Wei Wei didn't know why her parents' current attitude changed.

Not because.....

Zhang Qiang appeared just now. hehe!

Wei Wei felt a little bitter in her heart. She looked at Yu Lai with a look of apology in her eyes. this moment.

In her heart, she felt that she was not worthy of Yu Lai.

It's not that she is bad.

It's not that her family background is bad.

Even if her family background is very ordinary, even if she comes from a mountain village, as long as her parents are not as mean as they were to Yu Lai just now, no matter how outstanding Yu Lai becomes.

She felt worthy of it.


The behavior of her parents just now, and the face they had now, made Wei Wei feel in her heart that she was really not worthy of Yu Lai. she doesn't deserve it.......


The big bosses were shocked and dumbfounded.

"Boss Wei, are you kidding me?"

"yes! Will I come here with you for dinner? Is he your daughter's boyfriend?"


"Boss Wei, could it be your daughter here? That’s what you said! This is a young and talented person! Everyone is optimistic about the son-in-law candidate"

"yes! Boss Wei, you don’t even draft a lie!"


"Boss Wei, even if you have this intention, you can't talk nonsense!"

"That’s it, that’s it! Is this Boss Wei trying to trick us into giving up? impossible"

"Does Boss Wei have any evidence?"

"Yes, just talking without evidence, let us give up, this is impossible"

"Boss Wei!"

"What do you think?"

"If you have evidence, bring it out."

The other bosses spoke one after another, not believing what Father Wei said.

Just kidding........

How is this possible!

Father Wei smiled slightly and said:"We are all respectable people, how can we joke! I said yes, that's right."

"Could you please provide evidence?"

Boss Hong from Xinghang said.

Mother Wei looked at Yu Lai with a smile on her face, thought for a moment, and finally looked at her daughter. She felt that she was still a little uncomfortable with surrendering to Yu Lai all of a sudden.

It’s better to find your own daughter!

"Weiwei, tell these uncles what is your relationship with Yu Lai?"

Wei's mother said confidently.

She knew.

As long as her daughter speaks out and Yu Lai nods in agreement, then this will be the son-in-law of their Wei family.

Use your daughter to do this.

This is the kingly way.

And, There’s no need to follow Yu Lai and give in.

This plan is really perfect.........

Wei's mother was scheming in her heart, and she was very proud of herself. How could young people understand such old Jianghu schemes?

The more she thought about this, the happier she became.

When Wei Wei heard this, she was completely dumbfounded. She looked at her mother stubbornly, her eyes full of disappointment.


Wei Mu urged.

"Weiwei, tell everyone!"

Father Wei also urged.

Everyone else looked at Wei Wei, and Yu Lai also looked over.

All he saw was that Wei Wei's big eyes were slightly red, and big tears were falling from her eyes. Come on, she gritted her teeth and looked at Yu Lai.

I am not good enough for Yu Lai.

Ever since her parents were so snobbish, Wei Wei felt that she was not good enough for Yu Lai.

In her heart, she felt very painful.


When she gritted her teeth, she even bit her lip, and then she said slowly:"I have nothing to do with Yu Lai."


When Father Wei heard this, he was shocked all over. His eyes widened and he looked at his daughter with a look of disbelief on his face. He was so angry that he almost burst into anger.

He was dumbfounded.


The daughter actually said this!

She and Yu Does it matter if you come?

"Wei Wei, what are you kidding about? Your parents have agreed that you and Yu Lai are together, so what are you kidding about?"Mother Wei cursed angrily.

She understands her daughter best.

Her daughter is following them in her own way to express resistance and express her own thoughts.


At this time, this kind of expression, that is, the emotional behavior of a child, is not worth it at all, and this kind of approach is really too immature.


Yu Lai was a hot cake, but she didn't know what Yu Lai was thinking.

However, the possibility of changing your mind is very high.

Especially since the couple had hit Yu Lai so hard just now, and now Yu Lai turned around and started singing, it would be if he had the intention of revenge.

Will deny this relationship.

Therefore, the couple's biggest hope is their daughter.

As long as her daughter speaks and shows a weak look, she will definitely not give up in the future.

Now this daughter does it.

So, if I want to give up in the future, the pressure in my heart will be gone, and the little restraint will be freed at once! what is she doing?

Mother Wei was angry........

If it hadn't been in public, she would have slapped her daughter in anger.

"Mr. Wei, Mrs. Wei, your daughter has admitted that she has nothing to do with Yu Lai. Are you trying to bring the two of them together on purpose?"

"yes! At this time, what else do you have to say?"

"I have nothing to say!"

"Yu Lai has nothing to do with your Wei family at all."

"That’s it!"

"Boss Wei, this is a great move! It's a pity that you didn't ventilate your daughter earlier, otherwise, it really could have been successful."

"yes! I have to say, Boss Wei is very good at it."

"Of course, no one knows how Mr. Wei started his business."

"That's right!"

"I am convinced by Boss Wei's methods."

"Don't say you are convinced, leave it to us, who wouldn't be convinced!"

"I’m convinced!"


Those bosses, seeing Wei Wei's denial, were extremely happy in their hearts. As long as Wei Wei and Yu Lai really have no relationship at all.


It's okay to even have a slight relationship, but now that Wei Wei says this, it means it doesn't matter.

In this case.

Doesn't that mean that their opportunity has come?

Thought of this.

How could they not be happy?

As long as this doesn't matter, they still have a chance. then.

These people began to ridicule one by one. Wei's father and Wei's mother came. They are all old foxes and have the same status. So many people are united together.

Not afraid of offending the Wei family.

After all, there are so many people, not to mention the Wei family, even a family with a market value of tens of billions would not dare to offend so many people here at once!

With so many people united, this is no small force.

This kind of disregard.......

I am afraid that only Mr. Zhang Qiang of Dongfeng Logistics could dare to ignore so many big bosses!

Wei family?

Not qualified yet.

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