At this time, Su Can, Zhang Qiang and Zhong Mingqiang all returned to the hotel owned by Dongfeng Logistics.

In the suite.

Su Can was leaning on the sofa behind him, and in front of him was Zhong Mingqiang, vividly talking about everything that happened in the hall after they left.

If this is the case.

Will definitely be shocked. because.....

What Zhong Mingqiang said was almost accurate.

He even knew how complacent Father Wei and Mother Wei were after Yu Lai and Wei Wei left, and he told them one by one.

"This couple from the Wei family are really villains!"

After Zhang Qiang heard this, he couldn't help but sarcastically said

"Too snobbish."

Zhang Suo couldn't help but speak.

Although he was a famous young man outside and the object of countless compliments, in this suite, he was just a junior. He was not qualified to speak at all.

However, he heard Wei's father Wei He couldn't help but speak up after his mother's wonderful process.

Su Can nodded slightly but did not speak.


This kind of thing is not uncommon. Su Can has seen many people in his previous life. In order to get high-priced gifts, The daughter's love relationship was broken up and then she was married to someone who paid a high bride price.

This kind of thing happens everywhere........

Of course, this does not mean that no betrothal gift will be given, but that ordinary people are asked to spend four to five million as a betrothal gift, and also buy various kinds of gold, wedding banquets, wedding rooms, and cars.

This adds up to almost one million.

Not many can afford it.

Some women listened to their mothers, broke up with their boyfriends, and married Gao Caili, but in private they kept in touch with their ex-boyfriends.

Even if you have a child with your ex-boyfriend, let the person who paid the high bride price raise the child. have to say.

This kind of thing was often seen on the Internet in Su Can's previous life.

And what happened between the Wei family and Yu Lai was even more ridiculous.

Yu Lai is not poor either. He has a net worth of over 100 million. Still looking down on him, the Wei family couple still want to use their daughter to reach a higher position.

This is even more ridiculous.......

"Third brother, what are you going to do these days? Why are you helping him so much?"Zhang Qiang looked at the silent Su Can with curiosity. Finally he couldn't hold it anymore and asked.

Zhang Suo also pricked up his ears and looked at Su Can.

He was also curious.

He felt that Su Can It's not easy for my uncle to be nice to that Yu Lai! What is this person's background?

Su Can looked at Zhang Qiang and smiled:"Finally I couldn't help but ask?"

"Third brother me!"

Hearing this, Zhang Qiang was startled, thinking that Su Can was angry, so he quickly explained.

Su Can waved his hand, interrupted Zhang Qiang, and said,"Don't worry, this is not something shameful. It's not something that can't be said." call........

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mingqiang, tell me!"

Su Can smiled slightly and looked at Zhong Mingqiang.

"It's the third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

Zhang Qiang and his son looked at Zhong Mingqiang. This one was Su Can's big housekeeper. They knew that Zhong Mingqiang must know more than them.

If we say that

Zhang Qiang is Su Can's confidant, then This Zhong Mingqiang is Su Can's confidant.

Zhong Mingqiang said slowly:"Zhang Qiang, do you still remember a person named Yu Wei?"

"Remaining seats?"

When Zhang Qiang heard this, he frowned slightly and rolled his eyes. Then he thought for a moment, shook his head and said,"This name is a bit familiar, but I can't remember it."

He really wasn't lying.

Zhang Qiang really felt that he had heard this name somewhere. Where is this?

It seems he can't remember it.

"It's been almost twenty years and you don't remember it, that's normal."Zhong Mingqiang nodded deeply and said with a slight smile.

Su Can also nodded........

But in the past year, when Yu Wei was working around them, Zhang Qiang and the others still knew Yu Wei, but as their business grew bigger and bigger, they and Su Can were rarely together.

Later, all the first batch of security guards under Su Can retired and went to do other things.

They are rarely seen. not to mention.

Later, these others were sent by Su Can to investigate the jade mine in Burma, and they were killed there. Su Can did not make a big deal about this matter.

Zhang Qiang and the others naturally didn't know.

And these remaining people have been dead for almost twenty years.

This name.

It didn't appear in Zhang Qiang's ears anymore. It was normal that Zhang Qiang didn't remember it. It wasn't anything strange.

Su Can wasn't surprised or angry either.........

"Twenty years?"

Zhang Qiang was even more confused.

Zhong Mingqiang nodded and said,"Yes, Yu Wei is one of the first batch of security guards who followed the third brother."

"ah! I remember now!"

Hearing this, Zhang Qiang suddenly slapped his thigh and exclaimed:"That said, I really have an impression. When I was still in Yanjing City, I often went to report to my third brother."

"As for the security guards under Third Brother, everyone is familiar with them from time to time. Aren't these guys one of them?

He said excitedly:"Is this Yu Lai Yu Wei's son?""


Zhong Mingqiang nodded.

Zhang Qiang said with a smile:"It seems that Mingqiang is right. I am really Yu Lai's uncle. I call him my nephew. That is not false."

"However, Ming Qiang, I haven’t seen these others in twenty years. I can still see many of the security guards who worked around Third Brother from time to time."

"However, we haven’t seen this person for so many years and there is no news?"

Having said this, Zhang Qiang began to wonder.

This person........

Why has there been no news all of a sudden? And it’s been twenty years.

To know.

Many of the security guards who followed Third Brother at the beginning have now started their own businesses. Many of them, large and small, have built quite a lot of industries.

Some of them, Zhang Qiang even drank with them.

Although there are quite a few, I see them a few times a year.

However, it is normal to see someone having a drink.

On the other hand, he had never seen Yu Wei before, as if he had disappeared from the world and evaporated!

"Remaining seats!"

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he looked at Su Can. Su Can nodded slightly. He turned to look at Zhang Qiang with a dark look in his eyes. Zhang Qiang seemed to have guessed something.

Zhong Mingqiang said in a slow and deep voice:"More than ten years ago, , the rest of them went to Burma to give the third brother some work, but they suffered an accident and died there."



Although Zhang Qiang was prepared in his heart, he was still shocked.

No matter how low-key a person is, there has been no news about him in the past twenty years. The probability that this person is still alive is very low.

Because this is the person who works with the third brother, and he is definitely not the kind of person who will be impoverished after retirement.

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