
Zhang Man paused.

Isn't that training opponents?

"Do you think this is training opponents?"

Su Can smiled slightly.

Zhang Man nodded.

Su Can shook his head and said:"This is called using other people's money to open the market and cultivate the market."


Hearing these words, Zhang Man took a breath and looked at Su Can in shock.

His man.

This is too courageous!

Is it possible ?.....

Isn't he afraid of cultivating a terrible enemy?

Su Can looked at the shocked Zhang Man, and then said:"Don't worry, will this create an enemy? Tick-tock Express is already ahead of the curve. It will take several years for others to get ahead of Tick-Tock Express." Only through hard work can Tick Tock Express achieve its current influence."

"What's more, when it comes to capital, no one can compare with us!"

With these words, Su Can was full of domineering, exuding the feeling that I am second, and no one dares to say that I am first.

That's right!

If capital can be accumulated, their capital will be like younger brothers compared to Su Can.

Worse. Far too far.

Is there any capital in this world that is stronger than Su Can's?


Zhang Man suddenly realized this and said,"I had forgotten this. Brother Can, your move is really amazing." Wow, that’s awesome. In doing so, it not only cultivated the entire market"


She paused and said,"It also reduced the cost of Tick Tak Express by more than half.""

If this market needs to be cultivated with subsidies then.


All online ride-hailing companies that have entered the online ride-hailing industry must join. If they do not join, within a few months, all these established companies will collapse.

As for the opponent they deliberately cultivated, they used capital in a short period of time to accumulate such a company.

They have to join in too. otherwise.

All the money they invested in the early stage will be lost. this market.

It's very cruel, because if you want others to take over or attract more capital to settle in, your company must have a certain market share.


There is no market, and you are still a start-up company. Even if the last round of valuation was hundreds of millions of dollars, so what? That's just hot chicken.

No one will take over.

In the end, it can only be sold at a low price.

I'm afraid it would be difficult to sell it with a valuation of several hundred million and a market value of one-tenth of the price. so........

This will force them to keep investing money to play in this industry with Tick Tock Express. As soon as they disconnect, they will be completely finished.

It can be said that the beginning is decided by Tick-Tock Express, and the end is also decided by Tick-Tock Express.

As long as they greedily take a fancy to this industry and step into it, they will be in a world where they can't help themselves.

What a vicious plot!

Think of this.

Zhang Man couldn't help but shuddered. fortunately.

This is his own man.

Zhang Man didn't even dare to think about being her enemy, because she knew that if she faced her man, she would definitely lose miserably in business.

Many people think that Wanxiang Group can achieve today only by relying on itself.


How could they know?

It’s not you who you rely on, but the man in front of you, who is your man!

"Brother Can, what kind of publicity are you talking about?"

Zhang Man asked curiously.


Tick ​​Tak Express is not weak in publicity. It has already invested hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising on the Internet, and it has only been more than a year.

More than one billion US dollars.

This is definitely a sky-high promotion fee

"Now, Tick Tak Express still uses traditional promotion methods. Although it is promoted on the Internet, it still favors tradition. Su

Can narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice:"This time, Tick-Tock Express will break the original traditional model and adopt a more novel approach.""

"How to do it?"

Zhang Man asked.

Su Can smiled and said:"It's very simple. Buy a brokerage company, sign contracts with those social celebrities who are popular online, and let them continue to promote the convenience of online car-hailing in their daily lives. , using online car-hailing for travel is a very technological thing and a very cool thing."

Su Can briefly told Zhang Man a few examples, which are all very simple.

For example, when a person wakes up in the morning, they turn on their mobile phone, press the time to reserve an online car-hailing service, and then slowly go to wash up and wait. After that, when I went downstairs, the online car-hailing service was at the door.

And there were a lot of advertisements like this.

This kind of........

In fact, the cost is not big.

However, it is widely spread among young people, and

Su Can knows it.

Any technology begins to be popularized by young people, and the same is true for all software.

After Zhang Man heard the examples Su Can mentioned, his beautiful big eyes opened wider and wider, and his joy became more and more intense.

These plans are simply amazing.

"Brother Chan!"

After listening, Zhang Man said excitedly:"After hearing what you said, I couldn't help but want to go back immediately and start doing what you said."

"According to this, within three years, these companies will probably be successfully listed and achieve very good results."

"If I can't reach it, I really have to raise my head to see you."

With the support of so many resources.

In addition ,........

My man’s amazing ideas.

If this can't be done.

It's better to buy a piece of tofu, hit your head on it, and die.

Think of this.

Zhang Man can't sit still.

"Not in a hurry!"

Su Can shook his head slightly. Looking at the excited Zhang Man, Su Can was not surprised.

At this time, even a business tycoon would be unable to sit still. Even if Zhang Man has reached his current status, that is still the case. I can't sit still at all.

You know, this can create three behemoths with a market value of more than 50 billion US dollars each in the next three to five years! How many people in this world can sit still! Only Su Can.........

Not to mention a market value of 50 billion US dollars, even a market value of 100 billion US dollars is just a small goal for Su Can.


Zhang Man smiled awkwardly at Su Can. She was indeed a little anxious just now and couldn't wait to run back.

She smiled and said,"I'm sorry, Brother Can, I'm a little anxious."


Su Can waved his hand, indicating that Zhang Man didn't need to apologize. He smiled and said,"This time, I'm not here just to talk to you about Tick Tock Express."

"ah! Zhang

Man was a little surprised and asked,"Brother Can, is there anything more important than this?""

What's going on?

This is a matter with a market value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, or even two to three hundred billion U.S. dollars.

Is there anything worse than this?

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