without the nod of their father Su Can, then this Xu Yan would be Zhang Man's confidant no matter how much he earned Zhang Man's trust.

However, there is no way to succeed and become the person in charge of Wanxiang Group.


This is a person recognized by his father Su Can.

Are there any people recognized by his father Su Can who are different?


Even though Uncle Tiger betrayed his father back then, the business that Uncle Tiger did was almost a monopoly in some aspects in the entire Northeast region.

Therefore, among the princes under his father's control, someone might become bad, but without that person's ability, his skills would be poor.

Su Zeming knew this very well. He knew his father's terror all too well.

"Do not worry! I don't take her lightly."

Li Jianjia said in a deep voice.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"Not only Xu Yan, but also all the senior executives in Wanxiang Group are like this. Why do Wanxiang Group only have these five vice presidents after so many years?"

"You know, Wanxiang Group has been established for more than thirty years. Over the years, there have been so many amazing people in the middle management."

"However, there are only a few of them"

"So, this is enough to prove how terrible people they are"

"Maybe, they pretend to be mediocre in normal times, but privately, they are definitely a terrifying person. Such a person will be fine if they don't take action."

"That is definitely a must-kill!"

Who knows?

His woman, Li Jianjia, may have taken that Mu Tiansheng a little lightly.

However, Su Zeming did not do that.

He knew better than Li Jianjia how rare it was to be the senior vice president of Wanxiang Group. , it is so difficult to go up, not when you are old.

You can rely on your old age to go up.


It is the capable who come first.

The reason why Su Zeming said this to Li Jianjia was because the Su family behind her, his own woman Li Jianjia, was quickly pushed up by his mother Huang Manyu.

The purpose is to let her take charge of Wanxiang Group this morning.

This approach is not bad. Su Zeming is very clear about the ability of his wife Li Jianjia. She is a woman who is not weaker than him and has amazing talents.

However, such a quick promotion will make Li Jianjia feel in his heart that the senior management of Wanxiang Group is not that difficult to be promoted.

Therefore, the abilities of those vice presidents were ignored.

Just imagine,

Xu Yan has been a member of the Wanxiang Group for several years, and these vice presidents are still as stable as a mountain, motionless, without that person, leaving the Wanxiang Group.

You can imagine how terrifying they are. any company.

No matter how big or small, when the new person in charge comes up, in order to get the power of the company, he will definitely clear out some people.

Then, replace them with your own people.

None of these senior vice presidents of Wanxiang Group has left after several years.

This strength........



After hearing her man's words, Li Jianjia gasped in shock. Her eyes widened and she felt a sense of fear in her heart.

"Then it becomes clear!"

Li Jianjia said in horror:"I was almost careless. If you didn't remind me of this, maybe I really underestimated those senior vice presidents."

"Especially that Mu Tiansheng!

She smiled bitterly and said:"In the past few days, Mu Tiansheng's attitude towards me has been almost extremely humble. I thought he was a bit unworthy of his name.""

"But when you said this, I felt a shiver all over my body."

"This person is deliberately paralyzing me!"

She suddenly realized something, as if she had suddenly woken up. She was completely reminded by Su Zeming's words.

Sure enough,........

None of these people are simple.

How can he be a simple person if he can serve in such a giant group for such a long time? suddenly!

Li Jianjia thought of something, and she suddenly said in shock:"Ze Ming, do you think it's possible that Mu Tiansheng, or several other senior vice presidents, are people from Dad's intelligence system? A hidden chess piece buried inside the Wanxiang Group."

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